Annandale Christian Community for Action (ACCA)
Annandale Christian Community for Action

Recognition for the Child Development Center

The ACCA Child Development Center's Executive Director, Maria-Isabel Ballivian, was invited to the First Lady's box during the April 28 Joint Session of Congress. Traditionally, First Ladies have invited guests to join her in her viewing box for presidential speeches to Congress and other events of national importance. This year, because of safety measures related to COVID-19, the First Lady’s guests for the President’s Address to the Joint Session of Congress viewed the session remotely. Find out more. Watch the remarks here.

In Appreciation to HomeAid Northern Virginia

Donated furniture is collected, warehoused, and delivered to those coming out of homelessness as well as other neighbors in need via ACCA - Annandale Christian Community for Action's Furniture Program. During the 20 years the program has been running we have made over 6,208 deliveries and have served over 12,659 persons in need of furniture at no cost. The ACCA furniture distribution site is located at the Annandale United Methodist Church in a building that is over 50 years old and was in dire need of a facelift. HomeAid, along with five trade partners, provided the building with a new roof, removed a chimney and repaired, HVAC support as well as fresh exterior paint, all at no cost to ACCA.
A huge thank you to the following for their participation and generosity on this important project:
During the last eight months, ACCA helped 9 immigrant families through our partnership with Just Neighbors. ACCA’s financial support for immigrants this year was especially needed since many families had lost jobs and been negatively impacted by the pandemic. These families would not have been able to apply for legal status without your support. This funding allowed:
  • One DREAMer (age 21) was able to renew his work permit (and DACA status) which allowed him to continue to work, go to school and drive in Virginia. This young adult came to the United States as a child from Honduras.
  • Two people from Peru and El Salvador were eligible and able to apply for a work permit.
  • Three people received a full legal consultation, but it was determined that they did not qualify for any immigration benefits. They were given this information and as a result will not be victims of unscrupulous immigration providers who take advantage of them and put them at risk of deportation. Immigration fraud is a frequent problem for immigrants.
  • Two women from Honduras and Pakistan were able to apply for a U-Visa and as a consequence a work permit.
  • One man from Vietnam was able to apply for a VAWA self-petition which will lead to a green card.
Furniture Program News

The furniture program is planning to resume on a limited basis with a pilot program designed to not only protect our volunteers but those where a delivery is required and donors who generously support the furniture program.

Volunteers will be working from 8 a.m. until noon on the Saturday work days in May and June with the usual summer break in July and August.

We are excited to work out of our newly improved warehouse! Thanks again to HomeAid Northern Virginia for the support. A schedule will be developed starting in September if all goes well in the spring.

To participate in this program, either by donating furniture or by volunteering, contact

To request furniture, contact the Fairfax County Coordinated Services Planning office at 703-222-0880.
Food Pantry Collections Continue

We collect food donations on weekdays with the exception of County Holidays and other scheduled closings from 1 – 5 pm at the food pantry located at 7200 Columbia Pike (trailer separate from the day care center) in Annandale.

We will continue to accept food at the pantry on Saturday May 22 from 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. and also on Saturday, June 12 and Saturday, June 26.

Pantry volunteers are required to follow social distancing guidelines. While volunteering at the pantry we encourage visitors to keep the health and safety of our volunteers in mind when donating. An updated list of needed items is available.

Call 703/256-9513 or email for more information.
Ministry Updates
Family Emergency Assistance

In April, 38 households received financial assistance from ACCA for rent and utilities. The total amount provided for the month was almost $55,000. A few of the families we've helped include:

  • The unemployed mother of seven children requested financial assistance when her partner was unable to find sufficient day labor work to cover their rent. The family’s extremely low income includes food stamps. ACCA paid one month’s rent and a water fee.

  • A refugee from Afghanistan who recently arrived without her husband is due to deliver her baby in June and owes two months’ rent. Without being able to speak English, no relatives in the area, and no prospect for work, our client is without any income whatsoever. ACCA paid the rent in arrears.

  • A head of household with two children reported her car stolen by teenagers. The police later recovered the car and impounded it for evidence. Our client had to pay a hefty fee for its eventual release. It was then broken into again. Due to these unusual expenses our client was not able to pay her electric and gas bills. ACCA paid both bills.

Food Pantry

For April, there were 101 food deliveries and 21 gift card mailings. This was assistance that served 386 clients in 122 households.

Furniture Ministry

The furniture ministry is working with its volunteer teams to partially resume its work in May.


In the month of April the combined ACCA-Shepherd’s Center medical transportation program provided 44 two-way rides.

Rebuilding Together

Rebuilding Together/Arlington-Fairfax-Falls Church (RT-AFF) hopes to begin to get back to work later this year to tackle repairs and deferred maintenance for our neighbors in need. Since summer 2020, small teams of volunteers and contractors have been making critical repairs in small projects through the Rebuilding Together Express program ( 65 projects ). ACCA recently sent RT-AFF a total of $2500 for the Express program ($2000 from ACCA’s 2021
budget and $500 from an ACCA member church) to help with this important work.

A group of six Rebuilding Together Express team leaders received the 2021 Social Justice Group Award from Volunteer Fairfax. Congratulations to Ken Mittelholtz, who was part of this group award.


The2020 Crop Walk provided ACCA with a check for $4871.25. The 2021 CROP Hunger Walk will be held October 16, 2021. We will decide this
summer whether the walk will be in-person or virtual, based upon information available then about the risks of COVID in Fairfax County.
In its 53rd year, ACCA continues to provide high quality child care and serves as a principal source of emergency assistance, including food, furniture and financial support, for our vulnerable neighbors.
ACCA remains committed to the challenge of Jesus, as described in Matthew 25:40: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”