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February 2018 | Issue #64
Current Releases: SM 8.0.060 (2/5) | AW 3.5.048 (1/29)
ACEware Software Update  -  3/7 1:30 CDT
Database Clean-up - 3/15 2 CDT
ACEware Systems Newsletter - Information to Run Your Program
Announcing Automated Paypal Refunds
For a while now, we have had the ability to refund payments automatically through PayPal.  This means if PayPal is your payment processor,  all you have to do is run the refund wizard and it will process the refund in your PayPal Manager assuming that you are set up to do so.

We have a few organizations using this refund process so it is tested and ready to go!  You do need to be running Student Manager 8.0.058 or newer (just get .060 for the loads of features in it!).

Make sure that you have an account with PayPal set up to do refunds. For some reason, main accounts don't work and you have to create a subaccount. Once that is set up, the credentials for this account need put into Tools -> Credit Card Management -> Processor Settings.

We are working on getting this documented in Help, but you can consult your Technician if you need any help. Hopefully, this will save you a little time by avoiding double entry!

Contributed by Matthew Olson
Exciting Conference Sessions Planned!
We are building an exciting training program for the 2018 Annual Users' Conference in Atlanta! You'll see how your ACEware colleagues are using the software within their organization. ACEware staff will also coach and encourage you. When you return home, you'll be in much better software shape! Here's a sampling of what's on the agenda to date:
Staff Web Access: Brittany Thomasson will share how OutReach at Auburn Montgomery uses staff web access to manage registrations and payments and other administrative functions when they are onsite at conferences and events.

Cashbox-Campus System Reconciliations: You'll want to join Sara Stokes who will share how she and her team has developed and implemented a strict audit process within their Workforce Training Program at Lewis-Clark State College! Sara will also share how they use Company Invoicing and the Certificate Wizard in their programs.

Google Tools: Our 2017 ACEware census revealed that there are very few using the resources Google provides for data tracking and analysis and many who are very interested in learning more. Martin Malpica from the University of Central Florida will share his expertise with:
  • Google Tag Manager
  • Implementing Google Analytics
  • Using Google Analytics to track email results, identify top visited programs, analyze data, automate reports, and plan strategically
  • Google Adwords
  • Google Data Studio
  • Google Webmaster Tools
Pocket Ledger in Practice: Chris Harvey, from Georgia Highlands College will show how they use this financial tool in their program. Chris will also share his tips on Keeping the Boss Happy providing the timeline statistics they need.

Report Wizard: Mt. Airy Learning Tree's Nicki Toizer will share why they invested in the Report Wizard and how it has helped their reporting efforts.

Whew! These are a few of our customer spotlight presentations. Other topics you'll see on the agenda include - AW Pendings l Course Types & Behaviors l Preferences - It Matters l Smarter Marketing l Keeping Your Database in Tip Top Shape l Express Registration l Managing Financial Information and more. There will also be a session that we are keeping under wraps where Matthew will share a brand new feature that he is really excited about and we think you will be too!

Register by March 2 to get the best rates - don't let your scholarship funds go to waste!

Contributed by Sharon Brookshire

Lots of Goodies in the 8.0.060 Release
There were a bunch of wishlist items identified at the retreat that were too good to save for a special unveiling at June Conference. This means that you get these now!

Missing Graphic Notification:  On reporting if there is a bad link to a graphic (missing file or private/inaccessible location), there is now a warning message and what to do next (to get into the report and modify it with a good graphic).

Clone Room Use: There is now a Clone Room feature under Module -> Course. This copies all of the Room Use records from one course and lets you specify them in a different room. So if you have a course that is booking two rooms, this tool will quickly allow you to assign both rooms.

XLSX: Export to File can now export XLSX files. It requires Excel to be on your machine. One of the advantages is that you can do Memo fields of less than the max XLSX length, 32,767 characters (which is about 20 pages in a typical novel!). Also, added this as an option to the copy2xls function.

Firm Escrow: Added a Firm Escrow option on the pay screen that pulls escrow from anyone in the same firm as the student. i.e. ACEware Systems originally paid for Chuck in a course, but then canceled his registration. Now ACEware Systems wants to pay for Sharon in a course with those funds sitting in Chucks escrow. This button does the transfer.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. To see the full list of everything released in .060, see my forum post or watch the new release webinar. Cheryl already has most of these features documented in help if you want more information or you can ask your Technician. Update today!

Contributed by Matthew Olson
Tip of the Month: Quick View Reports on ACEweb
Did you know that you can run some limited reporting from anywhere via the ACEweb Administration page?
Note that you will need your SM staff login to access this page at a minimum, and may also require Windows authentication to use some of the links.
View Site Activity will give you a summary of unique visitors to your ACEweb site with the ability to scope by date range.
Registration Log gives a summary of registrations made through ACEweb, while the Exception Log will show failed registrations.
The Search Log will allow you to view and export search requests that were made on ACEweb, useful to see what people are looking for!
View Pending Transactions is useful for tracking AW-Pending payments and/or to see failed ACEweb transactions (usually from CC processing problems).
For the full details on how to use these links and more, visit the help guide.

Contributed by Jason Allen
Report of the Month: Room Use Sorted by Date
I've noticed recently that the Room Use reporting area, specifically the date-sort option, is often overlooked. This is not only a report just for assigning rooms, but also for tracking which classes are in which rooms on any given day. It gives you a bird's-eye view of how many rooms are used. The other nice thing about the default report is that it gives you a little legend at the bottom that will tell you if the course starting, ending, or has been canceled that day.

You should already have the default in your student manager, but if you don't, please contact your technician to get a copy. 

Contributed by Joe Sotkovski

To your continued success!

- Chuck, Sharon, AJ, Cheryl, Jason, Joe, Lindsey, Matthew, Mike, and Stein

 Aceware Systems
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7480 Dyer Road
Manhattan, KS 66502


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