4th Quarter 2020 Newsletter
A Message From Your Chapter President
Dear Colleagues,

I write today for our final newsletter of 2020 and my last as your chapter president. It has been a highly rewarding two years in the role, despite the well-known and unusual circumstances we all operated under for most of the year. I want to thank all my fellow board members for their hard work and support over my term and especially this year. All chapter members should be aware of and appreciate the highly committed and talented professionals who volunteer their time to serve as their board leaders. I have been on more boards than I can count over the years and yours is among the best.

We have achieved much this year despite the crippling effects at work and home of the COVID 19 pandemic which resurges as I write today. In the midst of such periods of stress, I find it helpful to pause and think about what IS going right and what there is to be thankful for. And pandemic or not, there is much to feel good about at ACHE MA. The hard work of all our committee members, chairs, sponsors, student affiliates and other volunteers kept the organization moving forward on so many fronts. Our conversion to virtual education conferences was smooth and opened new avenues by which we can reach our members with quality educational content, as evidenced by our three excellent quarterly sessions this past month. This initiative will be more than just a “temporary COVID fix”, but a long-term strategy that will enhance our programs effort. The work of our DEI Committee has been highly recognized and continued its great work over the past year. We were proud to modify our bylaws this year so that the role of chair on this committee now holds a voting board seat. The great work of Baystate Health in this area was recognized with our second annual Diversity and Inclusion Award - congratulations to Dr. Mark Keroack and his team on this great honor. The addition of Annamarie Grise as our new association executive this year could not have been a better selection–if I do say so myself! — and her expansive knowledge of chapter operations throughout New England led to our ability to forge great new partnership efforts with both the RI and CT chapters.

What will 2021 bring? First and foremost, a vaccine that we all can aspire will bring our professional and personal lives a good deal closer to normalcy. Second, at our December retreat, the board mapped out new initiatives in member support, educational efforts, partnership, membership engagement, DEI and continued development work with our early careerists that you will all hear more about as we formulate the detailed plans. 2021 will also bring new leadership at the board level as Maureen Banks takes over as your chapter president. As many of you know, Maureen is a well-established health care leader in the Commonwealth whose focus and decisiveness will keep our board moving forward. Maureen’s efforts will be complimented by Monique Porter who takes over from Karen Moore as Regent in March of 2021. Congratulations to all three who I have had the honor of working with as president these past two years.

All the best on a healthy and happy holiday season!



John Fogarty, FACHE
ACHE of MA Chapter President
We encourage our members to check out both organizations to learn how they may be able to help as well.

Click the links here to learn more:
ACHE of Massachusetts Honors Baystate Health with the 2nd Annual Diversity & Inclusion Award
This award has been given in recognition of the hospital’s outstanding commitment to equality and humanity in the pursuit of healthcare excellence. It was presented live on Wednesday, November 4, 2020 in a small, socially distanced ceremony and then announced during the ACHE of Massachusetts Virtual Fall Conference Series,
Session 1, held on November 10, 2020.

Mark Keroack, President & CEO of Baystate Health, Kristin Morales-Lemieux, Senior Vice President & Chief Human Resource Officer, Jennifer Faulkner, Vice President, Team Member Experience, Diversity & Inclusion & Talent Management, Yemisi Oloruntola-Coates, Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer and Kara Wolf, Diversity & Inclusion Consultant were on hand to accept the award presented by ACHE of Massachusetts Diversity & Inclusion Chair, Carmen Kenrich.
ACHE's 2021 Virtual Healthcare on Congress Leadership: Registration Now Open
Early-bird registration is now open for the American College of Healthcare Executives 2021 Virtual Congress on Healthcare Leadership.

Join them for this reimagined virtual experience and earn 12 ACHE Face-to-Face Education and continuing medical education credits for an early-bird fee of only $599.

Speakers this year will include:
• Anthony S. Fauci, MD, director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
• Atul Gawande, MD, surgeon, Brigham and Young Women’s Hospital/writer, The New Yorker
• Keller Rinaudo, co-founder/CEO, Zipline
• Amy Walter, national editor, Cook Political Report/host, “The Takeaway"
• Wes Moore, CEO, Robin Wood
• Indu Subaiya, MD, co-founder/president, Catalyst @ Health 2.0

Congratulations to ACHE's 2020 Service Award Winners
Building Healthcare for the Future:
A Recap of ACHE of MA's Virtual Fall Conference Series
The American College of Healthcare Executives Massachusetts Chapter held our incredibly successful virtual fall conference “Building Healthcare for the Future”.
 Over the three sessions our speakers covered the racial and socio-economic divide of healthcare, international healthcare models, cutting-edge epidemiological surveillance data and innovation in payment models, all to reimagine our delivery approach. We thank all of our speakers and attendees for their participation in the series!

If you watched the series, we want to hear from you as we plan our programming for 2021.
ACHE of MA's Virtual Dinner with the C-Suite, Hosted by the Early Careerist Network
ACHE of Massachusetts Early Careerist Network held an incredibly innovative and successful Virtual Dinner with the C-Suite on Wednesday, December 9. Attendees were treated to intimate breakout room discussions with John Christoforo, FACHE, former CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess HealthCare, John M. Fogarty, FACHE, President & CEO of Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Needham and Christine Schuster, President & CEO of Emerson Hospital.

Our early careerists had the opportunity to network with the CEOs, hear their stories, and ask career advice. Attendees even received Grubhub e-giftcards so that we could bring everyone together around the virtual table to enjoy a meal with the conversation.

This program was so successful that we look forward to running another one in Q1 of 2021. ACHE of MA's ECN thanks our C-Suite speakers, attendees, and our committee members who brought this creative initiative to life!
ACHE of MA Holds First Virtual Face to Face Program
ACHE of Massachusetts held our first virtual Face to Face program, "COVID-19: What We Learned: Supply Chain", valued at 1.5 credits on Wednesday night, December 16. We are incredibly thankful to our Panelists, Manny LopesMaria Megdal and Timothy Rowe, and Moderator, Alastair Bell, for sharing their time and knowledge with us!

Attendee Courtney Lemoine shared this feedback about the program: “There have been many covid-19 related Zooms and webinars over the past several months that were unremarkable - I am so impressed with tonight's discussion. Very appreciative of the dialogue, no one seemed rushed, Alastair had great questions, and it was easy to find relevance from each of the questions and the panel's contributions. Thank you to ACHE and especially to the four of you for participating tonight.

ACHE of MA is honored to provide such incredible programming for our members, and we look forward to more great education in 2021!
Massachusetts Regent's Third Quarter Message
Dear Colleagues,

Response, Recovery, Reimagining: these actions are guiding the strategic direction of ACHE. The Chapter Leaders meeting held virtually in October was filled with excellent presentations and messages from ACHE leadership, demonstrating the above themes.

Programming: there has been a tremendous response to interactive live sessions and other virtual programming offered by ACHE and chapters. The virtual platform is even creating more opportunities for regional partnering among chapters. Providing programs this way is different from traditional f2f programming, and many thanks to ACHE, who is advancing the virtual platform curriculum and assisting chapters.

Please check the ache.org website as well as massache.org frequently for opportunities.
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Welcome New ACHE of MA Members
Take a look at our new members who joined in the 4th quarter of 2020.
Our membership packet is designed to help you learn more about our national organization and your local chapter.

Click here to view our 2020 New Member Orientation packet

Questions about membership? Please contact our Administrator by email.
Save the Date: Virtual Breakfast with Healthcare Champions - January 13, 2021
Save the date for this incredible session featuring a family of healthcare champions:
-Andre Churchwell, MD, Chief Diversity Officer of Vanderbilt University
-Kevin Churchwell, MD, President and CEO of Boston Children’s
-Keith Churchwell, MD, President of Yale New Haven Hospital
Registration coming soon!
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