Saturday: 05:00pm (SJE) | Sunday: 8am/10;30am (QR) | 9:15am (SJE)

Daily: M/W/F 8:15am (SJE) | Tu/Th/Sa 8:15am (QR)

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First ReadingJob laments his sufferings and his life. (Job 7:1-4, 6-7)

Psalm – "Praise the Lord, who heals the brokenhearted." (Psalm 147)

Second ReadingPaul explains the conditions under which he preaches the gospel and the reasons why he will not accept financial help from the Corinthians. (1 Corinthians 9:16-19, 22-23)

GospelJesus cures Simon’s mother-in-law and many others as well. (Mark 1:29-39)

Sunday Bulletin
Meet w/Fr. Dan

All are invited for faith, fellowship and fun...


Celebrated on February 2nd, Candlemas marks the return of light, a symbol of protection and prosperity. This festival commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple of Jerusalem, referring to him as the light of the people of Israel. If you wish to have candles blessed, we will bless candles during 8:15am Mass this Friday, February 2nd, at St. Julian Eymard Church. Additionally, if you bring candles with you to Mass this Sunday, please see Fr. Dan or Fr. Louis after Mass for the blessing.

Blessing of Throats

Being a physician before becoming a Bishop, St. Blaise is reputed to have miraculously cured a young boy who nearly died because of a fishbone stuck in his throat. In honor of the Memorial of St. Blaise, we will have a Throat Blessing at the 8:15am Mass this Saturday, February 3rd at Queen of the Rosary Church. Additionally, you may stay after Mass this Sunday and request blessing of the throat from Fr. Dan or Fr. Louis.

Youth Ministry Pasta Dinner Fundraiser

Just in time to ward off the Winter chill, our Youth Ministry is serving up a hearty pasta dinner on Saturday, February 3rd in Shea Hall at 6pm, following the 5pm Mass. Meals include spaghetti with marinara or meat sauce, salad, bread and drink. Your free-will offering will help offset the cost of our teen's Summer Mission Trip to Catholic Heart Work Camp.

Teens heading to Catholic Heart Work Camp must participate, but all teens are welcome to help. Parents, adult cookers are needed to help with sauce and pasta prep ahead of the Supper. Follow this link to sign up!

Be Transformed: The Healing Power of the Sacraments

Whether it's the stress of daily life, strain of relationships or wounds from past hurts, we can all be comforted and made whole by Christ. As we journey through Lent, we'll explore this and more as we gather in small groups to discuss the book, Be Transformed: The Healing Power of the Sacraments by Bob Schuchts. Follow this link to purchase your copy, and use code READBOOKS24 to receive 25% off of your purchase.

Small faith-sharing groups now forming. If you would like to participate and have not yet joined a group, look for signups in the vestibule and eNews shortly!

Burning of Palms

As we get ready for Lent, we burn blessed palms from last year's Palm Sunday Masses. Please bring your palms to either Queen of the Rosary Church or St. Julian Eymard Church before Tuesday, February 13, 2024.

Calling All Lovebirds and Little Ducklings...

Mass & Meal for World Marriage Day

Saturday, February 10, 2024

5:00pm Mass; 6:00pm Meal

St. Julian Eymard Church


Marriage & Family Ministry is calling all the recently hitched, soon-to-be-wed sweethearts and families who've welcomed a bundle of joy into the parish fam! Join us for a heartwarming Mass followed by a delicious meal in honor of World Marriage Day. Let's celebrate the goodness and beauty of marriage and family with a side of laughter and a whole lot of love. Marriage & Family Ministry, Fr. Dan and Fr. Louis can't wait to see all your happy faces!

Kindly respond by February 5, 2024 to (847) 979-0901 or

Fat Tuesday Bunco with the Women's Club

Come roll the dice with our OLBS Women's Club on Tuesday, February 13th from 6:30-9pm in Shea Hall. An evening of camaraderie and outrageous fun is planned as the ladies put a Mardi Gras spin on the classic dice game of Bunco. Snacks and prizes will be provided and a $5 cover charge is requested. No experience is needed and all are invited to let the good times roll as we get ready to enter the solemn season of Lent!

Ash Wednesday is February 14th

Ash Wednesday is Wednesday, February 14th. Please see our schedule of liturgies below. There will be distribution of Ashes at all liturgies:

  • 6:30am Word Service | QR
  • 8:15am Daily Mass | SJE
  • 11am - 1pm Drive-up Service | Tasty Catering
  • 12:15pm Word Service | SJE
  • 4:00pm Mass | SJE
  • 7:00pm Mass | QR

If you are able to help distribute ashes at the drive-up service in front of Tasty Catering, please follow this link to sign up. Thank you!

Stations & Supper

Lent is a season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Coming together to pray the Stations of the Cross not only unites us as a community, it reminds us that Jesus is with us when life is difficult. Ministries have again volunteered to lead Stations & Supper on Friday evenings of Lent:

February 16 | SJE | Stations at 6pm, supper follows

February 23 | SJE | Stations at 6, supper follows

March 1 | SJE | Stations at 6pm, supper follows

March 8 | QR | Stations at 6pm, supper follows

March 15 | QR | Stations at 6pm, two seatings for the Parents Club Spaghetti Dinner at 5pm and 6:30pm

March 22 | QR | Stations at 6pm, supper follows

February Winter Supper

Thank you to everyone who continues to support our outreach to those in need by donating to the Parish Poor Box or by helping to serve the Catholic Charities Dinner or Summer/Winter Supper each month. In the spirit of brotherly love, as we look toward February, let's keep it going! You know how it works, click on the button below if you are able to shop, cook, prep or serve for the Supper on Sunday, Feburary 18th!

Shop, Cook, Prep or Serve!

Be a Voice for Life

You don't have to be a debate champion to be a voice for life. To help us express pro-life views with grace and confidence, Focus on Family has developed a 5-part video series called “Expressing Pro-Life Views in Winsome Ways” featuring Scott Klusendorf, president of the Life Training Institute. Follow this link to download the series for free.

Join voices from around Illinois in standing up for a culture of life at Speakout Illinois on Saturday, March 16th, at the Drury Lane Theater in Oakbrook Terrace. The cost is $55 and includes lunch. Speakout Illinois will feature keynote speaker, Mark Houck. Follow this link to register or discover more.

Together at the Table

The Annual Catholic Appeal will launch next weekend, and we wanted to share with you the impact your gift—no matter the size—has on this important effort. The work supported by the Appeal is more important than ever. Gifts to the Annual Catholic Appeal directly support the necessary work of parishes, Catholic schools and vital ministries throughout the archdiocese.

In addition, once we reach our goal, additional funds raised are returned to the parish and used to support special projects here at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament such as the sound system, live-streaming equipment and more. Stay tuned for our 2024 ACA Rebate project announcement!

You can make your gift to the Annual Catholic Appeal online at, or you can choose to send in the response envelope from the Cardinal’s letter you may have already received. Thank you for supporting our parish.

Join Us for One or More of These Upcoming Events!

1 • 31 • 24

Eucharistic Adoration continues until approximately 8pm at St. Julian Eymard Church.

2 • 2 • 24

Candles blessed at Mass plus First Friday Adoration at 8:15am at St. Julian Eymard Church.

2 • 3 • 24

Throat blessing plus First Saturday Rosary at 8:15am Mass at Queen of the Rosary Church.

2 • 3 • 24

Youth Ministry Pasta Dinner fundraiser following the 5pm Mass at St. Julian Eymard Church.

2 • 4 • 24

Children's Liturgy of the Word is at the 10:30am Mass at Queen of the Rosary Church.

2 • 5 • 24

Book Club returns from Winter Break and will meet at St. Julian Eymard Church at 7pm.

View All

Download the complete 52-Week Mass Discussion Guide for Families.

Gospel in Focus

February 4, 2024 Jesus heals many, including Simon’s mother-in-law. “He told them, ‘Let us go on to the nearby villages that I may preach there also. For this

purpose have I come.” —Mark 1:38

Discussion Questions

What would you ask Jesus if you knew He was coming to your town?

Why do you think the demons reacted so strongly to Jesus’ preaching?

Compile a list of prayer intentions as a family. Light a candle, and offer these intentions to Jesus.


Catholic Schools Week is underway and open registration for the 2024-25 School Year has begun! Students have enjoyed Pajama Day and participated in Academic Bowl and written letters of thanks to supporters in the parish and community. This morning students in grades 5-8 competed in a Spelling Bee, and this afternoon students showed off their gifts in a Talent Show. Tomorrow grades 6-8 will take a field trip to St. Viator High School to see a play. On Friday, we'll wrap up the week with Cougar Spirit Day and the 8th-Grade versus Staff Volleyball Game.

Make sure you have these upcoming events on your calendar:

Not part of our Queen of the Rosary School? Discover the Queen of the Rosary School advantage!

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Mark your calendar for these dates coming up:

  • 2/4/24 Parent Sacramental Prep
  • 2/14/24 Ash Wednesday
  • 2/17/24 First Reconciliation
  • 2/18/24 Living Stations Rehearsals
  • 2/21/24 First Reconciliation
  • 2/27/24 Confirmation Candidate/Parent Meeting
  • 3/10/24 Confirmation Retreat
Discover More


Calling all OLBS Teens, Mr. Van has lots coming up for you to get involved in. All are invited, and bring a friend or two with you...this is your Youth Ministry!

Saturday, February 3rd is the Pasta Dinner Fundraiser for Catholic Heart Work Camp. Set up is from 3-5pm, then please plan to attend the 5pm Mass at St. Julian Eymard Church as a team before serving the spaghetti dinner in Shea Hall at 6:00pm. Sign up here!

Youth Ministry will again present the Living Stations of the Cross for the parish on Good Friday. Rehearsals will be on Sundays at 3pm and begin the first Sunday of Lent, February 18th, at St. Julian Eymard Church.


Teen Center Hours | Tue - Fri, 2-5pm

Pasta Dinner | Feb 3 | 6:00pm

Alexian Village | Feb 5 | 6:30pm

Ash Wednesday | Feb 14 | See schedule

Living Stations Rehearsal | Feb 18 | 3pm

Alexian Village | Feb 19 | 6:30pm

Living Stations of the Cross | Mar 29 | 7pm

Discover More

Hey, teens, Mr. Van is looking for your honest feedback via this short survey. Complete the survey by December 21st and include your e-mail address to be entered into a drawing to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card. This is your chance to help shape what Youth Ministry at Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament looks like! Take the Survey!



Prayer Life

Contact Us

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(847) 979-0901 |

Worship sites:

Queen of the Rosary

750 W. Elk Grove Blvd.

St. Julian Eymard

601 Biesterfield Road


Queen of the Rosary School

690 Elk Grove Blvd.

(847) 437-3322 |