President's Message
Andre' (Andy) Lauzier, PE
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We live in a state and country that come together in times of crisis.
As I am sitting at home composing my President’s message for October 2024, it is hard to believe some of the things that have transpired in the last 30 days. As everyone knows, Florida has endured two significant and unique Hurricanes in the last 3 1/2 weeks. Hurricane Helene was a monster storm when it made landfall in Florida’s Big Bend and then continued its devastation over much of the Southeast. The death toll from Helene exceeded 225 souls, and the impact will be felt throughout the Southeast for many months and even years to come. Most of the fatalities occurred in North Carolina, not somewhere we think of being subject to hurricane impacts.
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CE Reporting Now Mandatory for All PEs
All Professional Engineers licensed in Florida must report their continuing education to renew their licenses during the upcoming renewal period. Florida Statutes required this change because the percentage of PEs failing the random CE audit was too high for two consecutive renewal periods.
To renew your PE license for another two years, you are required to report your continuing education using the NCEES Free Tracking System.
To track your CEs, log in to the NCEES Tracking System, enter the information on the courses you have taken, and upload your certificates.
To download certificates you have earned through ACEC Florida, log in to your Member Profile. Currently, all certificates are located in your FES Member Profile (not in your ACEC Florida Member Profile). Click on Welcome ---> Account & Settings ---> Professional Development. If you need assistance downloading certificates from your Member Profile, please email us at
To assist with reporting any continuing education our members have earned through FES|ACEC Florida, we have complied a listing of all PDH credits we have provided since March 2023 on our website HERE.
For more information on mandatory CE reporting for PEs, see the Continuing Education tab of our website or visit
The current renewal period for Professional Engineers licensed in Florida opens on November 5, 2024, and the deadline is February 28, 2025.
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Reminder: Update Your Firm's Information in the New Member Portal | |
We recently introduced the new ACEC Florida Member Portal to enhance your experience with our association. This online community gives your firm better access to ACEC Florida's benefits, like industry insights, discounted event pricing, educational programs, and networking opportunities.
To make the most of these benefits, please ensure your firm's information is up-to-date in our database. This includes details about each branch office and its employees so they can take advantage of ACEC Florida's benefits.
Your participation helps us provide all our members with the best service and support. Please email if you need help updating your information.
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FDOT Webinars: 2024 FLUG Topics | |
The FDOT CADD Office is pleased to announce the extension of the 2024 - 2025 CADD Webinar Series. Starting this Thursday, October 17, the FDOT CADD Office will once again dive into the series with a new group of webinars.
The FDOT CADD office was prepared to present on many different topics at the 2024 Florida User’s Group Conference (FLUG), but the conference was canceled due to impacts from Hurricanes Helene and Milton. FDOT decided to incorporate the FDOT sessions into a virtual series.
Register at the button below and you can also provide suggestions for future topics.
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Engineering Florida: Connecting Communities Issue Available | |
The Fall 2024 issue of Engineering Florida, is available where our theme, "Connecting Communities," explores the critical role engineers play in bridging divides—both literally and metaphorically—across our state. As Florida continues to grow and evolve, the work of engineers is more essential than ever in creating connections that enhance the quality of life for all Floridians.
What's in this issue:
- Cover Story: Connecting Communities Across Florida
- Brightline Blazes Through the Sunshine State
- Debby-Downer: August Hurricane Brings Flooding Winds to Northern Florida
- Market Spotlight: A Path for Duv-All: Jacksonville's Emerald Trail Connecting Downtown, Communities
- Running Toward Danger: Structures Specialists Serve State, Nation During Disasters
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Highlight Your Firm in the Engineering Florida Winter Issue | |
Engineering Florida is excited to announce the upcoming 2024 Winter Issue of our magazine, Projects and People of the Year, dedicated to celebrating Florida's Award-Winning Engineering Projects and honoring the outstanding People of the Year.
This prestigious edition will spotlight the most innovative projects and recognize exceptional professionals leading the engineering industry.
If your firm or team is among the award winners, this is your chance to highlight your firm and celebrate your team's achievements with a personalized ad!
Ad Contract Deadline: November 8
Artwork Deadline: November 22
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Save the Date for the Engineering Excellence Awards | |
The Engineering Excellence Banquet celebrates the outstanding contributions of Florida engineering firms for their innovative and elaborate projects at a special black-tie event to honor the top winners of the Engineering Excellence Awards.
This year's event will be held on February 7, 2025, at the JW Marriott Orlando, Grande Lakes.
More details to come.
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Make Plans to Attend 2025 Professional Engineers Legislative Days | |
It is critical the voice of Florida engineers is heard, and the message resonates in Florida’s halls of power. Join us in Tallahassee for our annual Professional Engineers’ Day, March 18-19, 2025, for an opportunity to be briefed on current issues that affect our profession. Legislators will join us for an update on issues and our team will set up groups to meet with individual legislators from your community.
More details to come.
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October 2024 Board of Directors Meeting Highlights | |
The ACEC Florida Board of Directors met virtually on October 1, 2024.
Highlights from this meeting include:
- Approval to move forward with the Building Committee's Recommendation of selling the current properties and purchasing a new property.
- Approval to join the Florida Chamber of Commerce (FCOC) as an Advocate Member for $10,000 annually, to be split with FES.
The next ACEC Florida Board of Directors meeting is on November 13, 2024, in Tampa preceding Session I of the 2025 FELI Class.
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Enter the Fall Sweepstakes and Support ACEC/PAC | |
ACEC/PAC is the engineering industry's primary tool for political engagement at the national level. Supported by engineering professionals from across the country, the sole purpose of ACEC/PAC is to elect candidates to the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate who support policies and legislation favorable to the engineering industry.
To support the ACEC/PAC, you can enter the Fall Sweepstakes and win the Grand Prize - $10,0000 CASH!
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Tickets are $200 each, and ACEC is only selling 2,500 tickets, significantly increasing your odds of winning! The drawing will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, during ACEC's Fall Conference | |
Region 3: FDOT District 5 Leadership | An Evening with the Industry | |
ACEC Florida Region 3 & FDOT District 5 Leadership are hosting An Evening with the Industry on Thursday, October 24, 2024, 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm at The Venue on Lake Lily.
Hear from John Tyler, PE, FDOT District 5 Secretary, among many other District 5 leaders.
Limited sponsorships are available. The deadline to register is October 22, 2024.
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Region 4: Networking Reception with the ACEC Florida Board | |
Please join ACEC Florida Region 4 on Wednesday, November 13 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at Le Méridien in Tampa for a networking event with the ACEC Florida Board. Firms are challenged to bring a new face to the event as part of the engineering commitment to mentorship of future and new industry leaders. One drink ticket per registered attendee and light hors d'oeuvres will be provided.
This is a members-only event. Online registration is available until November 10, 2024.
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Register for the Fall Conference | |
The ACEC Fall Conference is equal parts informative and entertaining, with inspiring keynote speakers, timely education sessions, and the opportunity to network with peers from throughout the industry.
Hurry - time is running out!
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Interested in learning how to unlock the most value out of your ACEC membership? Join ACEC for Membership Mondays! Their team will help you navigate your member benefits, share how to get involved, identify where to find resources and answer any questions you might have.
Monday, November 18, 2024, 1:30 - 2:30 PM EST
This event is live and online.
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Hires, Promotions & Other Firm News | | |
Cohen joins Hanson’s Jacksonville office
Seth Cohen, digital delivery specialist – Autodesk, recently joined Hanson Professional Services Inc.’s Jacksonville office. He will manage and optimize the delivery of digital assets and design documents using Autodesk software. He will focus on integration, collaboration and the effective use of Autodesk tools, working closely with project teams to streamline processes, troubleshoot issues, maintain computer-aided design (CAD) standards, provide training and enhance overall efficiency in digital project delivery.
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Griffith joins Hanson as associate project manager
Jonathan Griffith, RLA, associate project manager, recently joined Hanson Professional Services Inc.’s Jacksonville office. He will use his experience in local government capital project management to assist clients with capital program management, primarily in Northeast Florida.
Griffith served the city of Palatka for 14 years, most recently as the assistant city manager. He received a bachelor’s degree in landscape architecture from the University of Florida and is a registered landscape architect in Florida.
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Would you like to see your firm's hires, promotions, or announcements in the next edition
of the ACEC Florida Update? Email your news to Stacey Butler.
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