Capitol Connection E-Newsletter – September 2017
2017 Legislative Leadership Conference Less Than Two Weeks Away!
In less than two weeks, county leaders across the state will hear from several 2018 gubernatorial candidates during the Candidate Forum as they address major county concerns. Other issues that will be the topic of various conference sessions include rural broadband efforts, the impact of the location of wireless facilities on local government poles and more with the ACCG policy staff.
Click  here for more information. 

ACCG Policy Council Recommends Policy Agenda for 2018
The Policy Council met on Sept. 22 and reviewed all recommendations from ACCG's seven standing policy committees regarding the Policy Agenda for the upcoming year. The Policy Agenda replaces the County Platform document used in years past. The proposed Policy Agenda will be presented to and voted on by ACCG's full membership on Thursday, Oct. 12 during the business session at the Legislative Leadership Conference. To view a full copy of the recommended Policy Agenda, click here .

Any amendments to the proposed Policy Agenda must be submitted in writing on the Proposed Amendment Form and co-signed by at least five voting delegates. Amendments must be submitted to the presiding officer by a voting delegate on Thursday, Oct. 12 at 1:30 p.m. at the business session. Amendment forms can be accessed here. They will also be available at the business session.

Please contact Nicole Logan ([email protected]) with any questions about the recommended Agenda.
2017 Georgia Transportation Summit
Join the American Council of Engineering Companies of Georgia, the Georgia Department of Transportation, Georgia Chamber of Commerce and Georgia Transportation Alliance for the 2017 Georgia Transportation Summit! This annual event takes place on Oct. 20 and will include federal, state and local-level transportation and infrastructure updates directly from key leaders. Details and registration information can be found here.
*A government rate is available for elected/appointed officials and their staff. Contact Brittney Love ( [email protected]) for more information.

Georgia Archives to Host Records Emergency Preparedness and Response Course
On Oct. 31, the Georgia Archives will host the second IPER (Intergovernmental Preparedness for Essential Records) Course – REPR (Records Emergency Preparedness and Response). Registration details can be found here.
House Bill 337- Searchable Electronic Database for State Tax Liens
HB 337 (effective Jan. 1, 2018) was established to give the Georgia Department of Revenue ability to electronically file state tax liens, search prior liens, and access to a certificate of lien clearance prior to the transfer of real property. To obtain this access, the department developed a database called Satisfaction Of Liens Via Electronic Database (SOLVED). Access this link to learn more about House Bill 337 and SOLVED.

House Bill 1000-Tax Refund Intercept Program (TRIP)
HB 1000 was passed in 2015 to create a system that would allow counties to collect funds from state income tax refunds of individuals owing fines to local courts. This system, known as the Tax Refund Intercept Program, assists not only in collecting these unpaid fines but also acts as an incentive for debtors to pay the court beforehand. Learn more about TRIP and how county courts benefit from this fairly new program.

Analysis of Georgia’s Title Ad Valorem Tax
On September 26 th, the Georgia State Fiscal Research Center issued a report analyzing of the Title Ad Valorem Tax (TAVT) from its inception in 2013 through 2016. The report goes into detail regarding the overall impact on local governments and the state of Georgia. This is the first independent analysis of the TAVT system since its inception, and includes a good overview of how the TAVT system works. Consistent with ACCG’s prior analysis, the Fiscal Research Center report finds that the state has done well under the TAVT system, while most local governments have suffered a decline in revenues from the taxation of motor vehicles. The report may be viewed here. If you have any questions about this report, please contact Clint Mueller ( [email protected]) or Larry Ramsey ( [email protected]).

Preparations for the 2020 Census Have Begun
Every 10 years, the population is recounted to help the federal government accurately allocate funds throughout the state for government programs and services. To participate, your county needs to properly submit the Local Update of Census Addresses (LUCA) that the Census mailed out. Click here to see if your county has participated or needs more information on the LUCA and its requirements.
U.S. Department of Transportation Announces New Round of TIGER Grants
The U.S. Department of Transportation announced a new round of Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) Grant funding for projects that improve access to safe, reliable, and affordable transportation for rural communities. The DOT held webinars on September 13 and 19 to assist with the application process and will hold additional webinars in the ipcoming weeks. The application deadline is Oct. 16, 2017. View more information about TIGER grants here.

2018 Funding Available - Crime Victims' Rights Week Projects
The National Association of VOCA Assistance Administrators (NAVAA) and the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) are offering funding to approximately 60 communities with public awareness initiatives that focus on crime victims' rights and needs. Find out how your community can get involved in this funding opportunity. Click here for more information.

GEFA 2018 Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Funds
On Oct. 2, the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority will open the Clean Water and Drinking State Revolving Funds solicitation period to provide financial assistance for publicly-owned water and wastewater projects. Click here to learn more about SRFs and the eligibility requirements. 

Nonpoint Source Implementation Grant Applications Available
The Georgia Environmental Protection Division receives an annual grant under Section 319(h) of the Clean Water Act to help prevent, control and/or abate nonpoint source pollution in support of Georgia’s Nonpoint Source Management Program. GA EPD then conducts a competitive process to fund eligible projects that will lead to direct reductions in pollutant loads and measurable water quality improvements in impaired waters throughout the state. Public entities such as cities or county governments with Qualified Local Government status; regional and state agencies; authorities that 
operate public services or delivery programs; regional commissions; county extensions; local school systems; and state colleges and universities may apply.
Application Deadline is Oct. 31, 2017. Visit here for more details.
Check out ACCG TV
Are you interested in seeing what's going on at ACCG? Visit ACCG TV to view conference videos, interviews and more. Stay Tuned to see what has in store!
Save the Date for the 2017 Legislative Leadership Conference!