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February 2019 | Issue #76
Current Releases: SM 8.0.072 (2/4) | AW 3.5.052 (11/5)
ACEware Software Update - 3/6 1:30 CDT
ACEware Systems Newsletter - Information to Run Your Program
Print and Export to Excel From Student List & Courses Taken Screens
One of the reasons that we changed the design of the Student List and Courses Taken screens was to add greater flexibility.   We've taken that to new heights in 8.0.072 that released earlier this month.

When you open one of these screens, you'll see two new buttons in the lower right-hand corner. One is simply Print. The other is Export to Excel.

The Print option lists the most important fields in a report style for the screen you are on.  You won't be able to modify this report, but you do have the ability to do a quick print. You'll still have the Quick Report area to customize anything you want. This is just another option for you.

Export to Excel takes almost every single field and puts them into an Excel file for you. You get to pick where it saves and what to name it. Again, you won't be able to customize the fields, but this might save you some time. If you do need to customize the fields, you'll need to run a report and choose the Export to file option.

This is another example of ACEware meeting the needs of our customers.  Keep those wishes coming!

Contributed by  Matthew Olson
2019 ACEware Users' Conference
You are joining us in Vegas this June, right? We have exciting new software features that will be unveiled at conference and you'll enjoy:
  • Conference sessions including Coding for Success, Google Analytics, Developing Supplemental Data Capture Pages, Using the CRM feature, and more!
  • Networking with ACEware staff and CE colleagues.
  • An opportunity to win training, software, custom reports, and more.
  • Many "Aha!" moments when you see how ACEware can help you!
Add a pre-conference to your registration. This is an opportunity for six hours of focus with an ACEware staff member. You can choose between three sessions: SM 101 (great for your newer staff!), Improving Your Reporting Skills, OR ACEweb Essentials

Use the scholarship funds you have available from your support agreement! If you have Student Manager and ACEweb, you have $500 to use against your registration fees. If I can help you convince your boss you should be there, let me know! Registration fees increase in March, so don't procrastinate any longer.  Register today
We are going to have a great time in Vegas - join us!

Contributed by Sharon Brookshire
Tip of the Month: 
ACEweb Registration Tune-up Tips
For many of our ACEware clients, there comes a time of year when registration opens and they experience a huge rush of registrations in a short period of time (looking at you OLLI!).

Here are some essential things to check before you open the gates, to make sure your registrants are getting the best possible ACEweb experience without any of the slowdowns or hang-ups! Don't forget you can always check with your ACEware technician for assistance with this checkup.
  • Make sure that your ACEweb installation is configured to run enough COM servers to fully utilize the server that it's running on. The general rule of thumb is to run two COM servers per CPU core, and ideally have at least 1GB of RAM per COM server.
For example, a quad core server with 8GB of RAM can easily run 8 COM servers. Your ACEware technician can assist you with what to ask your IT folks to determine what server hardware is being used, as well as audit your COM server configuration.
  • Disable the full verbose debug logging for your heaviest registration period. This is set in your aceweb.ini under the DebugFlag setting (as DebugFlag=TABLE:). We always recommend you are at least logging payment service information, in the event you have to look up something that went wrong with an online payment, so you can set your setting to:

This ensures that you're using the faster logging method (TABLE:), but that you only want to log payment service details, and not everything.
  • Have your IT team verify that if they are running any Antivirus or firewall software on the server that it has the appropriate exclusions for the ACEweb and Student Manager folders. Without having those excluded, those types of software can dramatically slow or even halt the ACEweb COM server processing.
Contributed by Jason Allen
Report of the Month: Reports by Frequency
You've made it through January, and you're on track with all of your personal resolutions, so why not go ahead an add a professional resolution to the list? My recommendation: Clean up your Student Manager reports. Delete the ones that essentially do the same thing, move those that would be better served in a different reporting area, and deactivate any reports that you don't need right now but might in the future. And no, you don't have to run every single report to figure out what's what--we have a report to help with this.
In Student Manager, navigate to Reports >> Accounting >> Special 1 Reg/1 Line (Deadbeat). On the gray report screen, select Additional Reports, then click OK. The query you choose doesn't matter, so just run whatever you'd like. When prompted to select the report to generate, choose *Reports by Frequency. This gives you a basic list of all reports ranked by how often they're run, as well as information like the reporting area, whether it's a default (pre-defined) or additional (user-defined) report, along with who ran it last and when.

Once you know which reports are being run most often and which haven't been run recently or at all, you can start whittling down your list of what to keep and what to deactivate or delete. And as an added bonus, you might even want to try out a few reports that have never been run just to see what exactly they do. You never know what you might find!
Contributed by Lindsey Lieberman

To your continued success!

- Chuck, Sharon, AJ, Carmel, Jason, Joe, Lindsey, Matthew, Mike, and Stein

 Aceware Systems
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ACEware Systems, Inc.
7480 Dyer Road
Manhattan, KS 66502


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