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The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the healthcare industry dramatically. We all have loved ones affected by COVID-19 whether they are on the front-line fighting for us or they are patients trying to fight off the virus themselves. A significant focus has deservedly gone towards disease prevention and progression, but little time has been devoted to discussions around what the outlook looks like for value-based-care organizations, specifically ACOs..
COVID-19 continues its inexorable, exponential spread here in the U.S. Hospitals in New York City, now accounting for more than 7% of confirmed cases worldwide, have less than a quarter of the critical equipment and supplies needed to serve an overwhelming surge of patients. Our health care providers are facing impossible choices, even considering universal Do Not Resuscitate orders for patients with COVID-19..
June 3-5, 2020 | Austin, TX
June 10-12, 2020 | Washington, DC
NAACOS Fall 2020 Conference
September 23-25, 2020 |
Washington, DC
FierceHealthcare| April 21, 2020
Accountable care organizations are racing to implement telehealth and remote patient monitoring to coordinate care and stay afloat financially during the COVID-19 outbreak, a new survey found.
The survey of 20 ACOs led by researchers with Hamilton College and Within Health, a startup that helps ACOs with radiology workflow, explored strategies that ACOs are using to mitigate shared losses and how they plan to weather the financial crisis caused by the outbreak.
Health Affairs | April 15, 2020
This post is the second part of a two-part Health Affairs Blog series summarizing the coronavirus pandemic's impact and policy implications for payment reforms, notably the largest payment reform program in the country: ACOs. In Part 1, published yesterday, we assessed changes in use and financial impact on ACOs based on existing data, highlighting the significant uncertainty and risk of financial loss facing ACOs in the face of rapidly approaching deadlines to stay in the program or leave...
Exhibitor Spotlight
Poor Sleep is a public health epidemic and is associated with early mortality, heart attacks, strokes, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and depression.
BetterNight delivers providers with an integrated care pathway resulting in lower costs of care, improved outcomes and a better patient experience. Our virtual-care sleep solution addresses sleep apnea, insomnia, and sleep deprivation via a telehealth-based sleep apnea platform for diagnosis and treatment, a CBTi insomnia application, and population health education
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