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In This Issue
2020 Spring Investment Forum Cancelled
Thursday, April 16 & 17, 2020 - Cancelled

Four Seasons Hotel Chicago
120 E Delaware St
ChicagoIL  60611
United States

Job Postings

Do you have any positions you are looking to fill? Please submit to  CJ Marchain.
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Update Your Bio
To learn more about the ACIC website and update your bio,  click here .
Questions or comments about this edition?  Please provide feedback here
with the subject heading "Monthly Newsletter Feedback". 
ACIC Private Notes                                 May 2020

Welcome to the May 2020 edition of the ACIC Private Notes Newsletter! This edition brings you:
  • A message regarding the newly created COVID-19 Resource Center; and
  • A general summary of recent TPMC Model Form Updates courtesy of Brendan Kelly (New York Life)
COVID-19 Resource Center

The ACIC COVID-19 Resource Center is now live! It can be accessed through the ACIC homepage or directly using the following link:

Example articles include the following. Check out the website for more!
Thank you to our law firm members who have already submitted client alerts. Please feel free to forward any additional COVID-19-related materials your firms may have prepared that may be relevant for our members to

TPMC Committee Model Form Updates

Click  here to learn about potential Model Form updates and other current discussions of the ACIC TPMC Committee.