May 2022
2022 ACCG Final Legislative Update

The ACCG Final 2022 Legislative Update can be accessed here for your review. This report is designed to serve as your guide to legislation from the 2022 session of the Georgia General Assembly and includes a brief summary, effective dates and the county impact(s) of each bill and resolution. A recording of the Final Virtual Legislative Update hosted on May 18, 2022, can be viewed here

Please contact a member of the ACCG policy team should you have any questions regarding specific legislation. 

ACCG TSPLOST Guide Updated
ACCG has updated the Single County TSPLOST guide. Due to the passage of House Bill 934 during the 2022 legislative session, this update includes the changes made to the length of time the tax can be collected and the available election dates in odd numbered years. Click here to view the updated guide. 

ACCG Policy Committee Issues Survey
Your Input Is Needed!

As one session of the Georgia General Assembly ends, preparation for the next begins. ACCG would like to gauge what issues your county is facing that need state or federal assistance, a change to state or federal law, or a modification to state or federal agency rules and regulations. To capture the policy issues affecting your county, we ask that you take the brief survey found here.

2023 COLAS/Raises For County Officials Webinar Recording Available

A recording of the webinar on the $5,000 COLA/raise for many county officials resulting from action of the General Assembly during the 2022 legislative session is now available. The $5,000 raise was included in the Amended Budget for FY 2022 and includes an annual raise for most state employees. Because of existing state law, this will have trickle-down effects on the compensation of many county-level officials. 

Click here to access the recorded webinar. A copy of the presentation can be found here
Please click here to view the ACCG Salary Guide referenced during the webinar.

Save the Date: Summer Policy Committee Meetings

ACCG's seven standing Policy Committees will meet during the summer to discuss the issues and recommend policy objectives for the 2023 session of the General Assembly as well as for Congress and federal and state agencies. Meetings will be held over the span of two days in both the northern and southern regions of the state. Registration will open soon. Meeting times and locations can be found here.

Summer Policy Committee Meetings
August 11 - 12 – Gwinnett County
August 17 - 18 – Tift County
State News
Transportation Alternatives Program Project Funding Now Available

The Georgia Department of Transportation has published a call for Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) project applications for FY 2023 funding. TAP was designed to help local governments pursue non-traditional transportation related activities such as pedestrian facilities, bicycle facilities, and pedestrian streetscaping projects.  Applications will be accepted until July 17. For more information, click here.  

If you have any questions, please contact  

Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program 2022-2023 Funding Cycle Now Open

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently announced the Georgia Outdoor Stewardship Program (GOSP) Funding Cycle and Educational Workshops dates for the 2022-2023 funding cycle. Starting in June, the DNR grants staff will conduct a series of webinar-based Educational Workshops covering the highlights of the GA Outdoor Stewardship Program and offering training on the application processFor more details on the upcoming webinars and DNR programs click here.
Federal News
USDOT Safe Streets for All (SS4A) Discretionary Grant Program

The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) recently announced that the application process is now open for communities of all sizes to apply for $1 billion in FY 2022 funding to help them ensure safe streets and roads for all and address the national roadway safety crisis. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s new Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) discretionary grant program provides dedicated funding to support regional, local, and Tribal plans, projects and strategies that will prevent roadway deaths and serious injuries. Read the official announcement here.

USDOT Accepting Applications for Advisory Committee on Transportation Equity 

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has reestablished the Advisory Committee on Transportation Equity (ACTE), the first federal advisory committee established under Secretary Pete Buttigieg. The goal of this committee is to provide independent advice and recommendations to the Secretary about comprehensive, interdisciplinary issues related to civil rights and transportation equity in the planning, design, research, policy, and advocacy contexts. Interested parties are encouraged to apply to serve on the committee. The ACTE will consist of up to 25 members with experience in civil rights, housing, health care, disability access, and environmental justice. It is expected that the Committee will meet quarterly.

To apply, interested parties will need to submit a statement of interest and a statement of qualifications (such as a resume) to equity@dot.govApplications will be accepted until June 15.

In preparation for the National Association of Counties (NACo) 2022 Annual Conference & Exposition, NACo members are invited to submit policy resolutions and platform changes to be considered during the conference. The NACo resolutions process provides members with the ability to participate in national policy decisions affecting county governments by proposing changes to NACo’s platform or policy resolutions that, if approved, will be added to the platform for one year. Click here to view a resolution template and overview of NACo's policy process. 

All resolutions and platform changes must be submitted electronically (preferably as a Word document) via email to by June 21, 2022. More details can be found here.

2022 - 2023 NACo Presidential Leadership and Committee Appointments

Do you want to apply for a leadership position in NACo? If so, click here to apply for a NACo Presidential Appointment. Georgia is a 100% state, so county commissioners in all Georgia Counties are eligible. This is not the application to sign-up for NACo policy steering committees.  We will send out the request for those applications next month.
Questions? Email the
ACCG Legislative team:
Review the ACCG Final 2022 Legislative Update

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ACCG is YOUR county association. We are here to advance all 159 Georgia county governments. Please feel free to contact a member of the policy team if they can assist in any way.