Entering month six, it might be more than embarrassing to admit you’re unclear about what's allowed and what's not to operate your food, beverage or entertainment business. Well, join the club. You're not alone.
So let's get back to basics together, get it right and get customers back.
The links below connect to orders, guidelines and advisories in effect at the time of this newsletter publication. contains current information for both State and County, but be sure to also check main webpages frequently for updates. 
COVID-19 Guidance for Businesses in the Restaurant Industry

The virus that causes the Coronavirus 2019 Disease ("COVID-19") is easily transmitted, especially in group settings, and it is essential that the spread of the virus be slowed to safeguard public health and safety. COVID-19 can be transmitted...

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The PLCB's most recent update clarifying guidance for Yellow and Green counties is available here. It details important information for:

  • Indoor seating for R, E and H licenses
  • Outdoor seating for R, E and H license
  • Clubs and Catering Clubs
  • Nightclubs (as defined by the Clean Indoor Air Act)
  • Breweries, limited wineries, distilleries and limited distilleries

Learn more and apply for the Emergency Extension of Premise Permits here.

Learn more about Act 21 and regulations around to-go cocktails here.


Restaurants and bars may allow indoor and outdoor dining at a reduced capacity as described in Food Facility Requirements below.
  • On-site dining, whether indoors or outdoors, must be concluded by 11:00 PM. Takeout service may continue after 11:00 PM.
  • The use of tobacco products in all forms is prohibited during both indoors and outdoors dining and also indoors at casinos.
  • Gatherings are capped at 50 people outdoors and 25 people indoors.
  • These numbers include any staff attending to the event.
  • Maximum gathering size is space-dependent. A smaller space may not be able to accommodate the full 25 (indoors) or 50 (outdoors) if there is not sufficient space for parties to be seated at least 6 feet apart.

View the full document from ACHD here as well as guidance from ACHD on the order .
Do you REALLY Know the Rules?
Try this True or False Quiz

1."PLCB Requires a Permit to Sell Cocktails To-Go" (False)

2."County can have stricter orders than the State orders" (True)

3.Though seating in food businesses must close at 11pm they can still sell takeout food that people can eat on the outdoor patio.
(Part True/Part False: Takeout can be provided after 11 p.m. but must be consumed away from its place of sale.)
Business Planning Course -
Rethink your Business Strategy to Stay Afloat

Join this 10-week virtual program that helps you get focused and make critical business decisions. Our rebooted curriculum, industry expert guest speakers, and interactive activities will guide you as you stay motivated with your new network of fellow entrepreneurs. Fine-tune your business concept, establish a strong organization, build lasting customer relations, and maintain profitable operations. 
Six classes will take place Wednesday evenings and the remaining 4 classes can be taken at any time during their assigned week on the course calendar. 
Topic Covered: 

  • Classes Titles: Business Writing
  • Business Concept
  • Project Management
  • Customer Relations
  • Accounting
  • Business Organization
  • Legal Considerations
  • Operations 

Registration for Rethinking Business in the Age of COVID-19:  
Tuition: $200  
Know What to do when LCE Visits your Business

Routine checks are becoming, well, routine ...know what to expect and plan ahead of time to avoid any infractions and to keep your inspection moving smoothly.
What you need to know when the LCE comes to your business

Register for this Zoom webinar that takes place LIVE September 10, 10:30 am. Registrants will be emailed a replay link in case you miss the live presentation.

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Required Postings: Click, Print and Post.  

Several postings are required by various government entities. Below are just some of the more recent ones. Explore for more: PA Dept of Health offers a plethora of COVID-19 printable materials for you to post for customers and employees.

The Department of Labor requires employers to display this poster notifying employees of their rights around paid sick leave, as guaranteed under the temporary Families First Coronavirus Response Act. Click on the poster to go to the printable file.

Learn more about this required posting here.

The City's Paid Sick Leave Act went into effect on March 15, 2020. The city has set up a section of the website dedicated to guidelines, information, and assistance around the Paid Sick Leave Act, which you can find here.

Click on the image to see a downloadable version.

Mixed Drinks To-Go
LCB Requirement
Act 21 of 2020 requires licensees to post a notice to customers regarding transporting cocktails to go.

Click the image to go to a printable version.
Social challenge of the week:

Show how you’re working to get nominated for Personal Hygiene Employee of the Week. This could include a picture of you wearing gloves, or maybe a video of you washing your hands. Whatever you choose, don’t forget to use the hashtags #NFSM2020 #FoodSafetyMonth #FoodSafetyFocus
Food Safety Focus

COVID-19 has changed the way restaurants operate. From increasing takeout and delivery options to rethinking what inside dining will look like, restaurant operators have big decisions to make. Find expert guidance, training resources, and support ...

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The National Restaurant Association's Reopening Guidance for the Restaurant Industry offers great information on cleaning and sanitizing your work areas, as well as expectations for your employees' hygiene, too.
Pittsburgh buildings light up red in support of event venues

From The August Wilson African American Cultural Center Downtown to Heinz Field on the North Side, to Black Forge Coffee House in Allentown, Pittsburgh city buildings will be lit up red tonight as part of RedAlert.

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How confident are you that you can sustain your business thru winter under current conditions?
Very Confident
Relatively Confident
Not Very Confident
Not Confident At All

County & State orders, guidelines and other resources:

PA Restaurant & Lodging Association Weekly Update Wednesdays at 11am.

Register here.
Member Promise - Safe Service Allegheny

As service and event industry professionals we are committing to our Pittsburgh food, beverage, and event communities, our fellow team members, our guests, and our family and friends to put health and safety first.

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Communicate your Commitment to Safety

Pledge to operate safely, sign and add your logo to the growing list of SafeService venues 
Build Consumer Confidence as Industry Re-Opens

A Webinar Presented by John Longstreet, PRLA, Renee Hoggay, NRA and Shelly Weir, AHLAF. September 17, 2020 10:30 AM

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Check out our previous COVID-19 resource newsletters for more information.
The changes keep coming faster and faster. Can't wait for the weekly? Get the most current updates: follow us on Facebook .

Follow the Office of Nighttime Economy on Facebook for industry updates and resources.

HELP US HELP YOU: Send your questions, challenges, or useful tidbits to Allison or Emily. Or give us a call at 412-400-9007.

SHARE THIS NEWSLETER with other business owners and managers who work in or with Nighttime Economy. Sign up here to join our mailing list.
References to a specific product, process, or service does not constitute or imply an endorsement. Always, consult your professional service providers to decide if a resource is a right fit for your business.