ACE Newsletter | Spring 2024
Celebrate Black History Month!
Celebrate with the FIU students, faculty, and staff throughout this February as we honor and explore the rich history, culture, and contemporary realities of Black diaspora, by supporting an array of impactful events. 
Black History Month Events
February 7th, 2024 | 4pm
February 20th, 2024 | 5pm
February 21st, 2024 | 1pm
February 21st, 2024 | 6pm
Join an Affinity Group Today!
FIU strives to strengthen faculty and staff belonging through affinity groups. Employee-initiated affinity groups provide faculty and staff with the opportunity to share interests and experiences. FIU encourages the creation of new affinity groups and will support the planning, implementation, and promotion of their mission-driven activities.

Faculty and staff can submit the Affinity Group Proposal Form to propose a new affinity group. To be recognized as an affinity group, you must have the following:

  • One lead; one co-lead
  • Must have at least 5 total members
  • Defined purpose and goals
  • Leadership roles, responsibilities, and terms of office
  • Membership Information
  • Programs, initiatives, and activities
  • Process of financial reporting (if dues will be collected)

Are you interested in joining or creating an affinity group?
Don't Ignore it, Report it!

The Office of Civil Rights & Accessibility (CRCA) is here to help you! They are committed to ensuring that each member of the university community can work or study in an environment free from discrimination, stalking, dating/domestic violence, or any form of misconduct. CRCA can help implement measures to prevent, stop, and remedy concerning conduct.

Now with the newly updated website, reporting is easier and more convenient than ever. Once you file your report the CRCA team will reach out to discuss your options, rights, and resources. Allowing you to decide how YOU would like to proceed. If you have any concerns, don't ignore it, report it at

Upcoming Events
February 14th, 2024 | 4pm
February 15th, 2024 | 10:30am
March 20th, 2024 | 1pm
Save the Date: Juneteenth Events
Catch Up on ACE News

American Express partnering with programs like Break Through Tech in an effort to increase female employment in technology, helps support American Express’s goal of embracing diversity to fuel creativity and innovation.

FIU will observe Holocaust and Genocide Awareness Week, with a remembrance ceremony and a series of eye-opening campus events.
Follow us on Instagram!
FIU does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, pregnancy, religion, age, disability, national origin, marital status, and veteran status in its programs and activities. For inquiries contact Ryan Kelley, JD., Senior Director, Office of Civil Rights Compliance and Accessibility and Title IX Coordinator at 305.348.2785 or email