5th International Game Sense Conference
ACHPER (SA) welcomes attendance at the 5th International Game Sense Conference in Adelaide from July 3-5 2017.
Hear from some of the best speakers worldwide for leaders in PE and sport coaching using the Game Sense approach.
There are breakout sessions for all- from PE teachers, those researching Game Sense, coaches and policy advisors.
Dynamic program released and registrations open.
We look forward seeing you at the conference in July.
Join the conversation
We will be sharing more of the latest news, events and articles of interest
with the HPE community on our social media.
2017 Professional Learning
Upcoming professional learning events being held around the country:
3-5 July 2017
28 July 2017
17 July 2017
9 August 2017
17 August 2017
8 September 2017
Not an ACHPER Member?
Join today and become part of a vibrant professional community committed to promoting active and healthy living for all Australians.
Discounted PL and resources are just one of the many benefits!
ACHPER would like to express its condolences on the passing of
Len Almond.
Len leaves a tremendous legacy in the work he published personally and that he inspired others to take forward, and is a
big loss for the physical education community.
Can you help by taking part in an online questionnaire on self-compassion and commitment to exercise in midlife and older adults?
William Tierney from the University of Adelaide is currently completing a thesis on the role of self-compassion in the relationship between commitment to exercise, attitudes to ageing, and responses to barriers on exercising in midlife and older adults.
The results aim to help determine the most effective ways to encourage engagement and commitment to exercise, and in turn, improve the health and functional capacity of midlife and older adults.
As part of the study, participants are being sought who are 40 years or older, and are currently doing some form of exercise, either aerobic or resistance.
Partners and Supporters
ACHPER acknowledges and appreciates the support of the following organisation:
Welcome from the National Executive Director
Recently the Minister for Health and Minister for Sport, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, outlined the Federal Government's initiative to develop a National Sports Plan for Australia. The National Sports Plan seeks to examine and set out Australia's expectations of the sports sector, including the Government's shared goals for high performance sport; sporting participation; cultural and public health outcomes; and levels of investment.
As the peak association with the purpose of advocating and leading professional
practice in Health and Physical Education, sport and recreation,
ACHPER is utilising this opportunity to present feedback on the National Sports Plan to ensure an educative voice is heard, in particular within the context of
Call for nominations for ACHPER Board
In accordance with ACHPER's Constitution, a number of positions on the ACHPER Board will fall vacant at the upcoming
Representative Forum in August.
The ACHPER Board therefore seeks nominations from interested and suitably qualified members for the following positions:
- Vice President (3 year term)
- Elected Board Member (3 year term)
- Elected Board Member (2 year term)
All nominations are to be submitted by COB Friday June 30.
New AITSL feedback resources available now
Effective feedback practice is shown to increase student progress by as much as an extra eight months over a year.
The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL), in partnership with Evidence for Learning, have developed new materials to support teachers and school leaders to enhance feedback practices with students in their context.
The resources draw upon global evidence and research-based approaches, including from AITSL's own Board Chair and world-renowned education researcher, Professor John Hattie.
The suite of materials is free to access from the AITSL website and includes the following:
- A Spotlight research summary - Reframing feedback to improve teaching and learning - to describe the underpinning research on effective feedback.
- Written and video case studies that profile effective implementation of feedback within Australian schools.
- Implementation resources, such as a readiness check, planning overview and an introductory presentation, to help schools introduce an effective feedback strategy.
KEYNOTE SCREENCAST: Along the Lifespan with Sean Slade
If you missed Sean Slade at the recent ACHPER International Conference, here is your chance to watch his Keynote Presentation titled 'Along the Lifespan'.
Sean talks about learning and health along and across the lifespan - and how a well-planned PE program will teach the skills of problem solving, decision-making, leadership, cooperation and resilience, in an environment that is healthy and beneficial to the individual.
ACHPER Members can now access this for FREE as part of their membership (log-in required). Non-members can purchase access.
Active Healthy Kids Australia Youth Advisory Council
Has anyone asked their kids what moves them? Active Healthy Kids Australia (AHKA) is establishing a Youth Advisory Council and are seeking Australian boys and girls aged 8-17 who are keen to be youth representatives.
The primary purpose of the Youth Advisory Council is to provide direction and guidance to AHKA in regards to the development of an online kids physical activity survey, assisting in the interpretation of the survey responses, and the development and co-facilitation of the AHKA 'Kids Voice' Forum.
Applications close 21st June.
BLOG: Primal Passion - What our young athletes need to know!
"What our young athletes need to know is that the
opportunity to play is a limited one, so don't mess it up. Don't throw away your athletic ability because training is hard.
The reward is in the effort. Don't forgo playing sport because you have to study.
Being active improves one's concentration, memory and academic performance. Don't dumb down your effort because you think talented kids don't have to try.
There is no such thing as talent without trying. And play by the rules.
How you play says a lot about who you are."
Psychologist and Keynote at our recent ACHPER International Conference, Gayelene Clews, encourages our youth to be brave enough to explore themselves through play in sport and exercise, and
discover the secrets locked into their DNA.
Visible Learning and Sport... a powerful, effective recipe for success
Anne Goodman, in her role as coach of the Northern Territory School Sport Track and Field team, wanted to do something different to improve her young athlete's performances and their resilience.
Find out how she worked with her students using principles of
Visible Learning (Hattie) to improve the learning and outcomes for the students in her team.
Included with this
Active + Healthy Magazine article is the Learning Intentions, Goal Setting, Reflections and Student Report tables Anne used as a fully customisable Word document template.
NATIONAL HPE DAY: Good for Children
National Health and Physical Education (HPE) Day will be celebrated on
Wednesday September 6, 2017
with a focus on how HPE is
Good for Children
Teachers and Principals from schools across Australia are encouraged to get involved by holding activities or events during the week or on the day itself to demonstrate how much they value this important part of the curriculum.
Download one of our fact sheets or our newsletter snippets to show your support for this important day on the school calendar.
BLOG: Teaching and coaching using the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility model
The Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model aligns with best practices for developing Social and Emotional Learning competencies and has been proven to be effective in a variety of contexts including school-based PE.
So what is an effective way for teachers and coaches to develop a TPSR-based program?
Barrie Gordon, Cody Sanders, Michael Hemphill and Rick Baldock build upon their presentation in January at the 30th ACHPER International Conference in Canberra with some great ideas and resources on how to make a start with TPSR.
Community connections in HPE - A reflection of stakeholder experiences
In the latest issue of ACHPER's Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, McGrath, Alfrey and Jeanes confront the rhetoric around calls for schools to have a greater community engagement focus in the delivery of curriculum.
At the centre of their investigation was critical inquiry-based HPE unit of work aptly named 'Take Action'.
Through a case study approach they report on the complex and challenging work that is required to make genuine connections between teachers, students and community stakeholders.
While Take Action did not achieve the outcomes it espoused, the learnings from this project provide valuable insights for future developments in this increasingly important challenge for schools.
Health and Physical Education: The Five Propositions
Across the country at all levels of education, practitioners are beginning to engage with the new Australian Curriculum in Health and Physical Education (AC: HPE) and ways to focus on the five propositions made central to both the reform process as well as the curriculum documents.