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February 2017 | Issue #52

Current Releases: SM 8.0.047 (1/10) | AW 3.5.039 (1/31)
Webinar:  ACEware 2017: With You in Mind   (2/23 1:30 CDT)
ACEware Systems Newsletter - Information to Run Your Program
Broken Firm Links Data Cleanup
If you have ACEweb and you collect firm information, you are getting a number of names that aren't really linked to a firm. You may also find that a name is missing from a report as a result of that  missing link. Now (as of SM 8.0.047) there is a tool that will clean that up for you.

  1. 1. Select Tools > Data Cleanup > Broken Firms.  
  2. 2.Click OK on the Firm Link Clean window to continue.
  3. Names that have Firms that are in your table already are automatically matched up and displayed to you.
  4. For the rest, you will need to select the appropriate option:
    • Report - displays names with a broken firm link.
    • Make Firm (Firm name only) - creates a firm record with name listed in the Firm field on the Name record.
    • Make Firm (use name address) - creates a firm record with the name listed in the Firm field and using the address listed in the Name record.
  5. The system will run the option you selected.
As with any other mass-change tool, it is a good idea to have a backup before you run it. Consult with your technician if you have any questions.

Contributed by  Matthew Olson
Retreat Wrapup
A few weeks ago, we all gathered at ACEware headquarters  in Manhattan, Kansas, for our annual staff retreat. It was a time for planning, sharing, and team building--time well spent, to be sure.
Among the topics covered were the upcoming Users' Conference (have you registered, yet?); Student Manager and ACEweb wishlist items; and most importantly, how to best serve you, our customers. Be on the lookout for webinars highlighting our latest and greatest features, as well as some geared toward new users!

Contributed by Lindsey Lieberman
Great Pre-Conference Workshops Planned for June
Remember to include a pre-conference workshop in your registration for the 21st Annual Users' Conference! Three workshops are available to meet the needs of a new or experienced software user. 

If your'e a new user, attending Student Manager Bootcamp will give you a hands-on introduction to the many tools available within the system. If Keeper of the Flame is your role with Student Manager, spend the day learning your responsibilities and discovering best tips to keep your system running with efficiency. Ready to take your reporting skills to the next level? Spend the day in Unlocking the Power of Reporting to expand your knowledge of Student Manager's internal report writer.

After a busy day of workshops (or traveling), you'll be ready to unwind and get together with ACEware staff and continuing education colleagues before the conference begins. We'll help with that, too! Enjoy food, beverage, and conversation at the hotel beginning at 5:30. 

For more information and to register, visit our conference web site. If you have any questions, write

Contributed by Sharon Brookshire
Tip of the Month: F1 for Keyboard Shortcuts
Can't remember all of the keyboard shortcuts in Manager? I know I can't. We built a convenient screen with a bunch of these shortcuts listed. You can be practically anywhere in the program and hit your F1 key to display these shortcuts. You can also go to Help -> Keyboard Shortcuts if you can't remember F1.

Contributed by Matthew Olson
Report of the Month: Quick Name Badge
Sometimes you just need to quickly print a nametag or change some info for a nametag. Student Manager's Nametags on the Fly routine will take care of that for you.

From Reports > Registrations > Nametags check the Nametags on the fly box.

Click "OK" and you will get the Query List screen. Choose your query. In this case we are using course number begins with. You will then get the ON-THE-FLY Name Entry screen.
Depending on what you want to do will determine which of the options you choose.  For example Standard Cursor (w/Data) will give you a screen with all the registrants and the ability to edit or add information.  So, if you needed to quickly add a salutation to registrants' nametags, you would use the Standard Cursor and add the information to the blank Nmsalut field.

Finally, click done and the nametag report will run and the salutation will be on that person's nametag.

The Standard Cursor does not require you edit the fields on your name tag other than adding any fields that are not already there. For example, if you do not have Nmsalut on the nametag report then you must add the field to display the data.

The next 2 options require you to make some changes to your nametag report. Both the Quick Entry Style (w/data) and the Empty Quick Style (w/data) do not respect functions. So if you are using either of these you need to modify the nametag report to remove any functions and replace them. Most often you will have the namer function on the report. You can replace this with the individual nmname1, nmname2, nmname3 expressions.

So for editing existing records your best choice is Standard Cursor, but if you just need a name tag for someone - you don't need to register them in the course or event - you just need to quickly generate a name tag then you would use the Empty Quick Style.

After running your query you would choose Empty Quick Style.

Add the info you want for the name tag.

And here is what we get:

So when you just need to quickly generate or edit a nametag the nametags on the fly routine is the way to go.

More information on this routine can be found in help.
Submitted by AJ Giliberto

Here's to your continued success!

Your ACEware team,

- Chuck, Sharon, AJ, Cheryl, Jason, Lindsey, Matthew, Mike, and Stein

 Aceware Systems
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