May 2016

Safety Resources at a Tap 
ACDS has successfully applied for funding through Occupational Health & Safety's Innovation & Engagement Grants Program to build a safety resources application for front-line staff.

Easier than trying to carry safety manuals on the road, or searching through PDFs on a small phone screen, the app will bring multiple tools together, providing easy access to important information for staff working in the field and on their own. 
ACDS is partnering with the Alberta Disability Workers Association (ADWA) on this project. To help the development team, we've put together a survey (click here) asking how you currently use apps on your mobile devices, what critical information you'd like to see in a safety app, desired features and asking for some information about your workplace. Please take a few minutes to complete it and pass the link along to your staff and colleagues. The survey will close on June 17.

Help Wanted. We're looking for a cross-section of professionals (front-line, safety coordinators, rural and urban) who are willing to volunteer for the app's design team. At a first meeting in June we'll ask for your thoughts on features, functionality, and other considerations to pass on to the development team. We'll bring the group together again later in the fall to beta test and provide feedback on the first version.
Email to get involved.
Training and Development Update

Conference 2016 
Featured success stories from the closing plenary, and presentation materials are now available on the ACDS website, and the Community of Practice.

Creating Believable Value

We have all heard the expression "Walking the Talk!" Are you getting real value from your training? Is new learning being applied on the job and are individuals achieving great outcomes? This framework will be of particular interested to Tutors, Mentors, Supervisors and Trainers, working with the Foundations In Community Disability Studies program, or anyone looking to achieve great results from their training investments.

Training is still "on trial," charged with incurring expenses in excess of the value it provides to the organization. Training must reinvent itself and transcend the classroom. Attend this thought-provoking session to learn how to structure initiatives so they enhance on-the-job performance and impact the bottom line.


After this session, you will be able to:

  • Explain why starting with desired results in mind is critical for any initiative to be successful
  • List specific tactics for influencing on-the-job behavior
  • Identify elements of a program plan that enhance on-the-job behavior and bottom-line results
October 14, 2016.
Registration opens soon at Click here for the event poster.
Workforce Update

Edmonton - Workforce Classification System, Information Session
Address: TBA
Date: June 23, 2016
Time: 10:00am to 3:00pm

This session is open to attendees from any region.
Refreshments and lunch will be provided.
2013 manuals will be provided to all participants.
Accreditation Update

Policy and Form Templates
ACDS members have suggested we create sample policy and form templates for each of the CET indicators that ask for one or the other. Standards and Accreditation (S&A) is ready to get this project underway ... with your help.
Benefits of this Project
  • Service providers will have policy that meets the key points required by CET
  • Service providers will get ideas for improving their existing forms
  • Staff, including those who do not have English as a first language, will have policy they can understand and follow
  • Staff's time will be freed up by using forms that are uncluttered and focused
  • Service providers and staff can develop a solid understanding of human resources and the workplace
  • Individuals will be given services that follow best practice and contribute to quality of life
You are the Best Source of Information
CET surveys show that many of you already use forms and have policy that are informative, written in clear language, and highlights the key points required by CET. We are asking you, as mentors and fellow workers in Community Disability Services, to let S&A use your forms, policies and best practices as a starting point for creating our templates.
You can tell us you are interested
by sending a message to with the subject line, "Policy and Form Examples." We will connect with you and, together, determine the best way for us to collect your examples.

Call for Participation 
What are you calling me to join?
What does the Accreditation Council do? 
  • It supports the Standards and Accreditation department with its purpose and goals
  • It relies on seasoned colleagues and emerging leaders
    • to provide advice and council
    • to act as liaisons between ACDS and the regional Service Provider Councils in areas related to Standards and Accreditation
Are there any specific criteria to serve on the Accreditation Council
How much commitment is needed?
  • The Accreditation Council meets 4 times a year
  • Council members need to commit:
    • to being liaisons and
    • to gathering information about their regions to bring with them to the meetings
  • Meetings can be in-person, although many representatives choose to join via teleconference
What does the Commission on Accreditation do?
  • The Commission on Accreditation is arms-length from ACDS
  • Commission members:
    • Review and render decisions on Creating Excellence Together (CET) Accreditation Level 2 site survey reports for organizations that serve within Community Disability Services
    • Provide organizations suggestions or recommendations to address any areas that need to be brought into compliance with the CET Accreditation Level 2 Standards
Are there any specific criteria to serve on the Commission?
  • Representatives need to be from organizations that have achieved CET Accreditation Level 2
  • We are also keen to get representatives who are guardians of individuals with developmental disabilities
How much commitment is needed?
  • The Commission may meet as frequently as once per month
  • Meetings can be in-person, although many representatives choose to join via teleconference
  • Every Commission member needs to review the CET Accreditation Level 2 report prior to the meeting so as to be prepared to ask questions or raise any concerns 
How do I let you know I am interested in one of these committees?
  • Contact Corinne Thomas, Senior Accreditation Coordinator
Feel free to share this invitation with people you know who meet the criteria and
have an interest in the direction, focus and promotion of standards and accreditation.
News, Events and Links

Nursing Homes and Home Care Regulations Review
"Alberta Health is undertaking a review of continuing care regulations that are expiring in 2017. The regulations under review as part of the Nursing Homes and Home Care Regulations review include the:
  • Nursing Homes Operation Regulation;
  • Nursing Home General Regulation; and,
  • Co-ordinated Home Care Program Regulation.
To inform the Nursing Homes and Home Care Regulations review, we will be hosting open houses across the province. These discussions will give us an opportunity to learn from individuals and to share information.

Please RSVP to or by calling toll free 1-866-247-6465 and let us know which session you plan to attend. Alternatively, you can register online at starting Friday, May 20."

Minimum Wage Consultations
"As a valued stakeholder with an identified interest in Alberta's minimum wage, you are invited to participate in these consultations.  The purpose of the sessions will be to discuss experiences with the minimum wage increases since October 1, 2015, gather input on appropriate monitoring and evaluation indicators and to discuss the use of weekly and monthly minimum wages.
We are holding two meetings in Edmonton and one meeting in Calgary, all with the same agenda for discussion.  Seating will be limited and we expect significant interest, so please register early.  For more information and to register, please see
The full-day meetings will involve facilitated discussions, so we ask that organizations plan to send only one appropriate representative for this purpose.  Unregistered individuals will not be permitted to attend.  Materials for the meetings will be provided to you in advance.
For inquires related to the consultation, please email email"

Best Practices for FASD Service Delivery 
"This document is intended to provide guidance for individuals and agencies working with clients with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and their families. Together as a single source, a best practice guide and evaluation tool kit are provided for use by agencies and their staff. There are two anticipated uses for this resource:

1) to assess current service delivery by providing indicators and outcomes that can be measured to inform practice improvements;
2) to inform future service offerings by supplying a framework on which to develop policy and practices."
Click to Download 
The ACDS Umbrella is a publication of the
Alberta Council of Disability Services
Bay 19, 3220 - 5 Avenue NE
Calgary, Alberta, T2A 5N1
Phone: 403-250-9495 * Fax: 403-291-9864
© 2016 Alberta Council of Disability Services

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The ACDS Umbrella or any of its content?
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Permission to Reprint: Is there an article or news item in this or any other ACDS Umbrella newsletter that you would like to reprint in your own newsletter or other information circular? Please contact us at, attention Communications and Marketing, and include the title of the article, the issue date (e.g., February 2013), and a brief summary of how the material will be used.

The information provided in The ACDS Umbrella is for your information only and links are provided for your convenience. ACDS is not responsible for the content, change in content, accuracy, relevancy, copyright compliance, or legality of the material on external websites.