ACEC OKLAHOMA members, as we come roaring into summer of 2022 there are many exciting subjects to cover for our members! From the ACEC National Conference, the regular legislative session ending with multiple special sessions moving forward, our Midstates Conference takes place this month and our next general membership meeting will be in Tulsa, August 24th. Never a dull moment!

Legislative Update: The Governor and Legislature ended up not agreeing on budgetary items and a few policy legislative issues which caused the Governor to issue veto's and the legislature to override his veto's. It is clear the contention between Legislative leaders and the Governor is going to be an ongoing problem Legislature Overrides Veto's The legislature has called for a joint concurrent special session to spend approved ARTBA funds on projects and the Governor has called for a special session on June 13th for tax cuts to the budget Stitt calls for Special Session. ODOT will receive the $22m lost in motor fuel tax due to COVID. These are the highlights for ODOT's budget (Info Shared by ODOT) SB1040 Gen Approps HCS.pdf:

Page 26:

Section 69 – State HCM $193,878,499.00 (Last year: $186,893,663)
Section 70 – ROADS $590M
Section 71 – OAC $4M

Page 47:
Section 137 – Special Cash from the STF -$22,664,867 (Last year -$19,315,210)

Page 48:
Section 142 – Special Cash from the Weigh Station Improvement Fund -$7.8M

Page 50:
Section 148 – Appropriates ODOT $22M, authorizes $5M to be transferred to Public Transit Revolving Fund

None of the legislation or resolutions were successfully adopted we opposed/had concerns with impacting OTA. SB 1610 did not advance out of conference committee, SCR 25, SCR 28 and HCR 1021 (audit OTA and ODOT) did not advance. THANK YOU to everyone who communicated with their legislators!

Secretary Gatz was the guest columnist in the Oklahoman-May 29th responding to turnpike criticism. Please be sure to read!

The June Primary Election is fast approaching and everything from Governor to County Commissioner will be on the ballot. At the state level, there are 31 Republican incumbents receiving a primary challenge and two Democrats. Fifty-four state legislators are running unopposed. You can learn more about the candidates here.

-Mike Thompson- President & CEO