Marshall G. Solomon, DPM
I was born and raised in the Detroit, Michigan area and graduated from Wayne State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology and minor in Biology and Chemistry in 1969. I attended the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine (Kent State University College of Podiatric Medicine) and graduated in 1973. I completed my podiatric residency training at Warren Memorial Hospital in Warren Michigan and went into clinical practice with my partner Charles Young, DPM in 1975.

I have been involved in podiatric residency training, initially teaching faculty in my community hospitals and eventually served as Director of Podiatric Residency Education at Botsford General Hospital; now Beaumont Farmington Hills. Over the last 40 plus years in podiatric residency training I have had the privilege to mentor and train over 120 podiatric residents. In the last 30 years, I have been involved in graduate education and administration serving as both a Program Director in a PMSR/RRA residency program and serving as chair of the COTH and AACPM. My interest has always been podiatric residency education and being involved at multiple levels of graduate podiatric medical education development. This has been one of the highlights of my career.

I continue to enjoy a successful professional career with terrific partners in both private clinical/surgical practice and hospital-based residency education. The greatest and most rewarding has been the involvement in the clinical and surgical development of young podiatric resident physicians. Mentoring at this level of the educational continuum is my way of giving back to my profession.

I currently serve as a member of the Board of Directors of the ACPM, sharing the knowledge I have gained over the years in both private practice, residency education and leadership on the hospital and national level. It continues to be a rewarding challenge and motivation to enhance podiatric medical education through the ACPM-focused educational resources and working with committed board member leadership. I share the same mission of Education, Research and Advocacy and I am proud to serve as a Fellow of the college.  
Looking Forward: Thoughts from Dr. Solomon....
  • What are your hopes for the podiatric profession moving forward?
  • What role do you feel the ACPM should play to enhance the profession?
I feel with our current college of Podiatric Medicine education and Residency training that parity with allopathic and osteopathic medicine is in sight. I feel that the colleges of podiatric medicine can adjust their educational courses to include those area; i.e. women's health and psychiatry behavioral science to meet Comlex (Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination) and allopathic medical boards parts 1-3 to achieve parity. Our podiatric education on the college level and residency graduate level is similar and should be recognized as competent. I have always believed that the DPM degree with current training in our hospitals makes graduating DPM's well prepared to treat and protect the public.

We (ACPM) are the College that supports podiatric medicine, which is a very important part of what makes podiatry special and provide the needed knowledge of care for patients that have lower extremity manifestations that can be taken care of by our specialty. ACPM is charged with the responsibility to provide our membership with the educational resources that will enhance that knowledge, skills and professional attitudes in podiatric medical care.

- Marshall G. Solomon, DPM
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[email protected] | (213) 336-4300
1060 Aviation Blvd., Suite 100
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
ACPM enhances and advocates for the practice of podiatric medicine by providing innovative education and promoting podiatric physicians in public health and welfare.