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March 4, 2024

AB 1983 Passes First Committee Hearing!


Reminder to Sign Up to Support All of SCIL's Sponsored Legislation

Above is a photo of Assemblymember Brian Maienschein and our Director of Legislative Affairs, Nickolaus Sackett, testifying in the Assembly Revenue and Tax Committee earlier today.

March 4, 2024 - Today, AB 1983, the P.E.T.S. Act, authored by Assemblymember Brian Maienschein (D-San Diego) and sponsored by Social Compassion in Legislation (SCIL), passed the Assembly Revenue and Taxation Committee with a unanimous vote of 6-0. The bill reinstates a voluntary tax contribution program allowing Californians to donate their tax refund to the "Prevention of Animal Homelessness and Cruelty Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund," which will fund programs to eliminate pet homelessness including through spay and neuter grants.

Currently, the only ongoing funding for free or low-cost spay and neuter services is the approximately $400,000 granted out annually through the Pet Lover’s License Plate Fund, also a SCIL driven program. Much more is needed.

"AB 1983 will allow compassionate Californians to use their tax refund in a way that contributes to solving the pet overpopulation crisis," said Judie Mancuso, Founder and President of Social Compassion in Legislation. "Their generosity will alleviate the cost burden for many families that currently cannot afford to get their animal sterilized."

The bill will be heard in the Assembly Appropriations Committee this spring.

Reminder for you and your organization to sign up to support SCIL's sponsored bills!

This year, we are sponsoring or cosponsoring nine bills and resolutions, and will be actively lobbying to support (or oppose, if necessary) several more.

As always, your support in the form of letters, calls, and social media engagement will be key to passing laws that save animal lives.

Please see the instructions below on how you and/or your organization can sign up to support all of SCIL's sponsored bills.

How to Support

Now is the time for you to engage and have your voices heard! Your support letters cannot arrive soon enough.


To send a support letter for all our sponsored bills, simply follow the steps below.  


Click on our 'How-to-Help' page, then:


·      Choose the button to show if you are sending as an Individual, Group, or Both.

·      Click on individual bills you want to support, or click the box "Click here to support ALL bills". The bills you click to support will be checked. Then click the "Next" button at the bottom of the page.

·      Fill in your information.

·      Click "Send Support".


You don't have to do anything else! We will produce your letter(s) and ensure that they are received by the right legislators and committees.


***Remember, if you are an organization, you must follow the instructions to register as an organization. The committees have requirements that must be met to get your support registered in the committee analysis, which is very important. 


Alternatively, organizations can send their letter, which must be on organization letterhead and signed, as a pdf to [email protected]

Please spread the word and get others to send support for the bills, and encourage them to sign up for our newsletter on our website. And please, consider making a donation to support our lifesaving work.

Thank you so much,

Judie Mancuso, Founder/CEO/President

Social Compassion in Legislation

Social Compassion in Legislation
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