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Healthcare Innovation | September 19, 2021
Speaking during a Sept. 15 eHealth Initiative panel discussion, Devdutta Sangvai, M.D., M.B.A., executive director of Duke Connected Care, said clinicians are under such stress during the pandemic that value-based care initiatives need to focus on enhancing efficiency to ease their burden. “If you can create efficiency in your value-based model, I think you're likely to get better provider mindshare,” he said.
Managed Healthcare Executive | September 13, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has forever changed how healthcare is and will be delivered in the future, Scott Gottlieb, M.D., former commissioner of the FDA, said during his keynote address today at the 2021 Pharmacy Benefit Management Institute®Annual National Conference in Orlando, Florida. The future of healthcare is going to be very different from what it is now, he said, and that doesn’t only mean accelerating the adoption of telehealth. It is broader than that, and bringing diagnostic testing for COVID-19 into the home was just the beginning of this change, opening up a range of possibilities for healthcare delivery.
Accountable care organizations (ACOs) have been a large part of the transition away from fee-for-service payments, with the number of ACOs rapidly growing over the past decade. However, there has been a plateau in the number of ACOs since 2018, with ACO exits outweighing entrants for the past 2 years. From our analysis of Medicare Shared Savings Program data, we have found that one key category of ACOs has become less likely to join or remain an ACO: physician group–led ACOs. These lower entrance and survival rates are a problem for the ACO movement given the positive shared savings and quality results that many physician group–led ACOs have been able to achieve.
In 2016, Geisinger opened its Fresh Food Farmacy, a program that connects people with type 2 diabetes with fresh food weekly, social services and a care team to help them manage their health. The Pennsylvania-based health system started the program in an area that has high rates of diabetes and food insecurity, and so far, has seen promising results, including a bigger impact on participants’ hemoglobin A1c levels than medication.
Sponsored Webinars

The True Story of How One Health System moved the Patient Experience Needle
  • Topic: how to use digital outreach strategies and technology to coordinate communication, increase member experience and satisfaction, and improve CAHPS scores
Sponsored by: HealthCrowd
September 28, 2021 | 12 PM EST

Working Capital Options for ACOs
  • Topic: options for working capital that are available to ACOs, including traditional bank financing, accounts receivable line of credit or equity investment
October 6, 2021 | 1 PM EST


Highly-Personalized Patient Experiences: The Key to an Effective Engagement Strategy 
  • Topic: how to use clinical AI including multi-variate data approaches, omnichannel engagement strategies, and personalized virtual care experiences to understand and engage with more patients
Sponsored by: Mozzaz

Post-Acute Analytics – What’s in It for My ACO?
  • Topic: learning about types of post-acute analytics and their uses, building and sustaining SNF networks, preventing readmissions and adverse events, reducing total costs of care, and earning more shared savings.
Sponsored by: PointRight

Upcoming Conferences
NAACOS Fall 2021 Conference
September 29- October 1, 2021 | Washington D.C.

FLAACOS Fall Conference
November 4-5, 2021 | Orlando, FL (Live & Virtual)

American Physician Groups Annual Conference
December 9-11, 2021 | San Diego, CA

This week's focus: Closing the Care Gap with Diabetic Retinal Screenings
Each week we showcase one of our solution providers in a 4-5 minute interview and ask them what they bring to the ACO Community and what sets them apart. Today's guest:
Platinum Level Exhibitors
Thank you to our Platinum Level exhibitors. These organizations offer the absolute highest quality products & services to the ACO & IPA community. To learn more & visit their interactive booths, click on the logos below:
Gold Level Exhibitors
Thank you to our Gold Level exhibitors. To learn more & visit their interactive booths, click on the logos below:
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