March 20, 2020
Welcome to this week's issue of ACO Newsstand brought to you by ACOExhibitHall.com

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Modern Healthcare | March 13, 2020
Accountable care organizations that participate in the Medicare Shared Savings Program are concerned they will be on the hook for penalties and won't receive shared savings this performance year because of the novel coronavirus.  The National Association of ACOs has been hearing from members worried the COVID-19 outbreak will drive up Medicare beneficiary spending this year, ultimately affecting the benchmark used to determine savings and losses in the program . .. READ MORE    

RevCycle Intelligence | March 18, 2020
Accountable care organizations (ACOs) in the Medicare Shared Savings Program and other shared risk models are worried the novel coronavirus pandemic could leave them responsible for shared losses beyond their control.
The National Association of ACOs (NAACOS) recently voiced these concerns in an email to CMS Administrator Seema Verma.. . READ MORE    

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NAACOS | March 19, 2020
During these difficult times for ACOs and the healthcare industry, NAACOS wanted to offer an update on how we're fighting for relief on behalf our membership in Washington, D.C. Earlier today, NAACOS sent letters co-signed by nine other leading organizations to both CMS and House and Senate leaders on Capitol Hill, asking for support and policy changes to address expected spending spikes and other challenges related to COVID-19. spending spikes and other challenges related to COVID-19... READ MORE    

FierceHealthcare | March 15, 2020    
Accountable care organizations (ACOs) are seeking flexibility from the Trump administration on mitigating any financial losses that could arise from treating the burgeoning coronavirus outbreak.  The concerns come as the coronavirus has spread to more than 1,200 people across the country and has healthcare facilities worried about being overwhelmed. ACOs are in a particularly difficult situation as they are on the hook for paying back Medicare if healthcare costs skyrocket. . . READ MORE    

Exhibitor Spotlight

BRG's Performance Improvement healthcare practice provides ACO clients with extensive health care industry expertise combined with data-driven, objective, and innovative advice for their most complex problems. BRG advises hospitals as they transition from the historical fee for service reimbursement models to quality and value-based care. Our experts provide proven results driven by a comprehensive approach, implemented focus and bottom line impacts. 
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