ACC COVID-19 daily update
April 28, 2020
What's new
Joint statement by First Ministers for restarting the economy

Today Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the federal, provincial, and territorial governments have come together and agreed to a set of common principles for restarting the Canadian economy, based on shared understanding and appreciation of what science and experts are telling us. 

Canadian Chamber identifies five keys to reopening the economy

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s Vice-President of Policy and Chief Economist, Trevin Stratton, issued a statement outlining five key considerations to help re-open the economy.

Share your thoughts on reopening Canada's economy

Alberta COVID-19 modelling data update

The Government of Alberta has introduced a new “low” modelling scenario estimating 298 Albertans will require hospitalization and 95 will require critical care when the virus reaches its peak. If current trends continue, this scenario will become the most likely scenario for Alberta.
In an effort to keep these bulletins focused on new daily developments, we have moved key COVID-19 resources to our website . This list is updated daily as new information becomes available.

On behalf of all of the ACC executive and staff, we thank you for all that you do. Please know we are here for you and wish you and yours good health and a timely end to the current situation. Please contact with any questions or concerns.
The Alberta Chambers of Commerce is a federation of 124 community-based chambers of commerce representing more than 25,000 job creators.

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