How ACCA Helps Our Neighbors
Family Emergency Assistance
The Family Emergency Assistance ministry provided financial assistance of 26 households consisting of 61 individuals (family members) in March for a total of $27,000. Most of the assistance was used for rent or security deposits, utilities, prescription drugs, and medical or dental needs.
Food and Hygiene Ministry
ACCA’s Nutrition/Hygiene ministry provides nutritious food and other essentials to families and individuals in need in our community. Food is taken into the pantry where it is assembled and delivered to needy families. DONATIONS OF BAGS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!
In March we provided food for 87 families and 251 individuals. We also received 2,968 lbs. in donations last month, which included over 1,200 lbs. from the County’s Stuff-the-Bus campaign. Many thanks to the Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club for their gift of a $1,000.
ACCA is able to provide this level of assistance thanks to donations from our 27 member churches as well as from the generous Annandale community.
In March, the joint ACCA-Shepherd's Center transportation program had 67 ride requests filled but 9 requests were unable to be filled. This program needs more volunteer drivers. This is a very flexible commitment and more drivers are needed!
To learn more or to become a volunteer driver, contact the Shepherd’s Center of Annandale Springfield office at (703) 941-1419 or email
Furniture Ministry
Several of the furniture deliveries scheduled for an early March snow day were to persons transitioning into permanent housing so this furniture delivery was essential. Many thanks to Doug Mairena, Jorge Lopez and Brad Rothrmel for rescheduling these deliveries for 3 individuals to make sure they had a bed and other basic items. March 26 brought better weather and the volunteers made deliveries and served 7 persons. The volunteers made the empty apartments come alive with some much-needed furnishings for the new residents.
CROP Walk Report
The 2021 Annandale CROP Hunger Walk raised a total of $17,665 in check, donations for Church World Service. The 2022 walk is tentatively planned for October 15.
Rebuilding Together
ACCA is planning to work on two houses on April 30, 2022. Experienced house captains Ken Mittelholtz and Brian Meli will lead the work. Most of the tasks will be outdoors. Work will proceed under the COVID 19 protocols. Once we receive our assignments we’ll know more about the financial needs and any special skill requirements. To volunteer or learn more about this year’s house assignments, contact Marie Monsen at
Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N)
On a cold, rainy Saturday in late March, members of the Neighbor to Neighbor (formerly called Homework Club) community gathered at Peace Lutheran Church to celebrate Nowruz, the new year. Volunteers and families enjoyed learning about Nowrus traditions celebrated in Afghanistan including a delicious potluck meal.
This celebration built on our bi-monthly programming and included English practice, academic help for school-aged kids, games, crafts, and help for adults seeking employment.
If you have experience as a tutor for adult ESOL students and are interested in working one on one with someone, please contact A background check will be required.
Many volunteers and people in local communities still wonder what else can be done to support our Afghan neighbors who are resettling here. One avenue of action is to create a certified support circle with a small group of committed individuals who will help a new family with everything they need to build their lives here. This includes help in finding housing, employment, connection to services and resources, etc. Of course, the substance and power of human connections that result are part of the equation as well! NPR did a recent segment on this new approach to everyday people banding together to help new families resettle, which you can read about or listen to here.
The N2N planning team thanks ACCA for its wonderful and generous support of our programming and for the many lives touched and friendships formed out of it.