eNews - December 2023

ACEC Alaska Annual Meeting

Join ACEC Alaska on April 17, 2024, for the Annual Meeting. Guest speakers include Leo MacLeod, with a presentation on developing emerging leaders.

Save the Date

April 17, 2024

4th Quarter Education Event: ASD Career and Technical Education Partnering

Aaron Christie, ACEC Alaska Education Committee Chair

During the Q4 Education Session, local firms joined a presentation to hear more about Anchorage School District’s (ASD) internship program. Members from AMC, Bristol Engineering, DOWL, Kinney Engineering, Lounsbury and Associates (LAI), and Michael Baker were in attendance. Anne Adasiak-Andrew and Keith Hodson of ASD presented on the Career and Technical Education (CTE) program, which provides employers with talented and engaged high school youth who bring fresh energy and curiosity to the workplace.

LAI has a CTE intern beginning in January of 2024, and Taku has already had a successful CTE internship https://youtu.be/3Z9mSmrYmcg.

To learn more and sign up to host an intern, go to Career and Technical Education/ host an Intern (asdk12.org).


NAECE Winter Meeting 

Erica Jensen, ACEC Alaska Executive Director

The National Association of Engineering Council Executive (NAECE) Winter Meeting was recently held in California and proved to be an invaluable convergence for NAECE members and ACEC Member Organization (MO) executives. With ACEC Chair Jay Wolverton and representatives from ACEC Trusts in attendance, the event provided a dedicated forum for collaboration and strategic alignment.

Over two days, conversations covered crucial aspects of the current engineering world. Interactive discussions explored successful approaches to generating non-dues revenue, the use of AI, and member firm recruitment. A dedicated panel addressed the pressing workforce challenges MOs face, acknowledging the increased demands on members' time.

The meeting also featured an advocacy and legislative update, keeping participants abreast of key policy issues resonating in statehouses nationwide. Embracing technological advancements, the agenda explored how MOs can leverage AI to enhance operational efficiencies, reflecting a forward-looking approach to the evolving industry landscape.

ACEC Alaska December Legislative Update

John Walsh, ACEC Alaska Lobbyist

On or before December 15, the Alaska Department of Revenue will issue its Fall Revenue Forecast. Given that Alaska’s revenue stream is largely based upon North Slope oil production, the department’s forecast represents a baseline for the legislature when reviewing the budget. The 2023 Spring revenue forecast estimated oil prices to average $73/barrel and production to average 485,000 barrels/day through the fiscal year. Since July 1, oil prices have averaged between $84-$85, with production perhaps slightly lower than projected. 

The legislative approved FY2024 budget included a revenue surplus. Adding the governor’s June veto reductions and higher oil prices, the state surplus will be significantly higher. The likelihood of a veto override is slim, given the high vote threshold (45/60). However, there are supplemental budget needs and considerable demand for additional education and capital funds, so expect a spirited budget process.

The Second Session begins January 16, and the 121st day is May 15.

View the Complete Report Here

ACEC Alaska Wishes You A Safe and Enjoyable Holiday Season