The latest news on ABRF Events & Activities
July 28, 2022
  • President’s Message: New JBT Website

  • The Core Community: Are You In?
  • Plan for Fall Chapter Events

  • In Case You Missed It - ABRF Town Hall on Data Management Plans for Cores

  • News? Share Your Updates with the ABRF Community
Message from the President 
Hello ABRFer’s,

Have you been to the new Journal of Biomolecular Techniques (JBT) website yet? As was mentioned at the annual meeting in Palm Springs, the JBT has found a new home with MIT Press. They did a fantastic job of importing the archived articles and the current and recent articles are nicely presently. I would encourage everyone to take a few minutes to explore the new JBT website.
I would also encourage you to consider publishing your next methods or core operations paper in JBT. I know many of you are working with your user-base to develop new methods or workflows for your core services. The JBT would be a great place to share these new methods and would be a way to get two publications from the same study: the JBT method publication and the publication on the science the method paper supported. 

I hope everyone is having a great Summer and have been able to stay out of the heat.

Kevin Knudtson
ABRF President
The Core Community: Are You In?
The Core Community is the new ABRF online platform for members to exchange information, ask questions, and share resources. Along with connecting with peers working in specific technology areas (genomics; imaging, mass spectrometry, etc.), you’ll be able to tap into the expertise of the entire ABRF membership through the All Members’ community. Messages are delivered directly to your inbox, either in real time or through a daily digest. 
ABRF members have already capitalized on the reach of the Core Community to:

  • Save thousands of dollars moving an instrument
  • Fill a soon-to-be vacant position before the incumbent left
  • Find a new career opportunity across the country (without moving)
Take a moment to login and join one or more of the growing number of online communities.  
Fall Chapter Events – Reconnect with your Colleagues
Three ABRF regional Chapter events are planned for this fall to bring ABRF members in person after two years of exclusively virtual events. Plan now to be a part of one or more of these regional meetings:
California NanoSystems Institute
October 12-14 - Registration Now Open
Rochester, NY
Hilton Columbus Downtown
Columbus, OH
In Case You Missed It – July 20 Town Hall – Data Management Plans for Cores
Last week’s Town Hall featured a timely discussion of the new NIH Data Management Plan requirements. Sheenah Mische and Nicole White, co-chairs of the ABRF Data Management Working Group, reviewed the specifics of these new requirements along with a case study on how one institution is developing their Data Management Plan.

If you weren’t able to join live, you can access the presentation and recording on the ABRF web site. 
If you’d like to join the Data Management Working Group, contact ABRF
Share Your News with ABRF Colleagues – ABRF Update Published Every Month
If you’d like to share news from your Institution, your Core facility, or about your career, the ABRF Update is a great way to reach your peers throughout ABRF. Send your updates (or story ideas) to ABRF.
If you have information for future ABRF Updates to share with your ABRF colleagues, please send your contributions to ABRF Updates to be included in an upcoming issue.