April 2022
ACHPER AGM - Call for nominations for Directors and Awards
The ACHPER Australia AGM is being held on 31 May 2022. The Board invites eligible nominations for:
  1. Director Positions on the ACHPER Australia Board - 1, 2 and 3 year term positions available, including National President.
  2. National Awards - Life Member, Fellow, National Honour and National Service awards.

Get involved today! Nominate yourself or someone you know. All nominees must be current financial or Life Members of ACHPER, meet the appropriate specified eligibility criteria and have their nominations endorsed by the relevant ACHPER State Branch. See criteria and further details in the nomination forms on our website. All nominations are due by 16 May, 2022.
President’s Report - Dr Sue Whatman
There may be a Federal election coming up in May, but we have our own important elections for ACHPER Australia Board and ACHPER Australia Awards closing soon! You may have seen the call for nominations come around in the last few weeks. The closing date for nominating to National Board and colleagues for National Awards is the 16th of May. Your State branch has a copy of the nomination forms and you must return the forms for endorsement by your branch in time to meet the deadline. You can also request a copy of the nomination forms directly from ACHPER Australia via [email protected].
One of the awards available is that of ACHPER Fellow. This award recognise individuals in any State who have made significant contribution to ACHPER. The nominees must demonstrate (i) Involvement in and contribution to one or more of ACHPER’s areas of focus (primarily health education, physical education and recreation), (ii) being influential, hardworking and supportive within ACHPER’s committees, projects and/or events; (iii) having made a difference over time to ACHPER’s achievements; (iv) respected and influential in their workplace or institution through their ongoing contribution; and (v) acknowledged by colleagues and co-workers as outstanding in their personal contribution, not merely by way of their position. Does this sound like you or one of your colleagues? Nominate today!
HPE educators around Australia are waiting with great anticipation for the release of the updated Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education v 9.0. When it is released, you will find it here. ACHPER State branches have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to prepare for the types of professional learning we will all need for the curriculum updates. Check this page regularly to see what will be available when the curriculum is released.
Returning to the election, now is the time to be finding out which candidates support Health and Physical Education, Sport and Physical Activity and Recreation in your electorate. Check their websites and media releases. Who has supporting HPE, wellbeing and lifelong physical activity front and centre of their election campaign? It’s time to be heard.
With all that is happening in the next few months, have a wonderful Term 2, Semester 1 and Autumn!
Dr Sue Whatman
ACHPER Australia President.
Wouldn’t you love a ready-to-implement SEL program?
*Paid advertising
Build students’ Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) skills and nurture their wellbeing, with the acclaimed Lions Quest SEL programs. Mapped to the Australian Curriculum, Lions Quest is easy to implement with ready to go lesson plans.
Based on CASEL’s core competencies model, the Lions Quest programs offer 36 lessons per year level, as well as ideas for cross-curricular integration, whole-school implementation and parent and community partnerships.
The program includes a short 2-hour online teacher professional learning session to help guide you on delivering the program in your classroom.
What do schools have to say about Lions Quest?
There is no doubt that we need to equip students for life beyond the classroom and Lions Quest helps to do just that.” Director of Wellbeing, Hills Christian Community School.
Inaugural Asia-Pacific Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) Alliance Virtual Conference
Conference theme: Values based coaching and teaching

This free conference has a series of confirmed presenters who will present on values based coaching in sport and TPSR in school physical education and in programmes for students from underserved communities.

Professor Paul Wright (Northern Illinois University) will be presenting the Keynote address on TPSR, its values, history and future directions. Other presenters include New Zealand Cricket, Tennis Australia and teachers from Australia and New Zealand who use TPSR in their classrooms.
The full programme and details on how to register will be available on the APSR website shortly. Registering for the Asia-Pacific conference will automatically enrol you in the International TPSR virtual conference 13 and 14 June 2022. For further enquiries or to register your interest contact Dr Barrie Gordon: [email protected] or Mr Rick Baldock: [email protected].

Monday 13 June 2022
7:30 -9:00 pm New Zealand Time
5:30 – 7:00 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time
5:00 – 6:30 pm Australian Central Standard Time
3:30-5:00 pm Australian Western Standard Time, Singapore
Tuesday 14 June 2022
6:30-8:30 pm New Zealand Time
4:30-6:30 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time
4:00-6:00 pm Australian Central Standard Time
2:30-4:30 pm Australian Western Standard Time, Singapore

Want to know more about Teaching and Coaching with the TPSR model? Check out our ACHPER Blog here.

Bookshop - Ordering copies for the library
The ACHPER Bookshop is moving towards a digital platform but we still have “old fashioned” hard copies available for sale – check out what is in stock here.
Did you know you can ask your university or public library to stock e-copies of some of our publications? The Play with Purpose series by Shane Pill is available through ProQuest E-book Central (in a handy 3-user textbook license) and Ebsco Host as individual e-copies. Ask your library to stock this series for your students today!
Upcoming events throughout Australia
The ACHPER Australia Annual General Meeting is to be held virtually on 31 May from 7pm to 8pm AEST. ACHPER Life Members are cordially invited to attend as observers of the AGM. Please contact [email protected] to be added to the meeting invite.
Need help with staying across the available ACHPER conferences, seminars and webinars in your State. Click here to see the latest offerings.
Have you used the HPS Audit Tool yet?
Have you been back to the ACHPER website lately? Have you seen the new material in the Health Promoting Schools page? The HPS audit tool is freely available – see how the audit tool can help you plan to support health promotion across the whole school community.
AIESEP World Congress 2022
The AIESEP International Association for Physical Education in Higher Education is holding their 2022 World Congress on the 15-18th June on the Gold Coast. Hosted by Griffith University, this once in four year event brings together Health and Physical Education (or PETE) professionals from all over the world. The World Congress holds the General Assembly in which the President, Secretary-General, individual and institutional Board members are elected, bringing outstanding scholars and educators to the event. 2022 also marks the 60th Anniversary of AIESEP so they are hosting a special live screening of the Cagigal Scholar Lecture at the Hilton Surfers Paradise on Saturday, 18th of June. The 2022 Cagigal Scholar is none other than Australian HPE/ PETE superstar, Professor Doune Macdonald. AIESEP 2022 is open to any teacher, pre-service teacher, academic, undergraduate or postgraduate student or HPE advocate – go to their website for more information about attending as a delegate here or email any enquiries to [email protected]
ACHPER Australia is proud to partner with Tennis Australia.
ACHPER Australia recognises the Traditional Owners of the lands upon which we live and work and pays respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging. We extend that respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our ACHPER membership, our schools and HPE communities, our partners and our staff.