Family Emergency Assistance
In April, 38 households received financial assistance from ACCA for rent and utilities. The total amount provided for the month was almost $55,000. A few of the families we've helped include:
- The unemployed mother of seven children requested financial assistance when her partner was unable to find sufficient day labor work to cover their rent. The family’s extremely low income includes food stamps. ACCA paid one month’s rent and a water fee.
- A refugee from Afghanistan who recently arrived without her husband is due to deliver her baby in June and owes two months’ rent. Without being able to speak English, no relatives in the area, and no prospect for work, our client is without any income whatsoever. ACCA paid the rent in arrears.
- A head of household with two children reported her car stolen by teenagers. The police later recovered the car and impounded it for evidence. Our client had to pay a hefty fee for its eventual release. It was then broken into again. Due to these unusual expenses our client was not able to pay her electric and gas bills. ACCA paid both bills.
Food Pantry
For April, there were 101 food deliveries and 21 gift card mailings. This was assistance that served 386 clients in 122 households.
Furniture Ministry
The furniture ministry is working with its volunteer teams to partially resume its work in May.
In the month of April the combined ACCA-Shepherd’s Center medical transportation program provided 44 two-way rides.
Rebuilding Together
Rebuilding Together/Arlington-Fairfax-Falls Church (RT-AFF) hopes to begin to get back to work later this year to tackle repairs and deferred maintenance for our neighbors in need. Since summer 2020, small teams of volunteers and contractors have been making critical repairs in small projects through the Rebuilding Together Express program ( 65 projects ). ACCA recently sent RT-AFF a total of $2500 for the Express program ($2000 from ACCA’s 2021
budget and $500 from an ACCA member church) to help with this important work.
A group of six Rebuilding Together Express team leaders received the 2021 Social Justice Group Award from Volunteer Fairfax. Congratulations to Ken Mittelholtz, who was part of this group award.
The2020 Crop Walk provided ACCA with a check for $4871.25. The 2021 CROP Hunger Walk will be held October 16, 2021. We will decide this
summer whether the walk will be in-person or virtual, based upon information available then about the risks of COVID in Fairfax County.