Website Committee
Some of you may have noticed that you didn't get a 2016 Membership Directory. Just so you don't think you were missed, no one did. But that is because we now have something better. On the ACIC website, click on the tab "Members Area" (you have to log in first) and you will see on the bottom of the drop down box "Member Directory (pdf)". Click on that and what you see will look very familiar-and if you want to print it, you can keep it right by your desk just like the old mailed directory. It has all the information the old directory had. So why is this better? For one, it has pictures! (Okay, first you have to load your picture but that is easy.) But more importantly, the pdf version updates regularly so that if you print it from time to time you will get the most update information for the membership (new members, new addresses, new firms). Unlike the old directory, where you would have to wait a year or so to get info that might already be out of date. The information in the pdf directory comes directly from the online membership database. We encourage everyone to print the directory, look at their information and confirm it is up to date. And load a picture! Also, please look at your listing in the back under the Listing of Fellows by Professional Affiliation. If you are not listed correctly (or you are not listed under the same company name as your colleagues and should be) please correct in your on-line profile. It makes it much easier for all the other folks to find you!
Education Committee
The Education Committee has been busy helping with the Annual Meeting, at which the ACIC will pioneer the use of interactive technology. We are excited about the program, with its timely election theme, and encourage all members to attend and bring their colleagues! We are also working on the upcoming Private Equity CLE (described above) and have begun work on our third 2016 one-hour CLE, which we expect will occur in early December, will be hosted by Chapman and Cutler and will cover Recent Developments in Bankruptcy and Creditor's Rights.
Communications Committee
The Communication Committee successfully produced the Private Notes newsletter in each month in 2016, overseen by our Co-Editors Stefanie Greer and Kristin Gudewicz. January and July issues included a message from our President Brenda Page and highlighted our newest members. Our May issue provided a wonderful summary of the Spring Forum, complete with pictures. We published original content from Chapman & Cutler and King & Spalding. If any members would like to submit original material for consideration in future publications, please contact Stefanie Greer or Kristin Gudewicz.
The Membership Committee
The Membership Committee is charged with administering the process of electing individuals for membership in the College, and does so by receiving nominations for fellowship from other Fellows of the College, and reviewing the applications of nominated individuals for compliance with the relevant membership criteria. The Committee makes recommendations to the Trustees with respect to each application, and the Trustees are then tasked with acting on applications for fellowship.
The Membership Committee continues to actively explore avenues to reach out to potential new members, with a goal of maintaining and deepening the vibrancy and diversity of the College, and also encourages Fellows retiring from practice to continue to participate with and contribute to the College as Emeritus members. The Committee's tasks are continually supported by our existing Fellows, many of whom actively promote membership in the College to their colleagues and other professional acquaintances. Inquiries concerning Fellowship in the College may be directed to any member of the Committee.