Update: ACFI Fraud Conference

Correction: Our Newest Certified Forensic Investigator...
Having met the education, experience and examination requirements for certification. Congratulations to:

Fred Watkin BBA MFAcc CPA CA CFI
Forensic Accountant and Managing Director
Pinnacle CPAs Professional Corporation – Brampton, ON

Our sincere apologies for the error in the details in our last ACFI Update.
Annual Fraud Conference - October 4-6, 2021

  • Registration closes Sunday at noon!

Thank you to our sponsors!!
Call for Articles - Have you been involved in an interesting case? Are you aware of issues in the field for which broader exposure would be useful to your colleagues and others within our wider network of individuals involved in forensic investigation? We would appreciate receiving your articles for inclusion here and on our website. We invite you to review past articles that have appeared in our newsletter - Articles of Interest