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September 2018 | Issue #71
Current Releases: SM 8.0.067 (9/11) | AW 3.5.051 (8/9)
ACEware Software Update - 10/3 1:30 CDT
ACEware Systems Newsletter - Information to Run Your Program
ACEware Welcomes OLLI at the University Center of South Dakota
We're so excited to welcome OLLI at the University Center of South Dakota to the ACEware family. 
Nancy Wehrkamp, Director of Lifelong Learning at University Center, shared that their team learned about ACEware when researching which software other OLLI programs were using for course registration. ACEware was selected from 10 software products being considered for several reasons according to Nancy.  "It is a very comprehensive solution that has all the key functionality we were looking for and also has most of our, 'nice to haves'. The web registration module appears straightforward and should allow our members to self-register without assistance. ACEware was very responsive to our requests for information and demonstrations, and the cost of the final solution was reasonable and within our budget."

They especially appreciate the ACEweb Quick Pick registration module. "Each term we offer many short courses," shares Nancy. "Most are between one and four one-hour sessions. It is not uncommon for a member to sign up for 15 or 20 courses in a given term.  The Quick Pick module will keep the registration process quick and simple."
The team will be doing self-paced training using the ACEware webinar series before a two-day onsite training in late October. They plan to be regular attendees at the ACEware Users' Conference. We hope to see them represented in Las Vegas in June 2019!

Contributed by Sharon Brookshire
Mazel Tov Lindsey!
August 10th, 2018, the ACEware family became a bit more extended. For years, we've watched JT and Lindsey become quite close. Now we wish the two Mazel Tov as they start their lives as a married couple! Here is what Lindsey had to say about how things went down:

Since marriage is an adventure, we figured that we might as well go on an actual adventure before getting married. What began a year ago as a plan to get married at the bottom of the Grand Canyon evolved at the last minute (like, less than two weeks before takeoff) into an epic road trip. Over the course of 9 days, JT and I drove roughly 3,000 miles through 3 states; visited 2 national parks, 2 national forests, and 8 national monuments; hiked roughly 16 miles with total elevation gains of about 4,000 feet; and, of course, got married along the way. Even the location and time of the ceremony was an adventure-we finally decided on Taos, New Mexico about three days before leaving town, our officiant was secured just six days before the wedding, and then on the day of, we had to change the time due to thunderstorms! But in the end the rain stopped, and we were married outside with Taos Mountain as our backdrop. It was absolutely perfect, and it was a great story to share with our family and friends when they celebrated with us back in Dallas two weeks later.

Contributed by Lindsey Lieberman and Matthew Olson
Breaking Out of Your Comfort Zone
For three decades, ACEware Systems has provided registration software and support to hundreds of universities, colleges, and organizations engaged in continuing education. In that time - and continuing to this day - those organizations have ranged in size from single offices with fewer than a half dozen people to ones with multiple locations with staffs numbering in the teens or more.
In those offices with just a few staff, while there is one primary ACEware contact or KOF (Keeper of the Flame), most everyone working in Student Manager is comfortable using all the modules. While there may be one person in the office better at report modifications, or another who is particularly strong in course setup, when need be, the report person can set up the course.
At the other extreme there are offices where coordinators setup courses, registration staff handle registrations, accounting handles payments, report specialist modify reports, and so on.
Depending on where your office is along this spectrum (most of you are somewhere in the middle) determines how you use Student Manager. Some may be a, "jack-of-all-trades," others master course builders.
"Jack-of-all-trades," sometimes find it hard to break out of the comfortable, "we've always done it this way," mindset. And sometimes those, "super specialists," have trouble seeing the bigger picture.
For the "jack-of-all-trades," take some time and have a look at the webinar archive and check out the new features list. For the " super specialists," take that time and have a look at other areas of the program. Check out a webinar on modules you don't usually work with. For both types, if you're not on the forum, join it.
No matter how large or small your office is, whether you have used Student Manager for 1 year or 30, take a look at some of the areas you may not be using or are not familiar with. You may be surprised what you find.

Contributed by AJ Giliberto
Sales Training for College Staff
ProTrain has great news to help enhance the career path for all ACEware partners, faculty, students and alumni immediately!
ProTrain is offering two Tuition-Free online Workforce Development courses; Workplace Communications and Consultative Selling. Each course tuition of $599 is waived for anyone who enrolls between now and September 28 , 2018. Participants pay only a $10/course registration fee. Boost job or career prospects in less than 40 hours by taking Workplace Communications (26 hours) or Consultative Selling (34 hours). Participants have until December 31, 2018, to complete the course. 
This is a great opportun ity for relationship building with your members by sharing the Tuition-Free career building courses with them at no cost to you! Please click the link  to enroll.
Please take advantage of this time-sensitive opportunity to enhance the career skill sets for ACEware partners, faculty, students and alumni.

Contributed by Trenton Hightower, ProTrain
Conference: Save the Date
It's time to get out your 2019 planner, flip it to the month of June, and circle the dates of June 4-7. We are returning to Las Vegas for our 23rd Annual Users' Conference! The conference hotel is the Westin Las Vegas, and room rates are $109 per night for a single/double room. This newly renovated hotel is a perfect fit for our meeting and  ideally located two miles from the airport, one block from the excitement of the Las Vegas Strip and the Linq Promenade.

Two pre-conference sessions are being planned for Tuesday, June 4. These are the sessions to register for if you are wanting hands-on, intensive training.

The conference on Wednesday - Friday, June 5-7, will be packed how-to and tips-and-tricks sessions from ACEware staff, ACEs (ACEware Champion Educators) and other Continuing Education colleagues. You're guaranteed to have plenty of networking time, great food and lots of fun.

Watch your email and for additional information. We plan to open  registration in December.

Contributed by Sharon Brookshire

"The ACEware User's Conference is always very informative. Meeting with fellow continuing education partners allows me to learn about ways that other institutions are utilizing the software."  (Comment from a 2018 attendee)

Tip of the Month: Archiving for Multiple Course Begins With
With the end of the fiscal year for most a couple of months ago, archiving and deactivating old courses were done quite a bit. Others prefer to wait until the slow season after the semester begins, or some will wait all the way to the holiday season as that is the slowest time of the year. In any case, here is a tip to save you some time:  On the Mass Change/Update/Delete/Archive found under Module -> Courses, there is an option to grab courses based on a begins with basis (i.e. 13). But what if you want to do several years at once (i.e. 13, 14, and 15)? It used to be that you had to run the Mass Change/Update/Delete/Archive multiple times to do multiple years like that, especially since online and other asynchronous courses don't have a begin date. Now you can do a comma separated list of course begins with (i.e. 13,14,15) to get them all at once. Don't forget you can preview the list of courses that meet the criteria and un-check any that you don't want archived (like courses that you are still trying to collect payments for).

Here's to another successful year!
Contributed by Matthew Olson
Report of the Month: 
Getting the Most Out of Mass Emailing
Student Manager reporting has a couple of functions that you can attach to a variety of reports that will allow you to mass email to a set of students, instructors, prospects and more, such as:
  • Registration receipts
  • Student upcoming course reminders
  • Marketing emails
  • Instructor course reminders
You start by choosing a report area that will include the group that you want to send to (instructors or students). For Student marketing emails, we recommend a report area that already groups by student, so that you don't send the same email to the same student, if they match your criteria more than once, such as Reports > Demographics > Mailing Labels.

You may already have the function built into a report, so it's best to check for an existing one before creating a new one! One easy way to do that is to go to tools > reports > search reports for keyword, and then type "DOEMAIL" without the quotes. This will search all of your reports for the function that triggers the mass email wizard, which is:


This function triggers the mass email wizard after the report runs.


This one triggers the mass receipt wizard after the report runs (must be ran from reports> registrations> receipts).

Once the Mass email wizard triggers, you have a number of options to compose the email that will be sent:

You can customize the email subject, sender name or email, and then either choose a text or html file that contains your message, or type (or paste) the message on the fly.

If you're unsure about how many emails your mail server will allow through at once time, a safe option is to have them trickle through, by using the option to wait X seconds between Y emails.

As always, for lots of detailed information on how to setup  and use the mass emailing options, check our online help guide, and/or get with your ACEware technician for assistance!

Contributed by Jason Allen

To your continued success!

- Chuck, Sharon, AJ, Carmel, Jason, Joe, Lindsey, Matthew, Mike, and Stein

 Aceware Systems
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