Food Pantry Needs and Donation Schedules
Our food pantry team delivers much-needed groceries to clients referred to ACCA by social workers at Fairfax County. Our generous community donates non-perishable food and hygiene products which are then supplemented by a team of shoppers. Our bargain-hunters visit several stores to get what is needed at the lowest price.
Please consider donating non-perishable foods to ACCA. We will be collecting food donations each week on Tuesday-Friday from 1:30-4 p.m., with the exception of County Holidays and other scheduled closings.
The ACCA food pantry is located at 7200 Columbia Pike (trailer separate from the day care center) in Annandale. Please do not drop off food if a volunteer is not available.
On the first Thursday of each month in the fall you can also drop food off at the Mason District Police Station at 6507 Columbia Pike in the lower parking lot. The dates for the collections are September 8, October 6, and November 3. Many thanks to our sponsoring partners at the Fairfax County Mason District Police and the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) Chapter 1159.