General County News

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

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Today we launch Phase Two of the AC44 Comprehensive Plan Update project. To start us off, we are excited to share a library of information related to the topics we'll cover.


The topics include:

These topics are important for the quality of life and well-being of all community members. They are also deeply connected and need to be considered comprehensively. For example, coordinated planning for land use, transportation, housing, and economic development is needed to encourage neighborhoods that have housing choices, a variety of safe and accessible transportation options, and access to employment opportunities.

About Phase Two of AC44

In Phase Two, we will review and update the 2015 Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives and design "planning toolkits" for more detailed recommendations on coordinated transportation and land use planning. The goals and objectives developed in Phase Two will inform the strategies (action steps) that will be drafted in Phase Three.

Click the button below to visit the website and complete a questionnaire designed to help the project team understand our community's needs and priorities. The questionnaire should take about 15-20 minutes. Only have 5 minutes? Consider registering so you can save your work and complete it over time! The questionnaire will be open to responses until March 10.

About The Comprehensive Plan Update and a Recap of Phase One

The Comprehensive Plan (or 'Comp Plan'), is a guiding document for growth, development, and investment in the county. The Plan includes recommendations for how and where the county should grow and serves as a guide to support local businesses and industry, protect and enhance natural resources, provide transportation options for walking, biking, taking transit, and driving, and allow and encourage a variety of housing types.

The Comprehensive Plan is used to guide decisions on public infrastructure and funding, plans, and programs, and review of some development applications. We are updating the Plan because it is required by the state and it's a way to respond to the changing needs of our community.

During Phase One we learned that there are a wide variety of perspectives on how to accommodate a growing community. We listened at community events, reflected on questionnaires, and ultimately created the Framework for an Equitable and Resilient Community which will serve as a guide to Phase Two and Three work.


We hope you'll join us during Phase Two of the project! Please consider joining us at our events and sharing this information with friends and neighbors.

We have a podcast! The Let’s Talk Albemarle podcast seeks to foster community participation through the exploration of important topics in Albemarle County. Listen free on Apple Podcast, iHeart, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, or our website.

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