Shabbat Bo

February 1, 2025 / 3 Shevat 5785


Kabbalat Shabbat Service: Friday, 5:30pm in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel

Led by students from ACHS Kitah Gimmel with Hazzan Hirschhorn

Morning Services: Saturday, 9:45am in the Sanctuary or via Livestream

Minyan M'at Morning Services: Saturday, 10am in 5 North

TeleTefila Services: Saturday, 9:40am P'sukei D'zimra, 10am Shacharit on Zoom

Mishpacha Service (Ages 0-4, with Parents): Saturday, 11am in 2 North

Special Monthly Family Service + Kiddush (Ages 5-12, Family or Drop Off): Saturday, 11am in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel

TeleTefila Havdallah: Saturday, 5:57pm on Zoom


Saturday, 9am: Rabbi Jules Harlow Parshat HaShavua Class in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel or on Zoom - Source Sheet (updated Friday)

Saturday, approx. 12:45pm: October 7 and Sexual Violence in the Multipurpose Room (Hirsch Hall upper lobby)

Wednesday, 12 - 2pm: Of a Certain Age Lunch & Discussion in 5 North (RSVP here)

Wednesday, 7pm: Talmud Class with Jeremy Kalmanofsky in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel or via Zoom

Friday (2/7), around 6:30pm: Potluck Shabbat Dinner with Zemirot in 5 North (RSVP here)

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Follow Ansche Chesed on Instagram and Facebook for photos, events and more. 

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Join us in mourning our long time member Hugh Smyser, and wishing nechama to his wife, Robin Forman, their sons, Ezra and Ben, and his wife, Elanor, and children, Naomi and Hazel.


AC member Charlie Davidson received the Rothschild Award from the USCJ in recognition of his social action work. Among many other things, Charlie ran our homeless shelter for many years; he coordinated AC members to resettle five migrant families; and this year he’s spearheading our collaboration with PS 145. Please join us in recognizing Charlie at a celebratory kiddush.  

Thank you to all of our kiddush sponsors! If you'd like to join as a sponsor, you can make a donation to support this kiddush and replenish our kiddush fund.


Supporting Asylum Seekers

We had a powerful meeting last night about what we can do to help asylum seekers in NYC, including presentations from Rabbi Yael Hammerman, AC member volunteers, and other leaders who have helped shape the local response.

Special Kabbalat Shabbat Service

This Friday (January 31) at 5:30pm in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel

Join us for special Kabbalat Shabbat services led by students from our ACHS Kitah Gimmel class with Hazzan Natasha Hirschhorn, Rabbi Hammerman and percussionist Nir Furman.


October 7 and Sexual Violence

Saturday, February 1 after kiddush (around 12:45pm) 

Join us for a conversation with Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari about efforts to seek recognition and justice for the victims of sexual violence perpetrated by Hamas on October 7, and the continuing impact of the war on women in Israel. We’ll meet after kiddush at about 12:45pm.

Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari is the Founding Academic Director of the Rackman Center at Bar Ilan University and a founding member of the Dinah 7/10 Project. Under the leadership of Prof. Halperin-Kaddari, the Center has been at the forefront of impacting the lives of women in Israel and adapting to the changing pulse of seeking justice for women, including Israeli women who suffered the atrocities of Hamas’ premeditated and systematic use of sexual violence as a weapon of war.

Of a Certain Age: February Lunch and Discussion

Wednesday, February 5 from 12 - 2pm in 5 North 

Join us for our next "Of a Certain Age" get-together. We'll have lunch and listen to presenters share their songs, poems, and stories about "Living Alone." Please RSVP here to help our planning. Walk-ins also welcome.

Shirei Shabbat: Musical Kabbalat Shabbat Service and Potluck Dinner with Zemirot

Friday, February 7 at 5:30pm in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel

Join us for a musical Shirei Shabbat service in honor of Shabbat Shirah, led by Cantor Natasha Hirschhorn, our intern Marc Szechter and Shirei Chesed singers -- with a Musical Surprise! Followed by a Potluck Dinner with Zemirot.

Our Chef Bruce Soffer will provide a delectable dairy main dish, challah, and grape juice. Please bring a dairy or pareve salad, side dish, or dessert to share. You are welcome to bring your own wine or spirits. 

Please RSVP for the dinner by Wednesday, February 5.


Young Professionals: Havdalah in Pajamas

Saturday, February 8 at 6:30pm in 5 North

Young Professionals (20s and 30s) are invited for a musical havdalah followed by a cozy pajama movie night! RSVP here

Hagba 101

Saturday, February 15 during Kiddush (approx. 12:45pm) in the Sanctuary

Have you ever wanted to do Hagba but you're afraid that you'll drop the Torah? Worried that you aren't strong enough? Join us after Sanctuary services for Hagba 101 -- a hands-on Hagba workshop with Sanctuary Shamash Joel Feuer and Rabbi Yael. We will practice doing Hagba on our lighter weight Torahs -- on the Shabbat when we read the 10 Commandments (so you can practice your Torah overhead press, like you're Moshe Rabbeinu). 


RSVP here to help us prepare, walk-in's welcome. Contact Rabbi Yael with questions. 

* If you'd like to learn how to do Hagba, but can't come on Feb 15th, let us know

Rye + Rye: It's a Twofer!

Wednesday, February 26 from 6 - 8pm at the Fort Hamilton Distillery in Brooklyn

Tour the Fort Hamilton Distillery a tasting of original whiskey-style New York Rye and an informal talk on the history of rye bread by culinary historian Avery Robinson. In addition to the rye bread, munchies will be provided by Sahadi’s, Brooklyn’s leading Middle Eastern grocery store.

Limited to 30 people. Register here by Wednesday, February 19.


If you are looking for ways to help or resources addressing the ongoing conflict, check the Israel page on our website.

500 Days in Hell: Let's Bring Them All Home

Rally with the Hostages and Missing Families Forum

Sunday, February 23 at 12pm at the Naumburg Bandshell in Central Park

These are deeply emotional days: we're overjoyed by the return of some of the hostages, and anxiously awaiting the release of more. Join the Hostages and Missing Families Forum for a rally shortly after the heartbreaking milestone of 500 days since October 7 and 500 days of captivity, to amplify and advocate for all the hostages and make sure that all parties seize this opportunity, move the deal to its end and bring them ALL home.


Rabbi Jules Harlow Parshat HaShavuah Class

Saturdays, 9am in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel or on Zoom

Source Sheet (updated Friday afternoons)

Dedicated to Rabbi Jules Harlow, a great teacher of Torah and Jewish liturgy. Come before class at 8:45am for hot coffee and schmoozing!

Shirei Chesed Community Chorus

Tuesdays from 7:30 - 9pm in 5 North

Shirei Chesed builds community through a rich repertoire of Jewish music, bringing harmony to a world that needs it more than ever. Learn more or schedule an audition with Hazzan Natasha Hirschhorn.

Wednesday Night Talmud: Holy Books and Holy Time, with Rabbi Kalmanofsky

Wednesdays at 7pm in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel or via Zoom

This year we will study tractate Shabbat, Chapter 16, which addresses how to write and care for sacred texts.

Parsha Talk


Join Rabbi Kalmanofsky and his buddies Rabbis Barry Chesler and Eliot Malomet for their weekly Parsha Talk. Watch the latest episode


Weekday Morning Minyan

Mondays - Fridays at 7:30am

Sundays and Civil Holidays at 8:30am

in the Mayer Cavalier Chapel or on Zoom

Join our WhatsApp group, which we'll post to when we need people.

Misheberakh List

We invite you to add the names of your dear ones. Please re-submit them each English calendar month if you'd like us to keep davvening for them.


Lodging Urgently Needed


A woman seeks a room to rent in NYC. She has recently stayed with other AC community members and is a delightful guest. She has an urgent need to find at least a temporary place to stay from January 31-February 9. 

She's a retired curator and published novelist, and can pay $400/month if utilities not included, or up to $500/month if utilities included. Can provide references. If you have an extra room to rent OR if you can host her 1/31-2/9, please reply to her directly ASAP at

Members may email us Shuk postings, sending a brief blurb including a member's contact info. Must be received by Tuesday at 3pm. Posts run for two weeks.

Despite our best efforts and extensive proofreading, we apologize for any errors or omissions.