June 2015

CEO's Message

We've celebrated Canada Day 2015, marking 148 years since our nation's founding. The Canadian flag turned 50 this year, by the way. If you're in Edmonton, you may have taken in the day's celebrations at the Alberta Legislature, and the opportunity to chat with MLAs and even the Premier.


The Alberta Legislature should be foremost on our minds. Please consider this message a call to action. Over the next few days, in the Members Only section (under Key Messages) on www.acds.ca, we'll be uploading the briefing documents that ACDS is distributing to MLAs and Cabinet Ministers. Also to be included is a letter directed towards agency leaders like yourselves and a briefing document/tip sheet that you can distribute to your individuals, staff, and families/guardians, as well as the legal opinion ACDS has received on all of the Safety Standards.


The issues surrounding the Standard 8 and the PDD Safety Standards as a whole are quickly approaching a crisis point for a number of people and service providers. The government is going to begin working over the summer on a full provincial budget to be tabled in the fall. Treasury Board directives which require the retendering of contracts within Human Services over $10,000 will soon become a significant issue.


These issues cannot remain quiet or behind closed doors. To quote Graham Thompson and his message to our sector this past January: "Show the public, media and politicians why they should care"


ACDS is asking The Hon. Irfan Sabir, Minister of Human Services, for a suspension of the PDD Safety Standards Regulation, and recommending an MLA-led stakeholder review that could be completed over the summer months. Operating on a participatory model, this review panel, which the Minister has the authority to commission under the PDD Act, would be able to work transparently in bringing forward documents, testimony and developing solutions to issues which could be tabled for action and implementation in the fall.


This is a chance for the Minister to work collaboratively with our sector, while developing policy directions that could solve a number of issues over the months ahead. A full review of PDD's operations, performance measures and administrative costs would also be timely as the government looks to continue supporting people with disabilities while facing a substantial budget deficit.


As sector leaders, we need to bring issues forward to the public, media and on social media as they affect your organization and the people whom you serve. Please take the information provided and use it to contact your MLA in support of this request.


The ACDS Communications Committee has worked to develop this information. Starting in the South region, Service Provider Councils from north to south are drafting letters that will soon be sent as well to the Minister and Members of the Assembly.


Please contact Jamie Post (jamie@acds.ca) and myself (ann@acds.ca) if you need assistance, have questions, or to inform us as to how you are proceeding, so that we can collect information provincially on how our message is being received.


If we're successful, the summer months will be a busy time for us, and a productive one where we can look back at the advocacy we've undertaken together as the start of real change in our relationship with government.




Ann Nicol, CEO

If you want to schedule time to talk to Ann or comment on something that is important to you, just send a message to acds@acds.ca
ACDS Notes

PDD Safety Standards Act

The issues surrounding Standard 8 and the PDD Safety Standards Act as a whole are quickly approaching a crisis point for a number of people and service providers.  

  • The results of our member survey have been tabled with the PDD Division.
  • A legal opinion from lawyer John McGee has been shared with members and has helped frame our response that the Act unreasonably requires Service Providers to be accountable for living environments they have no control over.
  • ACDS key messages have been developed requesting that The Hon. Irfan Sabir, Minister of Human Services, suspend the PDD Safety Standards Regulation pending discussions with stakeholders to consider better options for ensuring the safety of individuals with a context of community inclusion and individual rights.

New Treasury Board Directives

The government is going to begin working over the summer on a full provincial budget to be tabled in the fall. Treasury Board directives which require the retendering of contracts within Human Services over $10,000 will soon become a significant issue.  

  • We have requested information and input into the development of exemption guidelines at several PDD Division forums.
  • A draft briefing has been prepared on the potential impact on continuity of care, service stability and workforce uncertainty.
  • This has been shared with ALIGN (formerly AASCF) who will further develop from the Children's Services perspective and will be jointly presented to the Ministry's COO.

Transformational Change and Stakeholder Review

Through the Membership Council we have heard very clear concerns about the need for this new Government and Minister to pause and assess the current program changes and issues impacting services through an MLA-led stakeholder review. We've recommended that this review could be completed over the summer months.  

  • Operating on a participatory model, this review panel, which the Minister has the authority to commission under the PDD act, would be able to work transparently in bringing forward documents, testimony and developing solutions to issues which could be tabled for action and implementation in the fall.
  • This is a chance for the Minister to work collaboratively with our sector, while developing policy directions that could solve a number of issues over the months ahead.
  • A full review of PDD's operations, performance measures and administrative costs would also be timely as the government looks to continue supporting people with disabilities while facing a substantial budget deficit.
  • Service Provider Councils are reviewing their position statements and developing messaging for distribution.
  • We will discuss this matter further at our next meeting of the Membership Council on July 2nd.

Minimum Wage Increase

Premier Notely has announced that her government is planning a phased in approach towards an increase in the minimum wage to $15.00/hour.  

  • ACDS was invited to attend a stakeholder consultant and was very pleased to have our Workforce Council co-chair, Tacey Murphy, attend on our behalf.
  • Our office researched and developed a briefing document on the potential issues and impacts that require further planning and our willingness to work on collaboratively. (Available in the Members Only section of ACDS.ca)
  • Issues raised by members included immediate impacts on overnight staff currently funded at minimum wage level and compression costs for other staff positions. Impacts will also be felt by members operating social enterprises that supplement and support PDD programs, employment of individuals in community and on AISH.
How do I join?
  • Once you have created an account, you can log in through the Log in or Sign up link at the top right side of the main page window

Professional Development


News, Links and Events

Congratulations to Gateway Association..
..on another successful Cash Mob in support of inclusive hiring!

Read more at gatewayassociation.ca

Calgary Service Provider Council AGM

ACDS' Director of Services Clova Lehr, and Communications Coordinator Jamie Post were able to attend this year's AGM for the Community Rehabilitation Service Provider Council of Calgary. Others in attendance included Andrew Traynor (Constituency Assistant, St. Albert) and guest speaker Kerry Towle (past MLA for Innisfail-Sylvan Lake).

Ms. Towle spent the afternoon answering questions on political advocacy for our sector and speaking to her own experiences within the Legislature and that brought her into political life:
  • She shared her insights on bringing media and government attention to an issue.
  • Kerry was a Human Services critic and advocate for seniors and long-term care.
  • She coined the term "Divorce by Seniors Home" that drew headlines and altered policy. 

Kerry's advice on being an effective advocate for people with developmental disabilities:

  • Our sector needs to meet with every MLA and offer a site visit
  • Frame every question or comment with a human face or story - MLAs need to understand why they should care
  • MLAs need the issues and stories, like the many our sector faces and has to offer, to be effective voices in and outside of the Legislature
  • Communicating effectively is an on-going, continuous effort - you need to build relationships so that when the MLA has a question about our sector, they pick up the phone and call you
  • We also need to be telling our success stories so we aren't just communicating when we need something or have a crisis

Disability Sector in the Alberta Legislation

A short first session for the 29th Legislature wasn't without mention in the Assembly. On June 22nd, ACDS' Communications Coordinator, Jamie Post, was introduced as a guest prior to question period. On June 23rd, former Lo-Se-Ca Executive Director and MLA for St. Albert, Marie Renaud, delivered a maiden speech that focused on her 14 years of experience in the sector.


"Together all of us have much to do to restore power in decision-making and inclusion for the people of Alberta.  


I believe that over the last few years we've lost our way and focus by choosing not to really hear and consult with the people of Alberta, not just those who have big voices and powerful voices but all people.  


Community consultation is not simply a stand-alone exercise but the building of nurturing relationships. We can't create policy without listening, listening to the people whose lives are impacted by the policy.


Through my work and in my personal life I've witnessed the dangers of well-meaning policy created without real community consultation and impact assessment."

Click here to read the rest


Transitions AGM

St. Albert Mayor Nolan Crouse


St. Albert's Transitions Rehabilitation Association held their 37th Annual General Meeting in June. It was the last AGM for long-time sector leader Paul Fujishige, as he retires from Transitions this year.


Also in attendance was guest speaker St. Albert Mayor Nolan Crouse. His Worship spoke on several topics including his own experiences with the Human Services sector, the work of service providers like Transitions and representative groups such as ACDS. As well as answering on topics including the PDD Safety Standards.

Transitions: Website - Twitter - Facebook 


Calgary SCOPE Society AGM   

AGM season continued with that of the Calgary SCOPE Society. Congratulations to the staff at SCOPE who were honored for 5, 10, 15 and 20 years of service to the organization!


SCOPE CEO Ryan Geake, speaking to several topics including housing, human rights and PDD Safety Standards.


St. Albert's Lo-Se-Ca Foundation Seeking an Executive Director
The Executive Director works in a dynamic environment providing leadership and guidance to a staff providing services and programs for more than 80 mentally and physically challenged adults living in over 20 community settings in St. Albert and north Edmonton.
Responsibilities include:

* leading a team of 150 employees (full and part-time)
* managing over $8 million in allocated budgets, revenue, and expenditures
* developing and supporting organizational goals and strategies to best meet the needs of
the individuals we serve
* overseeing policies, administrative regulations and standards of service
* collaborating with stakeholders, individual families and guardians
* working with relevant government agencies

Click here to download the advertisement 

Alberta Disability Workers Association Survey on Staff Compensation

"As we start to plan advocacy with a new government, it is important for ADWA to know what compensation changes disability workers have experienced and the impact on their desire and ability to continue working in disability services."
ADWA E-Bulletin
Survey Link
Training and Development Update

Best Practice Forum in Staff Health & Safety in Disability Services
Join other leaders from across the province interested in maintaining or improving Health and Safety in the Workplace!
  • The OHS Social and Community Care initiative
  • Sharing best practices from CET reporting
  • Leading indicators and their potential to improve health and safety in your workplace
  • Psychosocial factors relating to the way work is carried out, and the context in which work occurs

August 17th, 2015

Coast Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre - Calgary, AB


Register at: http://www.acds.ca/training_events.html  


Workplace Investigation Training


This is a great framework and tool organizations can use for a variety of workplace incidents. The material was developed in Consultation with WJS Alberta!


Learn how to respond to a workplace claim or complaint without compromising a subsequent investigation. At the end of the training participants will be able to recognize when a workplace investigation is warranted and be able to conduct an investigation properly and protect the outcome!  



Sept 1-2, 2015

Calgary, Alberta


Registration will be available in July at: http://www.acds.ca/training_events.html


Supported Self-Employment Symposium Recap


Held on June 26th in Leduc, the session featured Russell Sickles from Griffin-Hammis Associates. As well as guest speakers to talk about the founding of Anthony at Your Service and Brick Art by Aaron.



Workforce Update

Workforce Classification System Provincial Implementation
ACDS Workforce is booking the two-day evaluation session in August, September and October. These sessions are supported by the Disability Division, Disability Services through PDD Branch. The session evaluates your HR against the industry best practice and provides you with relevant information in the decision making process to support the vital staff that support your individuals.
Many of you have been to the one day information session. This two day session is individualized for your agency and drawn upon your expertise in the field and specialized an approach the will meet the needs of the staff and the support they provide.
This two day session includes meals, manuals and a personalized facilitation at your site. These is no cost to the service provider directly. It is best to have a good cross section of your organization as many high preforming staff that can be managed, and have the days back to back.
I look forward to hearing from you to set up a convenient time.
Please contact me at the information below.
PS: I will be away from July 6th to August 4th. I will respond as soon as I return. If you would like to book a session for August please contact Jody Amirault email: jody@acds.ca or (403) 250-9495ext. 223
Thank You 
Jim Des Roches
Manager Workforce Councils
Alberta Council of Disabilities (ACDS)

Accreditation Update

Thoughts on Creating Excellence Together (CET) from ARBI
Association for the Rehabilitation of the Brain Injured CEO Mary Ellen Neilson, discussed her organization's recent experience with reaching CET Level 2 in the Spring Edition of their newsletter.

"Spring has been eventful at ARBI, and I am pleased to report on all of the

I have been officially initiated into the accreditation process thanks to stellar support
from team ARBI. The Alberta Council of Disability Services' endorsement is critical to ensuring that we maintain excellence in service delivery. The CET Standards have become the provincial benchmark for assessing the three primary components of an organization's operations: programs that ensure quality of life; the
quality of service needed to provide and maintain quality of life for
clients, and all aspects of the organizational framework.

We successfully achieved Accreditation Level II, which represents a higher level of quality than the province's regulations for service provision. In our debriefing meeting, the surveyors highlighted two areas they deemed exceptional. The first commendation referenced our professionalism and focus, particularly around helping clients set and achieve their goals. Next, they noted ARBI's culture - our commitment to the values of compassion and caring, and the incredible teamwork of our staff."
Read the rest of the newsletter
ACDS Products

Staff Safety Toolkit
This tool kit was developed to build the capacity of organizations around the safety of staff. It includes guiding principles based on current best practices in safety training and a framework for sharing key information. The Tool kit looks at staff safety from the three perspectives, other people, place and self.  This has been developed for use by those responsible for in-house training and supervision, and will address the four key elements of motivation, reinforcement, retention and transference to day to day work.
View the toolkit at ACDS Products

Safe Bathing and Showering Toolkit

The ACDS Umbrella is a publication of the
Alberta Council of Disability Services
Bay 19, 3220 - 5 Avenue NE
Calgary, Alberta, T2A 5N1
Phone: 403-250-9495 * Fax: 403-291-9864
© 2014 Alberta Council of Disability Services

Do you have something to say about 
The ACDS Umbrella or any of its content?
Send your comments or ideas to us at jamie@acds.ca

Permission to Reprint: Is there an article or news item in this or any other ACDS Umbrella newsletter that you would like to reprint in your own newsletter or other information circular? Please contact us at acds@acds.ca, attention Communications and Marketing, and include the title of the article, the issue date (e.g., February 2013), and a brief summary of how the material will be used.

The information provided in The ACDS Umbrella is for your information only and links are provided for your convenience. ACDS is not responsible for the content, change in content, accuracy, relevancy, copyright compliance, or legality of the material on external websites.