The latest news on ABRF Events & Activities
April 26, 2022
  • President’s Message

  • 2022 Annual Meeting – Reconnecting in New Ways

  • 3D Image Analysis Tools and Reproducibility Event – April 27
  • Organize Your Science – Online Workshop – May 4

  • Upcoming Chapter Meetings – SEASR and MAD SSCi

  • New ABRF Strategic Plan – Driving Engagement

  • Coming Soon: New ABRF Online Community – Vote to Name this New ABRF Resource

Message from the President 
Hello ABRFer’s

It was fantastic to see so many of you in Palm Springs and virtually at our ABRF 2022 annual meeting. Many thanks again to this year’s Program Committee, let by Allis Chien, for putting together an outstanding program. Also, many thanks to the AMR team for all their support leading up to, and during, the meeting. As many of you know, there was a breach in our online security during the DEI Award Ceremony for 500 Women Scientists. The breach occurred because we did not take the necessary precautions to prevent this, despite warnings that it could occur. Measures were successfully taken at the meeting to prevent these incidents during future sessions. As a result, the ABRF is in the process of developing a meeting security policy that will be implemented for all future ABRF events to ensure the safety of all of our attendees. 

One of my most enjoyable experiences at the meeting was seeing the smiling faces, both in-person and virtually, as we reconnected with each other. Our Research Groups, Committees and Chapters are already working on programs and events for the balance of the year. If you are interested joining a research group, committee or get involved with a chapter, please contact us.

I look forward to engaging with all of you over this coming year!

Kevin Knudtson
ABRF President
Upcoming Programs:
April 27 – 3D Image Analysis Tools and Reproducibility Event
11:00 am – 1:00 pm ET Register here.

Learn more about 3D image analysis tools and how they can help improve reproducibility at this two-hour online workshop hosted by the Light Microscopy Research Group. Learn more!
May 4 – Organize Your Science – ABRF online workshop
1:00 – 2:00 pm ET Register here.
In core facilities, key personnel often have to do multi-tasking with client interface, sample storage, data management, and last but not the least sample tracking through different processing steps. Learn more!

ABRF Regional Chapter Meetings Offer Accessible Content and Networking 
The 2022 ABRF Chapter meetings calendar kicks off in June with two regional events:

SEASR – June 8-10 – Nashville, TN

Plan to join your ABRF colleagues in Nashville for the first ABRF Chapter meeting this year. The meeting will feature:

  • 3 keynote speakers and 5 concurrent scientific and administrative sessions;
  • Vanderbilt and Meharry core tours
  • Professional development workshop on June 8th
The program committee is still accepting entries for Poster Abstracts and Travel Awards

Register here. Reserve your hotel room here.
MAD-SSCi – June 15-17 – Baltimore, MD

Join us as we return to Baltimore!

MAD SSCi 2022 will be a collaborative meeting with the FASEB Committee on Shared Research Resources. It will take place June 16-17, 2022, at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. In addition to the fantastic science and development of the FASEB report, it will feature a pre-meeting Business Skills Workshop on June 14 & 15, a pre-conference workshop on the importance of animal models in research on June 15, and various sponsor user group meetings.

Register here.  Reserve your hotel room here.

Research Group Updates
The DNA Sequencing Research Group (DSRG) has a strong track record performing multi-site comparisons of common Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) and other genomics workflows. Benchmarking the performance of these assays provides a value resource for shared resource facilities and individual users as they decide which technologies to implement in their labs.
For 2022/2023, the DSRG will undertake a new study in one of two areas: single cell fixation/cryopreservation workflows, or long read sequencing technologies. We are actively seeking feedback on which study to pursue and what variables/technologies should be tested.

To provide your feedback, please complete the survey here:
The DSRG is also actively recruiting new members. If interested, please email Jessica Podnar or Fred Kolling.
Vote to Name the New ABRF Online Community...and Win!
ABRF will launch a new online community platform next month to enable members to share ideas, exchange resources, and post documents in online libraries. Communities will be available for ABRF Committees, Research Groups, and Chapters, as well as for technology interests and an ABRF-wide community for all members to engage. 

ABRF invites your suggestions on the best way to identify this new online gathering place. Options include: Connect, Collaborate, SHARE, Contribute, and Engage… for one of these of suggest your own idea.
One respondent will be selected to win complimentary registration for the 2023 ABRF Annual Meeting…..remember to vote by May 6th.

New ABRF Strategic Plan – 2022-2024 – ABRF: At the Core of Research Excellence and Sustainability (CORES)

ABRF is pleased to share the new Strategic Plan that outlines the goals and strategies that will guide its activities over the next three years:

  1. Recognize Expertise in Core Facilities
  2. Build a Diverse, Inclusive, and Collaborative Community
  3. Collaborate with Partners in Team Science
  4. Ensure Fiscal Sustainability through Revenue Diversification and Positive Financial Results

We look forward to working with all ABRF leaders to identity the annual tactics and performance measures to be used to implement the new Strategic Plan. Contact us if you have suggestions.
If you have information for future ABRF Updates to share with your ABRF colleagues, please send your contributions to ABRF Updates to be included in an upcoming issue.