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David Pugh for ABC National Secretary

David Pugh Headshot

David Pugh

Running for ABC National Secretary

I have been involved in some capacity with ABC National for nearly 15 years. During that time, I have had the privilege to work with all our impressive ABC National Chairs. Each chair had a different leadership style. I worked hard to learn from each of them and to win their confidence and trust. I am honored and grateful for those below who have chosen to endorse me to serve you and ABC as the next National Secretary.

George Nash

Business Unit Leader Northern Region, Branch Builds

2018 ABC National Chair


As a past leader of our awesome Association, I am honored to endorse David Pugh for the position of National Secretary for Associated Builders and Contractors. During my tenure on the National Board and Executive Committee, I witnessed firsthand the passion and commitment of Mr. Pugh and his firm for our Association and Industry. I have zero doubt that David will be an extraordinary leader of our Association.

Chuck Goodrich

President and CEO, Gaylor Electric, Inc.

2017 ABC National Chair


My support of David is based on his years of service to the ABC vision.  He has proven over three decades that he lives the merit shop philosophy as a professional. He provided a steady hand as Parliamentarian when I was the National Chair, ensuring our often ‘robust’ conversations always stayed within our standards. Integrity, trustworthy, and solid are what comes to my mind when I reflect on David’s impact on ABC. Taking on the responsibility of National Secretary is a natural fit for his passion and talents.

David Chapin

President, Willmar Electric Service

2016 ABC National Chair


David Pugh is a great candidate for our association's Secretary and, ultimately, Chair. He has been a strong contributor to our industry at the Chapter and National levels. Over my years of service, I have met very few people who match his knowledge of the issues contractors face in the day-to-day operation of our businesses. His participation has been deep and wide throughout ABC. I have served alongside David Pugh in several areas, and he has never let the association down. 

David has personally contributed to the PAC at the flag badge level ($5,000) for several years. Every year he faithfully makes his donation and then goes to work helping us with fundraising. I believe he is crucial in ensuring his chapter is consistently among the top chapters in PAC giving. If we elect David Pugh, he will serve us well as a leader and spokesperson.

Pamela Volm

Owner, Annapolis Contracting, Inc.

2015 ABC National Chair

David Pugh is not only my fellow ABC member, but he is also someone I call FRIEND. He has unwavering support for ABC through his commitments to his local chapter and the national association. His principles are guided with our ABC values to promote, protect, and educate our members and to help ensure we have freedom in the workplace.


He wears a suit to work most days, but a hard hat fits him well! David would make an excellent national secretary and is perfectly suited for the leadership of our great association.

Dan Brodbeck

President and CEO, Compass Partners, LLC

2014 ABC National Chair


It is with great pleasure that I write to you to recommend David Pugh whole heartedly for the position of ABC National Secretary. As a past Executive Committee Member and past National Chair (2014), I had the pleasure of serving with David and saw his hard-working attitude for an organization he truly does love. David is committed to ABC, he is a professional through and through, and he cares for his fellow members. David is very approachable and takes the time to listen. He is very thoughtful, and I am convinced would only act in the best interest of ABC in his role as Secretary. David is a leader we can count on.

Greg Hoberock

Chairman and CEO, HTH Companies, Inc.

2013 ABC National Chair


As a past national chair, I had the opportunity to work with and watch very talented ABC members. Over the years, I have followed David Pugh through his ABC journey. I had the honor of working with David during a challenging chapter issue. I saw first-hand his ability to resolve a sensitive and volatile chapter issue. He listened to all sides never forcing his will in negotiating a final solution that met the approval of all concerned while keeping the philosophies of ABC paramount. I was proud of the results and the manner in which they were achieved. As national secretary I know he will bring the energy and skill to this leadership position. I give my full endorsement to David in the position of Secretary.

Eric Regelin

Regional Manager - Building - Mid Atlantic, Cianbro Corporation

2012 ABC National Chair

I have known David Pugh for over ten years. During those years, I have been impressed with David’s passion for ABC, the construction industry, and his family. David’s service to ABC has included more than just his attendance at every significant ABC event over the past ten years. He has participated in numerous committees, chairing many of them and offering advice that often helped solve some tricky situations. I am proud to call David a personal friend of mine, and I am convinced that David Pugh will be a great National Chair of ABC in a few years. I am honored to support David in his pursuit of being elected the 2023 National Secretary of ABC.

Mike Uremovich

President, Manhattan Mechanical Services, LLC

2011 ABC National Chair


I have been an ABC Member in good standing for more than 35 years, involved in all aspects of ABC at the Chapter Level, Regional Level, and National Level. My involvement included workforce development, political, and the Chairman of the Trimmer Construction Education Foundation. I had the honor of being the ABC National Chairman of ABC in 2011.

I have had the personal and first-hand opportunity to work closely with David Pugh. He has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to ABC and the Merit Shop Philosophy. David’s hard work has helped make ABC a better and stronger organization.


It is my honor and pleasure to give my endorsement to David Pugh as the next Secretary of Associated Builders and Contractors. I am confident he will add tremendous value to the ABC National leadership team.

Jack Darnall

President, Lemoine Program Services

2006 ABC National Chair


I first got to know David through his involvement in the construction industry. I got to know him better through his work after he joined the ABC Alabama Chapter board.  I can remember David asking me whether I felt like serving ABC on the National level was worth the effort and what kind of time commitment it took. He was clearly interested in serving ABC for the long term. I explained that it takes a special person committed to giving back to the industry and serving the industry and not just pursuing his personal or professional interests. I have observed David’s ABC journey and have witnessed that he has done just as I advised him. David is uniquely qualified to serve ABC on a national basis at the highest level, and I know he will take ABC to new industry heights.  

Gary Roden

Vice President, TDIndustries, Inc.

2005 ABC National Chair


David Pugh has demonstrated his passion and commitment to Associated Builders and Contractors through years of service to our organization. He has served at every level, both local and national. David is organized, informed, and a natural leader. As an officer of the national organization, David will be a positive representative of ABC and the construction industry. I enthusiastically endorse David Pugh for the position of ABC National Secretary and ultimately National Chairman.

Carole L. Bionda

President, CL Bionda Consulting LLC

2004 ABC National President/Chair


As a Life Member of ABC and 2004 ABC National President/Chair, I support the candidacy of David Pugh as ABC National Secretary. During my long tenure as an active ABC member at the regional and national level, I was privileged to work with David on committees, primarily the By-Laws & Policy Committee, both when he was a member and when he served as Chair and Parliamentarian of ABC. While not a glamorous or patently exciting committee, the By-Laws & Policy Committee is integral to our operations and the governance of our association. David ensured that we played by our own rules and changed those rules when necessary and with transparency and much deliberation by the Board.  

David epitomizes our principles, objectives, and mission. David has never shirked from supporting ABC financially and with sweat equity. David is approachable and, more importantly, listens to the opinions of all members and keeps his ego in check. I have no doubt whatsoever that David would well represent ABC, its members, and our interests as National Secretary and as National Chair.

Election is Tuesday, November 15