June 2021
The Australian Curriculum: HPE is now open for public consultation
Proposed revisions to the Australian Curriculum for Foundation – Year 10 (F–10) are currently open for public consultation. Whilst all learning areas are open for review, we specifically encourage you as important stakeholders of ACHPER Australia to provide feedback on the Health and Physical Education learning area. The current version is available HERE

The Review also includes revisions to the three cross-curriculum priorities of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures, Asia and Australia’s Engagement with Asia, and Sustainability, and the general capabilities, such as Critical and Creative Thinking. ACHPER has published insightful articles about the importance and the role the priorities and general capabilities have played in HPE in our Active & Healthy Journal – members can read these HERE
Elastoplast helping kids stay safe
Now in its second year, the Elastoplast Kids First Aid Program has helped more than 18,000 young Aussies develop practical first aid knowledge and skills.

Developed in collaboration with ACHPER, the Elastoplast Kids First Aid Program provides schools across the country with free, curriculum-aligned resources focusing on the key first aid knowledge areas – recognising and responding to unsafe situations, treating minor injuries and sending for help.

Each school that registers will receive free lesson plans, classroom activity sheets, Elastoplast first aid product samples and even a pack of 1st First Aid Certificates to hand out to students when they have completed the program.

More than 160 schools have received the free resources since the program launched last year, and over 90% of teachers would recommend the program to a colleague[1].

[1] Elastoplast Kids First Aid Program, 2020: Participant Survey
Call for Member Nominations to National Board
ACHPER Australia has extended its call for nominations from members for elected Director positions on National Board. There are one, two and three year positions open for election. Members must be nominated and endorsed by their branches. Nomination forms and the constitutional requirements of the positions can be requested from [email protected]. Please get in touch with your Branch to discuss your nomination and you are encouraged to discuss your plans and ask questions with the National President, Dr Sue Whatman – [email protected] – prior to submission.
Call for Award Nominations
ACHPER Australia relies upon its volunteers to fulfil its purpose. Do you know a member who is worthy of a nomination for an Award? ACHPER Australia via its branches is calling for nominations for:
  • Fellow
  • Life Member
  • National Service Award
  • National Honour Award
Contact your branch for nomination forms and information packs. Endorsed nominations are due COB on Friday, 18th June via email to [email protected].