There is no denying that COVID-19 threw an unexpected wrinkle into value-based care (VBC) contracts-but it might not be exactly the wrinkle we thought we'd see. Initial concerns that COVID-19 might scuttle VBC have calmed, largely due to Medicare's efforts to work with providers carrying downside risk...READ MORE
The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has necessitated an unprecedented level of innovation and redesign. One prominent manifestation is the catalyst of telehealth from fringe to mainstream. The impact of telehealth on quality and cost of care remains largely unknown. As policies facilitating this transition are set to expire with the public health emergency declaration, important decisions regarding its future role are in a state of flux...READ MORE
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Innovations in managing serious mental illness: The hidden key to cutting the cost curve
NAACOS reported that Medicare's largest alternative payment model by far had another record year of savings while continuing to provide high-quality care, as shown by data on 2019 performance released by CMS. The Medicare Shared Savings Program, the accountable care organization (ACO) model that served 11.2 million seniors in 2019, collectively saved Medicare $2.6 billion last year, and $1.2 billion after accounting for shared savings bonuses and collecting shared loss payments...READ MORE
Providers are fiercely opposing changes in two CMS payment rules for 2021, decrying physician rate cuts amid the COVID-19 pandemic, pushing for more telehealth flexibility and urging a stop to a controversial plan to eliminate the list of procedures that can be done on an inpatient-only basis...READ MORE
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