THIS WEEKEND - The 15th Annual Joint American Homeopathic Conference presented by the
National Center for Homeopathy
Don't miss the Joint American Homeopathic Conference this weekend, June 12-16th! This virtual conference will be packed full of amazing presentations, engaging discussions, and entertainment!

Once registered, be sure to visit ACHENA's virtual vendor booth and drop into one of our two interactive Zoom sessions; Friday the 12th at 9:30am (PT) and Saturday the 13th at 12:45pm (PT).
NEW CPD Online Application Platform
You asked, we answered!
As the ACHENA Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program has grown over the past three years, thanks to our wonderful and committed providers, we have received your feedback regarding the CPD Application forms and have been exploring ways to streamline the process.

We are very excited to announce the CPD Application forms will soon be online! ACHENA is currently working with a web developer to move the entire application process to an online platform. Stay tuned for more information.

Interested in offering an approved Continuing Professional Development Course? Learn more on the ACHENA CPD Program page.
A HUGE Thank You
to Kim Elia, Richard Pitt, and Alastair Gray!

The Continuing Education course, "Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Homeopathy Away from Home," was a huge success thanks to the generosity of Kim, Richard, and Alastair, donating their time and experience to support ACHENA.

Generously sponsored by Whole Health Now, the proceeds of this course were donated ACHENA and will go directly to supporting ACHENA's mission.

The recorded webinar, Planes, Trains and Automobiles - Homeopathy Away from Home is available through Whole Health Now.

Another School Accredited!

ACHENA is encouraged by the growing list of Accredited Schools. The Academy of Homeopathy Education received its accreditation in April and is now one of five ACHENA Accredited Schools. Three more Candidate Schools are actively working towards full accreditation and ACHENA wants to remind our school leaders that the time and hard work you are putting in is WORTH IT! Your commitment to pursue and maintain accreditation is helping to raise the bar for the homeopathic profession. We truly appreciate your dedication, creativity, patience, and perseverance. Keep up the good work!

ACHENA Accredited Schools make a difference!
Did You Know?

This new section of the newsletter addresses some of the commonly held misbeliefs and frequently asked questions about accreditation. In this edition, we address a statement ACHENA has heard in various forms over the years;

"Accreditation squeezes out and shuts down small homeopathy schools, especially now that the CHC requires its applicants to graduate from an accredited school."

All homeopathy schools (training professional homeopaths) are "small." The nature of homeopathy lends to an educational structure usually encompassing one to two principal administrators or directors, a few staff, and handful of core faculty members. Cohort sizes are often less than thirty students and curriculum is carefully curated by each individual school. This is the trend for all homeopathy schools, accredited and non-accredited. The ability of a school to become accredited has nothing to do with its size and everything to do with the way it values accreditation and the will of its directors, faculty, and staff to pursue that accreditation.

Yes, it is true the CHC now requires applicants to have graduated from an ACHENA accredited school, but this does not mean students cannot still study at a non-accredited school of their choice. ACHENA fully supports academic freedom and understands how the unique profession and practice of homeopathic medicine lends to variations in educational pace and delivery. Many non-accredited homeopathic training programs exist which provide quality education and experience. Schools that opt out of accreditation can still support their students’ pathway toward Board Certification by encouraging students to transfer into an accredited school after completing their studies. This allows students the freedom to study homeopathy at any school they choose, then finish up their training at an accredited school and be eligible for CHC Board Certification. This also supports non-accredited schools and does not force them to become accredited.

All accredited schools have the ability to accept transfer students and offer advanced placement for previous homeopathic training if they choose. ACHENA is currently working with accredited schools to identify best practices in transfer and advanced placement processes in order to better facilitate these pathways for students.

ACHENA strongly encourages dialog and cooperation between accredited and non-accredited schools to create these pathways for students who wish to pursue Board Certification through the CHC. Students are strongly encouraged to reach out to accredited and candidate schools individually to learn about their transfer and advanced placement processes.
Calling All Volunteers

ACHENA is seeking volunteers at all levels; Commissioners, Peer Reviewers, Committee Members, and Advisors. We welcome representatives from both accredited and non-accredited schools, students, teachers, administrators, people with experience in accreditation and higher education, and members of the public looking to support the field of homeopathy.

Join team ACHENA and help us ensure excellence in homeopathic education!

Get to know our Commissioners and visit the ACHENA website to learn more.
Please partner with ACHENA to help the homeopathic community achieve our goals. Your tax-deductible donation supports our mission to strengthen the quality of homeopathic education programs and improve consumer protection.