ACHE-NJ 2023 Scholarship Award
The American College of Healthcare Executives of New Jersey 2023 Scholarship applications are being accepted until May 31, 2023. 

This Scholarship aims to promote advancement in Healthcare Management by providing financial assistance toward a graduate education in Healthcare Management (or applicable major).

To be eligible for the ACHE-NJ scholarship please see the criteria below:
1.You are a full-time or part-time graduate student of an accredited healthcare management program.
2.You are legally residing in the United States of America.
3.You have not been a prior recipient of the Scholarship.
4.You are not related to a member of the ACHE-NJ Board or subcommittees.
5.You are a resident of the State of New Jersey.

The awarded scholarships for 2023 will be Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) per student. To be considered for this award, please complete the attached form and send to Mary Egan, PhD at
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