The COVID-19 outbreak will potentially boost Medicare spending over the next year from $38.5 billion to $115.4 billion, a new analysis found.
The analysis released Wednesday by the National Association of Accountable Care Organizations also found that the increase in spending would lead to major losses for ACOs in models that take on financial risk. It also found a major burden on Medicare Advantage plans...
National projections suggest that hospitals may be overwhelmed with patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection in the coming months. Appropriately, much attention has addressed the acute challenges in caring for this surge of critically ill patients. What has received less attention, however, is what happens as patients-most of whom will recover, even in the highest-risk groups-begin to do so. Many patients with COVID-19 will need postacute care to recuperate from their infection...READ MORE
The Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology's (ONC) interoperability rule should weight the considerations of providers focused on advanced payment methods (APMs) and value-based care models, Clif Gaus, SD, president and CEO of NAACOS, wrote in a letter to ONC.
In early March, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) finalized the ONC interoperability rule, aiming to provide patients with more control of their health data and to eradicate information blocking.
By now the world knows that COVID-19 is a game-changer. Among a multitude of other events the pandemic has motivated the cancellation or rescheduling of HIMS20, NAACOs and nearly 30 other healthcare conferences.
NAACOS and several other venues are responding with the prospect of offering virtual conferences. That option may or may not work for educational purposes, but what about the exhibit halls historically associated with these conferences (which help fund these events)?... READ MORE
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PointRight analytics can help you create and manage high-performance networks for post-acute and long-term care. Get a view of performance across your network using market-leading analytics and share these insights with your providers to ensure transparency and mitigate risk. Take the "risk" out of risk-sharing.
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