African Union
African Union ECOSOCC - Global Africa Diaspora Convention: November 19-22, 2015
The AU Declaration states: 

Design and develop platforms for African and Diaspora educators and scholars to address the developmental agenda of the Continent and the Diaspora. These would include, among others, the establishment of African-centred institutions and programmes and increased collaboration efforts between academic and research institutions in Africa and the Diaspora regions" and also "Support the creation of linkages between Diaspora Academic, Research and Development Institutions and those in Africa."

Meldon Hollis, JD

Former Associate Director (until June 2015), White House Initiative on Historic Black Colleges and Universities.  Within the office his focus was on STEM initiatives, international programs, and emergency management.
Visiting Scholar, Savannah State University.

The Research and Academic Exchange Session began at the AU ECOSOCC - Global Africa Diaspora Stakeholder Conference and on-going with outreach and collaboration to facilitate working relations between  institutions in Africa and  Colleges and Universities in the US, Europe, Asia, Canada, Australia, South America, the Caribbean, Middle East.  

Focus on Partnerships:
  • Explore the creation of linkages between Academic and Research  institutions in the Diaspora and Africa to improve respective research capacities;
  • Exchange ideas on developing platforms for African and Diaspora educators and scholars to address the development agenda of the Continent and corresponding institutions in outside Africa;
  • Discuss ways to harmonize and implement regional and international protocols that protect indigenous knowledge systems and intellectual property rights; 
  • Explore avenues to enhance student exchange opportunities and African colleges and universities for studying abroad programs.

Cross Section of Participants 
Academic Exchance
Cross section of participants

Academic Exchange
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Academic Exchange 4
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Academic Research 5
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ACADEMIC research 6
Cross section

Learn about the Continental Education Strategy for Africa 2016-2025

Africa is ushering into an era that most observers and pundits predict will determine her destiny as the continent of the future. In order to  fulfill this promised bright future, the continent has to come to terms with its education and training systems that are yet to fully shed the weight of its colonial legacy and its own tribulations as a relatively new political and economic entity and player in the world arena. 

In the bid to "create" a new African citizen who will be an effective change agent for the continent's sustainable development as envisioned by the AU and its 2063 Agenda, the African Union Commission has developed an Africa comprehensive ten-year Continental Education Strategy.  

This strategy is driven by the desire to set up a " qualitative system of education and training to provide the African continent with efficient human resources adapted to African core values and, therefore, capable to achieve the vision and ambitions of the African Union. Those responsible for its implementation will be assigned to "reorient Africa's education and training systems to meet the knowledge, competencies, skills, innovation and creativity required to nurture African core values and promote sustainable development at the national, sub-regional and continental levels."

Other resource: Pan African University.