New Leadership & Direction at ACMHS
Update to the Community, 4th Quarter, FY 18
Leadership Team Changes
A new-ish CEO and CFO, and soon a new Chief Medical Officer. Lots of changes at ACMHS are energizing staff, in a good way. Mladen Begojevic, CFO, is pictured at left.

Helping clients move toward independent living
There's a little place in Anchorage where lunch is served every Wednesday and Friday in a setting so intimate and secure that one diner spoke openly of feeling depressed from being so far away from his family and the positive steps he took to address that feeling, steps outlined in his personal safety plan. Story by Stephanie Rhoades. Read More
Improving care by improving morale ving
Kandy Alley and the rest of her Leadership Team at Fairbanks Community Mental Health Services were not pleased with the low staff morale and engagement revealed on the spring employee survey. So they leapt into action, by holding an all staff work session, and dividing into groups to come up with ideas for improvements. Read More .