This is Us!
July 18, 2019
Oregon Garden Resort, Silverton, OR
Registration is now open for the 2019 Summer Conference: This is Us!
We are cast in a multitude of roles each and every day of our lives, and these roles help to shape who we really are. Recognizing and respecting these roles in ourselves and our fellow AAWCC members helps us to build strength and thrive - together.
This year's conference agenda is bold, forward, and packed with meaningful speakers. We will learn about microaggressions, LBGTQ and Trans student rights and issues, and connectivity and the service mindset. You are guaranteed to walk away with a new sense of strength and empowerment!
Early bird conference registration is $130. Make your reservations at the Oregon Garden Resort by June 17 for the discounted rate of $94 per night.
President's Message
Lynn Irvin, AAWCC Oregon President |
The word for 2019 and my message to you is change. Spring gives us a change in season, a change in the weather, a time change and a change in the amount of daylight hours every day. Perhaps 2019 also means a change for you in your career. Are you beginning a journey to a new degree or perhaps finishing one? Are you planning a move this year, in your career or your college?
At AAWCC Oregon, we are skilled to help with changes. There are several opportunities for growth and professional development in 2019 that honestly will change your life. I encourage you to attend and to network and seek out women who can help you with changes in your life, both personal and professional. The Oregon Institute for Leadership Development (OILD) is coming up June 24-27 at Silver Falls Conference Center. This award-winning institute includes sessions about leadership, team building, communication styles, and organizational change. Each college has a process for selecting participants. Check with your president's office or local chapter for details.
The AAWCC Oregon Summer Conference is scheduled on Thursday, July 18 and is changing venues this year. It will be held at the Oregon Garden. The theme is
This is us! We have three dynamite keynotes on the agenda as well as some fun activities. Please attend the one-day conference and re-charge your batteries. Registration opens in mid-April.
Our final activity for the year is the state-wide Fall Conference, November 21 and 22 at the Tigard Embassy Suites. The theme is
Inspire, Champion and Celebrate, which is a nod to our mission statement. We already have keynote speakers and activities lined up! I challenge all of you to propose and present a workshop. This is another life-changing opportunity. I guarantee that your self-confidence will soar!
In the meantime, please let us know what is going on at your college. Oregon board members would love to be invited to your chapter activities and look forward to hearing from you. Recently I attended a painting party that Portland Community College hosted. Everyone was so welcoming and fun. I actually took my painting home, framed it and hung it up in the house. That's definitely a change from my previous painting attempts! Here's to 2019! A year for change!
Oregon Board Members Elected to National Board
Oregon board members Cherie Maas-Anderson and Lynn Irvin were recenty elected to the AAWCC National Board. Cherie will serve as Vice President for Membership, and Lynn as Region 8 Director. Region 8 serves California, Nevada, Arizona, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. Each of the positions serve a three-year term, commencing July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022.
Serving on the AAWCC Board is one of the best professional development opportunities one can imagine. Board members are expected to serve fully in their roles, actively participate in the Association, and champion the needs and interest of women learning and working in community colleges.
Congratulations, Cherie and Lynn!
Campus Connections
Rogue Community College
By Angel Woods
The A
AWCC Rogue Community College Chapter invites all AAWCC m
embers to our Annual Winter Retreat held December 20, 2019 in G
rants Pass, Oregon. This year we will offer a fun-filled day of networking and professional development around the theme "Feeding Your Spirit."
Our main speaker will be Bobbi Kidder, MA, RDT/BCT. She has served on the Executive Committee of the National Association for Drama Therapy and currently serves on the board of the Drama Therapy Fund. She was previously the head of the theater, speech, and communications department at Rogue Community College for many years. She served as
Executive Director of Southern Oregon Impact Theatre.
She has co-led a trip to India, developed "on the road" program for student field experiences, and has worked with drama therapy students to develop several original "devised" scripts, most notably the Decades performance that was originally produced in 2015. Bobbi is a licensed drama therapist and all around phenomenal person.
Last fall, we added $1,010 to our endowed student scholarship, program support, and professional growth funds by selling clothing and accessories that were donated by members of our community. We will be holding our next sale in April. Later this spring, we will sell flowers and water at the GED graduation and college commencement ceremonies in June.
Chemeketa Community College
By Lynn Irvin
Chemeketa's AAWCC chapter has a busy spring planned. We will have elections for board members and several events, including selecting our chapter AAWCC student scholarship recipients and the OILD attendees. We are collaboratin
g with Chemeketa's Student Retention and College Life to collect and distribute feminine hygiene products at the college. This issue was brought to our attention at the AAWCC Oregon Fall Conference by keynote speaker, Nadya Okamoto, founder of PERIOD, who made us aware that there are large numbers of women who cannot afford to purchase thes
e products. The name of the drive is Equity, Period. Here is a link to a short video if you are interested in learning more.
. It feels wonderful to be involved in something for the greater good of women.
Our clothing drive is in full swing right now with the sale in the
student center in April. All items are just $1. We are also planning a tea party honoring our retiring president, Julie Huckestein on May 14. And just for fun, an after work spring fling social and wine swap is planned on April 19.
Vivi Caleffi Prichard
Chemeketa is very proud to announce that Vivi Caleffi Prichard won an Under 40 Award, Class of 2019 from the national AAWCC organization.
Each year AAWCC
recognizes women rising stars who are making a difference for the college and
munity that they serve. This is an annual recognition of the youngest community college women who are movers and shakers on their college campuses.
Vivi is the Diversity and Equity Officer at Chemeketa. She champions, promotes and implements the equ
ity and diversity strategic direction set for the college and reaffirms and fosters a community and campus climate that values and actively supports equity and diversity. Congratulations Vivi!
Carolyn DesJardins Leadership Award
Dr. Stacey Donohue was awarded the 2018 Carolyn DesJardins Leadership Award at the AAWCC-Oregon Fall Conference in November. This award is given annually to someone who has demonstrated outstanding leadership and made a significant contribution to community colleges.
Stacey Donohue has been a leader and an advocate for women at Central Oregon Community College (COCC) since 1995. Having earned the rank of full professor, she is one of
Stacey Donohue
the COCC faculty members who continues to contribute broadly to the college on committees, as chair of two departments-Humanities, Fine Arts and Communication-as an interim Instructional Dean, and as an active member of and leader in her professional organization, the Modern Language Association. With each new woman hired in her department-and with many women outside her department-she identifies opportunities and introduces her to people to facilitate more opportunities for participation and leadership. Stacey is supportive of all her colleagues, but her guidance of the women on campus seems driven by her understanding of the general underrepresentation of women in community college leadership.
Stacey has been a positive force for COCC for many years, but it is her work as champion of individual faculty-especially women faculty members-which makes her a deserving recipient of the Carolyn DesJardin Leadership Award.
2018 Excellence Award Winners
The AAWCC-Oregon Community College Excellence Award celebrates individuals whose accomplishments have made a difference for women at their community college. Recipients are chosen by local AAWCC chapters and receive their award at the Fall Conference. Seven awards were presented at the conference last fall.
Recipients were:
- Stacey Donohue, Central Oregon Community College
- Peggy Greene, Chemeketa Community College
- Tiana Marrone-Creech, Lane Community College
- Amanda Stanley, Linn-Benton Community College
- Eran Smith and Janine Shockley, Mt. Hood Community College
- Shirley Hill, Oregon Coast Community College
- Amber Fultz, Portland Community College
- Amy Alday-Murray, Tillamook Bay Community College
- Tina Woodworth, Southwestern Oregon Community College
- Brenna Hobbs, Umpqua Community College
The Board awards a certificate to honor the
. Nominees need not be members of AAWCC. Nominations for the 2019 AAWCC Excellence Award will be sought in October prior to the Fall Conference.
AAWCC-Oregon Board of Directors
President - Lynn Irvin
President-Elect - Deb Nicholls
Past President - Julie Kopet
VP Finance - Cherie Maas-Anderson
VP Membership and Social Media - Kristina Holton
VP Fall Conference - Donna Lewelling
VP Summer Conference - Teri Olsen
VP Registrar - Heather White
VP Records - Lisa Fletcher-Gordon
VP OILD - Sydney Frost
VP Communications - Donna Zmolek
VP Web Development - Lydia Rediske
VP Special Projects - Lynn Nakamura
Members at Large - Adrienne Ochs, Lauren Smith
President Emerita - Karin Magnuson
Ex-Officio Members -
Mary Spilde, Julie
Huckestein, Jan Woodcock
AAWCC-Oregon Board of Directors
Save the Date!
AAWCC-Oregon Fall Conference
November 21-22, 2019
Tigard Embassy Suites
More information coming soon!
If you have items for future newsletters, please e-mail VP of Communications, Donna Zmolek, at zmolekd@lanecc.edu. Women around the state want to know what's happening on your campus!