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The National Association of Accountable Care Organizations (NAACOS) sent a letter on Monday congratulating Xavier Becerra, secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, on his recent confirmation. The letter also recommends a number of actions to help support accountable care organizations, as well as payment and delivery reform...
We are looking to hire a part-time administrative assistant (15-20hrs/wk) to work with our executive team. Competitive pay. Potential growth opportunity within the company available. Can be remote. Must be reliable, responsive, and adaptable. If this would be of interest to you or you have a good candidate in mind, please contact me directly for more information: [email protected]
Hospital CFO Report | March 22, 2021
CMS has been quietly reviewing several of its payment models to decide if they will be implemented. Below is a list of updates CMS has released about its payment models:

1. Primary Care First
CMS is reviewing the Primary Care First payment model’s seriously ill population component. The payment model component was slated to start April 1, but it will be delayed...
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has opened applications for the second cohort of the Primary Care First (PCF) value-based payment model which seeks to drive down costs and increase quality of care. As the healthcare industry moves toward value-based care delivery, the PCF model will explore if switching from fee-for-service to Medicare performance-based payments could increase quality of care and reduce overall Medicare costs...
Upcoming Conferences

NAACOs Spring 2021 Conference
April 20-30 2021 (Virtual)

11th National ACO Summit
September 20-23, 2021 (Virtual)

Our guest this week:
The Accountable Care Learning Collaborative (ACLC) is a non-profit organization focused on accelerating industry readiness for success in value. In our collaborative forums, members contribute their understanding and experience in the real world of value-based care implementation and this information is distilled into functional resources for the entire industry. With its competency-based framework for health value, the ACLC is working with healthcare organizations all over the country to create the workforce of tomorrow.
Platinum Level Exhibitors
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Gold Level Exhibitors
Thank you to our Gold Level exhibitors. To learn more & visit their interactive booths, click on the logos below:

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