June 2020

ACCA Executive Director Paul Cabaj gave the Board an overview of his team's activities in the first quarter of 2020 in support of the ACCA Strategic Plan . The report included how COVID-19 has impacted organizational priorities and the supports ACCA has offered to support its members. Review the 2020 Corporate Plan and the Q1 Update
Supporting the Co-op Sector
The ACCA Board welcomed Bill Oemichen and Elliot Bridgewater to present on a new partnership, Co-operative and Community Counsel.

Our good friend, Bill Oemichen, is working with Elliot Bridgewater, a lawyer and co-op champion, in supporting ACCA members and Alberta co-ops with top end legal advice at much lower costs.  
Webinars to watch at your leisure
COVID-19: Are you ready to re-open?

On May 14, we hosted a free webinar to provide an overview of a useful tool to help you with your business re-opening, the Post-COVID-19 Facility Re-entry Guide prepared by the NAIT Centre for Applied Disaster and Emergency Management (CADEM). This webinar included Josh Bowen and Tracy Blaine from CADEM. You can also download the audio file . Watch the webinar .
Rural Routes to Climate Solutions

The solar farm under development in Innisfail, Alberta, is a community generation success story.

Innisfail Councillor Jean Barclay and Innisfail CAO Todd Becker's presentation for the Com-Gen Lunch on May 15, 2020, goes over the economics of the Innisfail Solar project and the other energy efficiency actions the project spurred on in the community.

News and more ...
Congratulations to the newly incorporated Bow Valley Green Energy Co-operative , a grassroots organization that is working on the creation of community-owned renewable energy generation projects in the Bow Valley. Welcome to the co-operative family!

How can credit unions work to stand out from their competitors when every bank is digital first ? Read this great report .

Speaking of innovation … check out this posting from the City of Edmonton seeking to establish a Board of Directors for Innovate Edmonton .

Emissions Reduction Alberta has launched the $40 million Food, Farming and Forestry Challenge and is now accepting applications. ERA will fund up to $5 million per project and up to 50% of project costs.
Advertise with us!
We're all about promoting our members - so we decided to create a space for you to advertise your goods and services through the ACCA newsletter!

Cost is only $10 per edition of the newsletter. The ad must promote a good or service that benefits other co-ops or their employees.

Only one ad per edition of the newsletter so contact us today to book your ad space !
New! Job Postings
Have a job opening up? Advertise with us!

ACCA is creating a centralized hub on our website for co-operative and credit union organizations to post their job and Board vacancies. Postings will also be shared via the ACCA monthly newsletter as well as our social media channels.

Cost is only $10 per posting. Email for more info today!