The Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation has a long history of working with and supporting the work of health educators, physical educators, sport and recreation educators. In addition to the continuing professional development opportunities provided by ACHPER Branches, 'behind the scenes' ACHPER nationally works of behalf of professionals in education, sport and recreation, and health promotion to lobbying government to support the work of these professions, to advocate key messages, and advise on policy development.
The ACHPER International Conference is one of the main platforms used by ACHPER to advocate and receive media attention for key messages, provide professional learning opportunities on leading ideas for the professions, and enable the professions of health, HPE teaching, sport and recreation to engage with international thought leaders in these fields. The ACHPER Office together with conference chairs Dr Sue Whatman and Rick Baldock have put together what I believe is possibly the 'best program ever' for the 31st Biennial International Conference, January 14-16, at the Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra. If you haven't yet registered for the conference, I recommend it to you, and you can register at:
I would like to thank all members for their ongoing support of ACHPER; it is greatly appreciated. We look forward to your continuing engagement throughout Australia. To our stakeholders, thank you also for your support and we look forward to working with many of you next year. On behalf of the National Board and staff of ACHPER National, may I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2019.
Have you registered for the #ACHPER2019 International Conference yet? There is still time to register!
The conference program offers something for everyone with a diverse offering of academic, practical sessions, symposiums and workshops.
ACHPER aims to support the professional engagement of educators in primary, secondary and tertiary sectors, with sessions in Health and Physical Education (HPE), various approaches in sport pedagogy and by presenting sessions to strengthen
the development of health and well-being in schools and communities!
Play with Purpose: The Game Sense Coaching Approach for Football (Soccer)
Play with Purpose: The Game Sense Coaching Approach for Football (Soccer) is relevant for teachers and coaches from primary aged children to youth and adult football. The resource can also be used as a developmental model for clubs to base their player pathway programs.
Daily Does It 2 provides a reminder of the importance of regular daily physical activity for children and to have opportunities for acquisition of developmentally appropriate skills and confidence and capability in movement.
The resource is mapped to the bands of the Australian Curriculum and this will ensure that Primary classroom teachers will, with use of their own professional judgement, deliver activity outcomes that are developmentally appropriate for meeting their student's needs.