Be sure to register for the

The Albany Bishop Candidates’ Tour happening August 13-17

Visit for details

If you cannot attend the ABC Tour in person, please note that some of the following sessions will be live streamed and recorded. You can access the live stream and recorded sessions on our YouTube Channel. (Streaming for all sessions (except Potsdam) will begin at 7:00 p.m.)

August 14th - St. Paul's Albany

August 15th - Christ Church, Cooperstown

August 16th - Trinity Church, Potsdam (No live stream or recording)

August 16th - Trinity Church, Plattsburgh

August 17th - Church of the Messiah, Glens Falls

Note About Potsdam Stop

There will be a Tour stop on August 16th at Trinity, Potsdam at 12:30pm. This stop was added after The Albany Episcopalian was in process for printing.


Clergy Only Event Registration

The clergy meeting of the tour on August 14th includes lunch. Those who want lunch should register no later than August 9th at 4pm so that we can inform the kitchen of the number of meals needed.



In view of a recent increase in the incidence of severe COVID-19 infections, including in those who have had COVID before, attendees are urged to monitor their own health and to consider preventive measures such as masking and distancing at Tour events. If you are experiencing symptoms that might indicate COVID, it would be appropriate for you to not attend the Tour in person but rather watch the live stream or recorded events.

A reminder about registration for the Election Convention on September 9, 2023

Canonically Resident Clergy, Elected Lay Deputies and Licensed clergy may attend the election but MUST REGISTER. Registration enables us to get your lunch choice and also confirms our clergy and lay deputy lists to avoid any confusion the day of convention.

Parish Clergy and/or Wardens must register their ENTIRE parish on one form using this link:


Please do this as soon as soon as possible, preferably no later than August 11, 2023