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February, 2021
As we close out Engineers Week I would like to thank each of you for what you do to improve society. It is not lost on me that while most of our interactions are focused on the 'business' side of engineering, what you do day in and day out in the practice of engineering is what is important.
The ACECL Board met February 5, 2021
City of New Orleans -
  • Submitted questions and requested additional time for submission relative to Citywide A/E Roster. Two time extensions issued.
  • Offer accepted by Mayor Cantrell for ACECL to provide input in search for new DPW Director.

  • Ongoing discussions with DOTD relative to Bentley Microstation and InRoads phase out. DOTD is also having to expend additional resources - $3m - to retain support until they transition in the next 18 months. There are 46 states using Bentley's software. Will be reaching out to ACEC and colleagues about coordinating efforts.
  • Expecting an announcement to be issued soon relative to the state's plan for expending $178m in stimulus infrastructure funds. Indications are it will be a mix of small and large projects and many will be those that didn't have a funding source. Some will be 'on the shelf' projects but also projects that need to be designed.

USACE provided ACEC members a briefing relative to changes to Task Order Selection Procedures advocated for by ACECL and ACEC.

Legislation - ACECL met with LMA and LPJA to gain support for draft legislation to strengthen Hammett Act to clarify 'design services' are A/E services. Click here for draft language.

FAR Credits Clause/PPP Loan forgiveness. ACECL has been working with Steve Hall and Matt Reiffer with ACEC advocating with our congressional delegation for a fix to a FAR credits clause issue that will adversely impact firms who do business with federal agencies and received forgiven PPP loans. It appears that the Small Business Committee (House and Senate) has become the focal point for this issue and a potential fix. We understand on the House side they are considering the language we provided them, and have heard from another lawmaker office that House committee staff is discussing the issue. We actually have a number of potential pathways in terms of legislative vehicles, as there is a transportation element to the problem as well as DOD/federal agency piece, but right now it appears the Small Business Committee is the focus in the context of stimulus. 
Click here for fact sheet
In July 2020, ACECL launched its state PAC. Many thanks to the firms who contributed to this important advocacy tool. The PAC committee looks forward to participating in the 2024 election cycle. It's easy to contribute to the State PAC. Please use the voluntary dues check off option to support the PAC.
Thank you also to our federal PAC contributors and sponsors! Thanks to your generosity we met our 2020 goal! Your contributions will enable us to support our congressional delegation and influential members of Congress. We reset now for 2021. This is an opportunity for members of your firm to contribute. Our success is your success Your success is their success. To increase participation, we'll be offering lower cost opportunities in 2021 and we ask that you encourage your staff to participate!
ACECL has created an Advocacy Committee to coordinate our PAC fundraising efforts. Thank you to Kenny Smith with T. Baker Smith for leading this new committee. Look for opportunities to engage and join your colleagues in supporting our advocacy efforts. It takes all of us contributing to make our advocacy effective!
(aka ACEC)
The ACEC Research Institute commissioned a series of studies, the Industry Impact Series, to profile and analyze performance in the Engineering, Architectural, and Surveying Services Industry (A/E). The study aims to size the U.S. A/E industry and benchmark state-level activity using the most current and comprehensive data available. The first two reports in the series, the 2020 Industry Profile, and the 2020 Engineering Economic Contribution are available here. The overarching goals of this research are to:
  • Establish a definition of the A/E sector based upon publishing recurring data that can be continuously updated and called upon to track performance for ACEC's many constituencies.
  • Provide a comprehensive view of the size, growth, and composition of the A/E Services sector.
  • Measure the economic contribution of the A/E industry using established metrics found in virtually all industry economic impact analysis.
  • Analyze the key economic drivers of the A/E sector, build a statistical model using the strongest correlations between A/E performance and those drivers, and construct a recurring industry outlooks. The outlook and modeling assets can be used to forecast future A/E performance and evaluate scenarios surrounding policy, geopolitical, and other future conditions. 
ACEC Mark Goodale Discusses the Challenges and Opportunities for Engineering Firms in 2021
Which project will win the coveted Grand Conceptor Award?
Join us March 25th to find out!

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Got Grit? - The GRIT ACT (Government Reform in Transportation Act) is close to being finalized. Bill author Rep. Jack McFarland has traveled the state explaining the bill to colleagues and generating support. LCFOR has secured a strategic policy, lobbying and communications team to push this across the finish line. The coalition includes over 100 organizations and businesses who are putting their resources and energy behind this effort. From Family Forum to LABI, this is an unprecedented effort.
  • To join the effort, click here to join and contribute to LCFOR.
  • Click here to access the GRIT website.
  • Click here for the GRIT one-pager
The ACECL Transportation Committee met with DOTD Chief Engineer Chris Knotts or a Roundtable March 24 at LTRC. Over 80 members of ACECL participated in-person or virtually in the discussion. The chief provided valuable information relative to the following:
  • FAR Credits/PPP Loan Forgiveness
  • 2020 Overhead Rates
  • Plans for DOTD spending of $178m in federal stimulus infrastructure funding
  • Bentley Microstation/InRoads phase out
  • 24-102 process suggestions/observations
  • Staff/leadership/reorganization plans
Click here for link to recording of the meeting.
Brought to you by the following Associations:
The Emerging Leaders Institute is targeted to rising industry professionals who are committed to developing their leadership and management skills and abilities and have been identified by their firm as a “future leader” of the profession.
Beginning in May, and continuing through the fall, the Emerging Leaders Institute will be comprised of three (3) in-person sessions to be held in the Baton Rouge area, along with two (2) additional one-hour virtual educational sessions to be held in the summer. In order for the program to provide maximum benefits, participants are highly encouraged to commit and attend ALL sessions. Participants are eligible to earn no fewer than 30 AIA HSW/PDHs/LUs with full participation. Certificates to be awarded.
To participate in the Emerging Leaders Institute, an individual must complete the application and submit it along with the registration fee ($895.00 - Early Bird deadline of April 1, 2021 or $995.00 - Registration deadline of May 1, 2021). The number of participants is limited to 20 and applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. The registration fee covers all meeting materials, team building event, lunches, and complimentary registration to ACECL’s Fall Conference or AIA Louisiana’s Conference on Architecture to be held in the Fall 2021.

  • March 3 - 4, 2021 - Critical Issues Summit (VIRTUAL)
  • March 8, 2021 - Baton Rouge Chapter Meeting
  • March 10, 2021 - Virtual Lunch & Learn w/Jason Decuir, 2021 Legislative Overview
  • March 11, 2021 - Transportation Committee Meeting
  • March 17, 20201 - Lafayette Chapter Meeting
  • March 25, 2021 - Engineering Excellence Awards Gala
  • March 26, 2021 - Board of Governors Meeting
  • March 31, 2021 - Lake Charles (Virtual) Chapter Meeting
  • April 2, 2021 - HR Council Meeting
  • April 8, 2021 - New Orleans Chapter Meeting
  • April 12, 2021 - Baton Rouge Chapter Meeting
  • April 15, 2021 - Water Resources Committee

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ACEC Affiliate Members

ACEC Business Insurance Trust
ACEC Life/Health Insurance Trust
Advanced Drainage Systems, Inc.
Alexander & Sanders, a division of BXS Insurance
Barriere Construction Group, LLC
Benefits One, LLC
BFM Corporation, LLC
Breazeale, Sachse & Wilson, LLP
Brown & Brown of Louisiana
BRAYN Consulting, LLC
CxA Services, LLC
Durable Piling Restoration, LLC
Environmental Technical Sales, Inc.
Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc.
Foley & Judell, LLP
Forterra Pipe & Precast
Galloway Johnson Tompkins Burr & Smith, LLP
Hannis T. Bourgeois, LLP
HUB International
Industrial Fabrics
O. R. Colan Associates, LLC
Quality Sitework Materials, Inc.
Simon, Peragine, Smith & Redfearn
Wray & Associates, L.L.P.
Doreen Brasseaux
President & CEO
ACEC of Louisiana
ACEC of Louisiana | 225.927.7704 | [email protected] |