The greatest success was the shift in thinking from "putting on a good show" for my observations to growing as an educator. Jason Pilgrim, grade 3 teacher
As a district, one of our greatest successes was hitting the ground running early on with our administrators. Last summer, we spent time training and calibrating together and aligning our efforts to DTGSS. Karen Blannard, assistant superintendent
The greatest success is the focus on one specific growth area. Jessica Wagner, grade 1 teacher
The greatest success this year was the conversations that came out of conferencing and just the different look we had at evaluation process. For so long, it has been checking things off a list. Now, it is much more conversational and focused on what the students are doing and what the students are learning. Jason Cameron, personnel director
The greatest success this year is being in the classroom more often and being able to conference with the teachers. It’s more of a feedback and coaching model. Another great success is teachers being responsible for their own goals. Bradley Layfield, principal