ABCSD is excited to recognize the accomplishments of this year's class of 2022. Our semester ends next week and we anticipate our largest graduating class with 143 students. Our students are graduating well equipped as they move into their careers with their specific trades. As the demand for skilled workers increases, ABCSD is committed in our efforts to educate, grow, and develop our workforce.
Join the celebration!
Your contributions as an event sponsor supports ABCSD in our efforts to develop,
strengthen and educate our industry’s workforce.
·8 Tickets to the Commencement Ceremony and Celebratory Reception
·Your company logo featured on the event program cover, welcome & event signage, and on all event marketing materials
·Special recognition at event
·6 Tickets to the Commencement Ceremony and Celebratory Reception
·Your company logo featured in the event program, event signage, and on all event marketing materials
·Special recognition at event
·2 Tickets to the Commencement Ceremony and Celebratory Reception
·Your company name listed in the event program, on event signage, and event marketing materials
·Special recognition at event
$100 per graduate
·Your company name listed in the event program
Contact Michelle Whittaker at 858.486.5149 or to support this event!
The best companies strive for world-class safety and work to ensure that it is a part of their DNA, guiding their leaders and shaping their corporate culture.
STEP is FREE to all ABCSD Members.
A world-class safety management system proven to improve your company's safety performance.
Are you ready to make the commitment to improve your safety performance?
For questions or more information contact ABCSD's Continuing Education Manager,
Ernesto Meneses at 858.261.7542 or
Moss Adams's 2022 Construction Industry Salary Survey is open and runs through July 1, 2022. The survey helps create a comprehensive industry report on compensation and benefit trends that provide contractors with comparative information - especially vital for an industry in which such data is difficult to obtain or present.
The report will be a useful resource for contractors to measure their employee compensation against industry peers and prepare their strategies for the years ahead. The complete report will be available in fall 2022.