Volunteer Award

Congratulations to ACCA furniture program chair and longtime volunteer Mary Lee Di Spirito who received the 2024 Governor’s Volunteerism & Community Service Award at a November 20 ceremony. Governor Glenn Youngkin announced the honorees in the 2024 Governor’s Volunteerism & Community Service Awards at the Executive Mansion in Richmond. Mary Lee Di Spirito was recognized as the outstanding senior volunteer in the Commonwealth. The annual awards program spotlights the outstanding volunteer efforts of individuals, organizations, and businesses, on behalf of Virginians across the Commonwealth. Pictured from the left: Virginia First Lady Suzanne Youngkin, Mary Lee Di Spirito, Gov. Glenn Youngkin, and Clovia Lawrence, a member of the Serve Virginia Advisory Board. Details

Challenge Campaign

ACCA needs your support to continue our work in the coming year. We continue to see an increased need in our neighborhoods. This trend reflects a nationwide increase in food insecurity as many government benefits were reduced post-pandemic.

In our 57th year, ACCA continued to provide high-quality childcare and serves as a principal source of emergency assistance, including food, furniture, and financial support, for our vulnerable neighbors.

Our efforts depend on your generosity. We hope you will consider a donation to ACCA as we wrap up our 2024 operations. 

We have focused our operations to meet the growing needs of the community. Your donations will help us to continue to serve our local community in our 58th year!

Our goal for this year's Challenge Campaign is to raise $175,000 in donations between now and January 31, 2025. You all have been amazing supporters of ACCA and we hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Donate Now

Merry Christmas


Although ACCA has provided emergency assistance to 27,000 individuals in nearly 9,000 households since 2020, the need is still great in our area. Unfortunately, many basic needs in our community remain unmet. We aren't able to ensure food security for all of our neighbors and many remain at risk of becoming unhoused.

However, with the help of our many donors and volunteers, ACCA looks forward to 2025 when we will continue to work to provide food, financial assistance, and furniture to our needy neighbors, one family at a time.

Untitled Design

Calling all Santa's Elves!

Santa will visit the ACCA Child Development Center on December 20 and present a variety of gifts to the children and their families. If you'd like to help with this, please drop off any of the following to the front office before 5 p.m. (preferably by Tuesday, December 17!) (unwrapped) at the CDC at 7600 Columbia Pike. Thank you for your support!

  • Underwear (boys, girls, sizes 2 - 6)
  • Hats and Mittens
  • Pajamas (all sizes up through 6)
  • New Toys, Books, Puzzles for ages Newborn - age 5

Impact Report - November 2024

FEAP - Family Emergency Assistance Program

HH - Households

*In addition, the ACCA/Shepherd's Center transportation program provided 38 two-way rides.

Your Grocery Purchases Benefit the Child Development Center 


Harris Teeter shoppers, you can donate to the ACCA Child Development Center (CDC) every time you shop by linking your VIC card to the CDC. Harris Teeter donates to participating schools when you purchase participating Harris Teeter brand products.

To link your card (or update your selections), visit the site at Together in Education, or ask the cashier the next time you are in the store. Use the enrollment code 8684 for the CDC.

Thanksgiving Service

Thank you to everyone who helped with and attended the annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service on November 24 at St. Alban's Episcopal Church. View the highlights.

Thank you

Many thanks to everyone who helped with some recent successful food drives including:

1) Giant, NARFE (National Associate of Retired Federal Employees), and, Mason District Police collected 3,356 lbs. of non-perishable food plus $1,534 in cash donations this fall.

2) Scout Troops 150 and 702 (pictured right) collected over 8,000 lbs. of food at their annual Scouting for Food event on November 9.

3) Early voters and others visiting the Mason District Government Center have donated over 1,200 lbs of food this year.

4) The Bailey's Crossroads Rotary Club and Mason District Police collected food from shoppers at the Harris Teeter on October 16.

5) Many of our member churches and especially the local Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints who have provided truckloads of nonperishable items this year.

Storage Space Needed

Our current furniture warehouse is full! The ACCA Furniture Program needs storage space for the gently used donated furniture and then delivered to our neighbors. We need help locating storage space. Please share with your friends and neighbors! Email furniture@accacares.org.

Volunteer Opportunities

Food Captain - Fully Remote

This remote role helps coordinate the delivery of groceries to clients by working by email and phone with social workers from Fairfax County. Food captains work one week per quarter and should be available during business hours to receive emails and phone calls. The average amount of time per week is 8 hours. Basic computer skills are required and training is provided. Contact volunteers@accacares.org for details.

Furniture Volunteers

Are you looking for a weekend volunteer opportunity? The ACCA furniture team needs volunteers to pick up donated furniture and deliver to clients on Saturday mornings beginning on September 14. Send an email to furniture@accacares.org .

Money Captain - Fully Remote

This remote role helps coordinate the payment of funds to clients by working by email and phone with social workers from Fairfax County. Money captains work one week per quarter and should be available during business hours to receive emails and phone calls. The average amount of time per week is 8 hours. Basic computer skills are required and training is provided. Contact volunteers@accacares.org for details.

Drivers needed

Do you have a driver's license, a vehicle, and a few hours per month to help with one of these programs? Schedules are flexible and the commitment is just an hour or two.

1) Drivers for Medical Appointments

Can you help by driving someone to and from a medical appointment? Drivers are needed to provide rides to medical and therapy appointments for persons age 50 or older who cannot drive themselves. If interested, please contact the Shepherd's Center at 703-941-1419 between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday through Friday or shepherdscas@vacoxmail.com. This program is a joint effort between Shepherd's Center of Annandale Springfield and ACCA.

2) Food Delivery Drivers

ACCA is looking for food delivery drivers to deliver food to needy clients within the Annandale/Bailey's Crossroads area. There is no fixed commitment. Drivers can work weekly or every few weeks or less as it fits their schedules each week. Deliveries are between 1:30 and about 5 p.m., Tuesday through Friday. Drivers receive food referrals from the food captain, contact the client to ensure they will be home, pick up pre-packed food at the pantry, and drive to the client’s residence. The time involved is usually less than an hour. Complete the volunteer interest form.


ACCA is a community-based organization providing day care, food, rental assistance, furniture, and other services to low-income families in the Annandale/Bailey’s Crossroads area. What counts most in ACCA is serving those in need.

Please consider dropping off food at the pantry on Tuesday-Friday afternoons between 1:30 and 4 p.m. or at the Mason District Government Center on weekdays form 9 - 5 and at many local churches. At the pantry, be sure to deliver your donations to a volunteer, please don't leave food unattended.

Can you help? ACCA needs volunteers to help with the increased demand for food by accepting donations and also for delivery drivers.Complete the volunteer interest form.

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